Data Protection Authorities News
510 subscribers
3.6K links
🇪🇺 European DPAs News Aggregator (Beta).

🗞 Sources:
🔹 the EDPS;
🔸 the EDPB (+WP29);
🔹 the 27 national (+UK) Data Protection Authorities.

🗂 Archive starting from 01/2016.

👨🏻‍💻 Creator/Admin: @ebobferraris
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🇮🇹 #it Cookie e privacy: le novità per gli utenti. Il video informativo del Garante
💬 Cookies and privacy: news for users. The informative video of the Guarantor

🗓 15/04/2022
🇮🇹 #it Referendum, Cerrina Feroni: “Non a priori il no Garante, ma fare insieme una piattaforma privacy by design - Intervista al vice Presidente del Garante - Key4Biz
💬 Referendum, Cerrina Feroni: "Not a priori the no Guarantor, but to create a privacy by design platform together - Interview with the Vice President of the Guarantor - Key4Biz

🗓 15/04/2022
🇪🇸 #es Brechas de datos personales: entornos de desarrollo y preproducción
💬 Personal data breaches: development and pre-production environments

🗓 18/04/2022
🇮🇹 #it L'AGENDA DEL GARANTE - Gli eventi a cui partecipano i Componenti del Collegio - Appuntamenti fino al 25 maggio
💬 THE GUARANTOR'S AGENDA - The events attended by the members of the Board - Appointments until 25 May

🗓 19/04/2022
🇧🇬 #bg Комисията за защита на личните данни е отличена от Съюза на юристите в България
💬 The Commission for Personal Data Protection has been awarded by the Union of Lawyers in Bulgaria

🗓 19/04/2022
🇳🇱 #nl Jaarverslag AP: Wetsvoorstellen kabinet te vaak vrijbrief voor verzamelen persoonsgegevens
💬 AP annual report: Cabinet legislative proposals too often free to collect personal data

🗓 19/04/2022
🇳🇱 #nl Meldformulier datalekken offline 21-28 april 2022
💬 Data breach notification form offline April 21-28, 2022

🗓 19/04/2022
🇮🇹 #it I suggerimenti del Garante per tutelare la tua privacy quando pubblichi immagini online - IL VADEMECUM E IL VIDEO INFORMATIVO DEL GARANTE
💬 The Guarantor's suggestions to protect your privacy when you publish images online - THE VADEMECUM AND THE GUARANTOR'S INFORMATION VIDEO

🗓 20/04/2022
🇫🇷 #fr Fuite de données de santé : sanction de 1,5 million d’euros à l’encontre de la société DEDALUS BIOLOGIE
💬 Leak of health data: fine of 1.5 million euros against the company DEDALUS BIOLOGY

🗓 21/04/2022
🇪🇸 #es La AEPD es la autoridad independiente que más crece en la valoración de cumplimiento de la Ley de Transparencia
💬 The AEPD is the independent authority that has grown the most in assessing compliance with the Transparency Law

🗓 21/04/2022
🇳🇱 #nl AP kritisch over voorstel afpakken 'criminele' goederen van mensen die niet veroordeeld zijn
💬 AP critical of proposal to take 'criminal' goods from people who have not been convicted

🗓 21/04/2022
🇳🇱 #nl Save the date: Dag van de FG op 12 oktober 2022
💬 Save the date: Day of the FG on October 12, 2022

🗓 21/04/2022
🇮🇹 #it Garante privacy e Università di Firenze insieme per promuovere la cultura della protezione dati e l’educazione digitale. Firmato domani, venerdì 22 aprile, il Protocollo d’intesa
💬 Privacy Guarantor and University of Florence together to promote the culture of data protection and digital education. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed tomorrow, Friday 22 April

🗓 21/04/2022
🇮🇹 #it Garante privacy e Università di Firenze insieme per promuovere la cultura della protezione dati e l’educazione digitale. Firmato domani, venerdì 22 aprile, il Protocollo d’intesa
💬 Privacy Guarantor and University of Florence together to promote the culture of data protection and digital education. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed tomorrow, Friday 22 April

🗓 21/04/2022
🇮🇹 #it L'AGENDA DEL GARANTE - Gli eventi a cui partecipano i Componenti del Collegio - Appuntamenti fino al 25 maggio
💬 THE GUARANTOR'S AGENDA - The events attended by the members of the Board - Appointments until 25 May

🗓 22/04/2022
🇫🇷 #fr L’enregistrement des conversations téléphoniques afin d’établir la preuve de la formation d’un contrat
💬 The recording of telephone conversations in order to establish proof of the formation of a contract

🗓 25/04/2022
🇱🇹 #lt Ieškome Valstybinės duomenų apsaugos inspekcijos Administravimo skyriaus pakaitinio valstybės tarnautojo
💬 We are looking for a substitute civil servant for the Administration Division of the State Data Protection Inspectorate

🗓 26/04/2022
🇬🇧 #gb Director's Update - Why Covid-19 has shown the FOI Act has never been more important to UK society

🗓 27/04/2022
🇱🇹 #lt Ieškome 4 kolegų dirbti Valstybinės duomenų apsaugos inspekcijos Teisės skyriuje
💬 We are looking for 4 colleagues to work in the Legal Department of the State Data Protection Inspectorate

🗓 27/04/2022
🇱🇹 #lt Ieškome 2 kolegų teisininkų dirbti Valstybinės duomenų apsaugos inspekcijos Priežiūros skyriuje
💬 We are looking for 2 fellow lawyers to work in the Supervision Division of the State Data Protection Inspectorate

🗓 27/04/2022