Data Protection Authorities News
512 subscribers
3.6K links
🇪🇺 European DPAs News Aggregator (Beta).

🗞 Sources:
🔹 the EDPS;
🔸 the EDPB (+WP29);
🔹 the 27 national (+UK) Data Protection Authorities.

🗂 Archive starting from 01/2016.

👨🏻‍💻 Creator/Admin: @ebobferraris
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🇸🇰 #sk Fungovanie podateľne úradu pre verejnosť
💬 Functioning of the filing office for the public

🗓 21/01/2022
🇸🇰 #sk Aktualizované (uzavreté) : Výzva na predkladanie návrhov na kandidáta na predsedu Úradu na ochranu osobných údajov Slovenskej republiky
💬 Updated (closed): Call for proposals for the candidate for President of the Office for Personal Data Protection of the Slovak Republic

🗓 28/01/2022