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Mana yana navbatdagi dalillar๐
Kanaldegi algortim orqali 200-500 ming so'mdan ortiq daromad ko'rishingiz mumkin ๐ค
Mana ushbu skrinlarni ko'rilar, yutkan pullarini o'z plastik kartasiga chiqarib olishga ham ulgurishmoqda ๐ฐ
Agarda siz ham shunday pul ishlashni istasez manga yozing, barcha shartlarni tushuntirib beraman
๐ฒ @Shoxrux_Kazino
Kanaldegi algortim orqali 200-500 ming so'mdan ortiq daromad ko'rishingiz mumkin ๐ค
Mana ushbu skrinlarni ko'rilar, yutkan pullarini o'z plastik kartasiga chiqarib olishga ham ulgurishmoqda ๐ฐ
Agarda siz ham shunday pul ishlashni istasez manga yozing, barcha shartlarni tushuntirib beraman
๐ฒ @Shoxrux_Kazino
โโAssalomu aleykumโ
Do'stlar, kim bugun yahshi pul ishlashni istaydi?
Hozir judayam zo'r sxemani tekshirvoman, natijalar BOMBA ๐ฃ Kim ro'yxatdan o'tmagan bolsa tezroq o'tilar. Bugun faqat MEGA WIN chiqadi๐ฐ
Savollar va fikrlar uchun๐
@Shoxrux_Kazino ๐ธ
Do'stlar, kim bugun yahshi pul ishlashni istaydi?
Hozir judayam zo'r sxemani tekshirvoman, natijalar BOMBA ๐ฃ Kim ro'yxatdan o'tmagan bolsa tezroq o'tilar. Bugun faqat MEGA WIN chiqadi๐ฐ
Savollar va fikrlar uchun๐
@Shoxrux_Kazino ๐ธ
The account of the user that owns this channel has been inactive for the last 11 months. If it remains inactive in the next 17 days, that account will self-destruct and this channel may no longer have an owner.
The account of the user that owns this channel has been inactive for the last 11 months. If it remains inactive in the next 9 days, that account will self-destruct and this channel may no longer have an owner.