🇮🇹 #it L'AGENDA DEL GARANTE - Gli eventi a cui partecipano i Componenti del Collegio - Appuntamenti fino al 25 maggio
💬 THE GUARANTOR'S AGENDA - The events attended by the members of the Board - Appointments until 25 May
🗓 28/04/2022
💬 THE GUARANTOR'S AGENDA - The events attended by the members of the Board - Appointments until 25 May
🗓 28/04/2022
🇱🇹 #lt Atvirų durų dienos Valstybinėje duomenų apsaugos inspekcijoje
💬 Open days at the State Data Protection Inspectorate
🗓 29/04/2022
💬 Open days at the State Data Protection Inspectorate
🗓 29/04/2022
🇮🇹 #it Le Autorità di protezione dati che compongono l’EDPB hanno deciso di cooperare più strettamente sui casi strategici
💬 The data protection authorities that make up the EDPB have decided to cooperate more closely on strategic cases
🗓 29/04/2022
💬 The data protection authorities that make up the EDPB have decided to cooperate more closely on strategic cases
🗓 29/04/2022
🇮🇹 #it AVVISO – Procedura di mobilità volontaria per la copertura di quattro posti di dirigente con competenza specifica in materia di protezione dei dati personali
💬 NOTICE - Voluntary mobility procedure for the filling of four executive positions with specific competence in the field of personal data protection
🗓 02/05/2022
💬 NOTICE - Voluntary mobility procedure for the filling of four executive positions with specific competence in the field of personal data protection
🗓 02/05/2022
🇮🇹 #it AVVISO – Procedura di mobilità volontaria per la copertura di venti posti di funzionario con competenza specifica in materia di protezione dei dati personali
💬 NOTICE - Voluntary mobility procedure for the filling of twenty official posts with specific competence in the field of personal data protection
🗓 02/05/2022
💬 NOTICE - Voluntary mobility procedure for the filling of twenty official posts with specific competence in the field of personal data protection
🗓 02/05/2022
🇪🇸 #es Compartir contenidos de manera responsable a través de WhatsApp
💬 Share content responsibly through WhatsApp
🗓 03/05/2022
💬 Share content responsibly through WhatsApp
🗓 03/05/2022
🇮🇹 #it L'AGENDA DEL GARANTE - Gli eventi a cui partecipano i Componenti del Collegio - Appuntamenti fino al 14 giugno
💬 THE GUARANTOR'S AGENDA - The events attended by the members of the Board - Appointments until June 14th
🗓 03/05/2022
💬 THE GUARANTOR'S AGENDA - The events attended by the members of the Board - Appointments until June 14th
🗓 03/05/2022
🇮🇹 #it L'AGENDA DEL GARANTE - Gli eventi a cui partecipano i Componenti del Collegio - Appuntamenti fino al 14 giugno
💬 THE GUARANTOR'S AGENDA - The events attended by the members of the Board - Appointments until June 14th
🗓 03/05/2022
💬 THE GUARANTOR'S AGENDA - The events attended by the members of the Board - Appointments until June 14th
🗓 03/05/2022
🇮🇹 #it Scuola: rating reputazionale sotto la lente del Garante privacy. Avviata istruttoria su una piattaforma rivolta agli studenti
💬 School: reputation rating under the lens of the Privacy Guarantor. Investigation started on a platform aimed at students
🗓 03/05/2022
💬 School: reputation rating under the lens of the Privacy Guarantor. Investigation started on a platform aimed at students
🗓 03/05/2022
🇮🇹 #it Scuola: rating reputazionale sotto la lente del Garante privacy. Avviata istruttoria su una piattaforma rivolta agli studenti
💬 School: reputation rating under the lens of the Privacy Guarantor. Investigation started on a platform aimed at students
🗓 03/05/2022
💬 School: reputation rating under the lens of the Privacy Guarantor. Investigation started on a platform aimed at students
🗓 03/05/2022
🇵🇱 #pl Organy ochrony danych zadecydowały o ściślejszej współpracy w sprawach strategicznych
💬 Data protection authorities decided to cooperate more closely on strategic matters
🗓 04/05/2022
💬 Data protection authorities decided to cooperate more closely on strategic matters
🗓 04/05/2022
🇪🇸 #es Nueva sección sobre salud y protección de datos
💬 New section on health and data protection
🗓 04/05/2022
💬 New section on health and data protection
🗓 04/05/2022
🇱🇹 #lt Vertinimo apklausa „SolPriPa 2 WORK“ projekto mokymų „Asmens duomenų apsauga darbo santykių kontekste“ dalyviams
💬 Evaluation survey for participants of the SolPriPa 2 WORK project training "Protection of personal data in the context of employment"
🗓 05/05/2022
💬 Evaluation survey for participants of the SolPriPa 2 WORK project training "Protection of personal data in the context of employment"
🗓 05/05/2022
🇧🇬 #bg Европейският комитет по защита на данните все решение за по-тясно сътрудничество по стратегически дела
💬 The European Data Protection Board is increasingly deciding on closer cooperation on strategic matters
🗓 05/05/2022
💬 The European Data Protection Board is increasingly deciding on closer cooperation on strategic matters
🗓 05/05/2022
🇮🇹 #it E' online "GPDP Digest" di APRILE - La sintesi mensile dei principali interventi del Garante e delle principali attività di EDPB e EDPS
💬 APRIL "GPDP Digest" is online - The monthly summary of the main interventions of the Guarantor and the main activities of EDPB and EDPS
🗓 05/05/2022
💬 APRIL "GPDP Digest" is online - The monthly summary of the main interventions of the Guarantor and the main activities of EDPB and EDPS
🗓 05/05/2022
🇮🇹 #it E' online "GPDP Digest" di APRILE - La sintesi mensile dei principali interventi del Garante e delle principali attività di EDPB e EDPS
💬 APRIL "GPDP Digest" is online - The monthly summary of the main interventions of the Guarantor and the main activities of EDPB and EDPS
🗓 05/05/2022
💬 APRIL "GPDP Digest" is online - The monthly summary of the main interventions of the Guarantor and the main activities of EDPB and EDPS
🗓 05/05/2022
🇮🇹 #it Telemarketing: al via i lavori per il codice di condotta
💬 Telemarketing: work on the code of conduct has begun
🗓 05/05/2022
💬 Telemarketing: work on the code of conduct has begun
🗓 05/05/2022