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A resting spot for weary Patriots.
The best is yet to come. 🇺🇲

TruthSocial: @DaneanHere
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I read an interesting stat on the online bulletin board in prison: 86% of female inmates have been victims of violent sexual assault. All races.

All female inmates are questioned about their sexual abuse history at intake. There's supposed to be counseling for this. There isn't.
Happy Sunday! Make time to unplug and enjoy the gifts God has given us. 🙏
Happy Sunday! 🙏❤️

I hope you unplugged and spent time enjoying the gifts God gave us.
FCI Dublin Prison Closure Update:

The prison is now empty. All of the women have been transferred or released.

Thank you to those who prayed for them. I really appreciate your prayers!

ICYMI, I served 78 days in federal prison for J6 misdemeanors. I am 56 and have no criminal record. The prison I was in four months ago, FCI Dublin, was just shut down due to staff corruption and unsafe conditions. It now sits empty.

I'm feeling reflective, so I wanted to share a story:

The prison phones were disabled each night. They turned back on at 6AM.

Every morning at 5:50AM, my first cell mate's alarm would awaken me. At exactly 6AM, she was on the phone calling her ill mom in WV. Her mom is her best friend. They shared their lives with each other the best they could under the circumstances. She never missed a day.

Our cell was near the phone, so like it or not, I overheard their conversations every morning - their laughter, their arguments, their stories, their tears, all of it. It was real and raw and beautiful.

I couldn't help but hear so many inmates' "private" conversations because my cell was near the phone. I was there for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. So many raw moments.

I used to say things about inmates like, "They earned this" (not knowing what "this" was), and "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime."

I didn't understand that by saying and believing these things so unquestioningly, I was viewing inmates as "others." I didn't see them as individuals with lives and relationships, dreams and fears, hopes and regrets. I didn't realize I was further dehumanizing them by "othering" them. Then I was one of them. And for the first time in my life, I truly saw them.

I hope that this post can maybe help you see them, too.
It's really nice closing my eyes and envisioning every cell and every building at FCI Dublin being vacant. I like to walk around there in my mind. Feels good.

Much respect to the courageous inmates who spoke out against their rapes by staff, despite the retaliation. I hope to never stop giving them a bigger voice.

Happy Sunday! 🙏

"And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith!" Matthew 6: 28-30
Happy Sunday! 🙏

God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. John 3:17
Happy Sunday! 🙏❤️
Abundant, rich soil produces beautiful flowers. But how much more lovely are those that thrive in scant conditions?
Happy Sunday! I hope you are taking time to enjoy the gifts God has given us. 🙏❤️
May you have a meaningful Memorial Day and may God bless our fallen and their families. 🇺🇸
Feeling grateful.

Tonight marks nine years since my dad went to Heaven.

One of his plants is blooming in my yard right now. This flower is as big as my hand.
Almost three years later, it still blows me away that the FBI used a screenshot from my video of a protester fist-bumping a Capitol Police officer in my Statement of Facts.

I saw zero violence. This was brought up repeatedly in my bench trial. I was sentenced to prison anyway.
I realized I forgot to share my most recent interview here.

ICYMI, I was charged with the four standard J6-related non-violent misdemeanors. I refused the plea deal, had a bench trial, was deemed guilty of all four and was sentenced to three months in federal prison. @NotRadix (on X) interviewed me about my prison experience. I hope you'll listen.
