🇪🇸 #es Convocatoria para la provisión, mediante personal interino, del puesto de trabajo vacante de Técnico/a de Documentación e Información para la Agencia Vasca de Protección de Datos
💬 Call for the provision, through interim staff, of the vacant job of Documentation and Information Technician for the Basque Data Protection Agency
🗓 31/03/2022
💬 Call for the provision, through interim staff, of the vacant job of Documentation and Information Technician for the Basque Data Protection Agency
🗓 31/03/2022
🇮🇹 #it Il phishing è una tecnica illecita utilizzata per appropriarsi di informazioni e dati relativi a una persona, un ente o un’azienda - LA PAGINA INFORMATIVA DEL GARANTE
💬 Phishing is an illegal technique used to steal information and data relating to a person, entity or company - THE GUARANTOR'S INFORMATION PAGE
🗓 31/03/2022
💬 Phishing is an illegal technique used to steal information and data relating to a person, entity or company - THE GUARANTOR'S INFORMATION PAGE
🗓 31/03/2022
🇧🇬 #bg Представители на КЗЛД участваха в семинар на тема „Правата на децата в цифрова среда и практики по превенция на насилието”
💬 Representatives of the CPDP participated in a seminar on "Children's rights in the digital environment and violence prevention practices"
🗓 31/03/2022
💬 Representatives of the CPDP participated in a seminar on "Children's rights in the digital environment and violence prevention practices"
🗓 31/03/2022
🇬🇧 #gb ICO fines company for sending thousands of spam text messages during the pandemic
🗓 31/03/2022
🗓 31/03/2022
🇱🇺 #lu Collecte d'images pour Apple Maps au Luxembourg
💬 Collection of images for Apple Maps in Luxembourg
🗓 01/04/2022
💬 Collection of images for Apple Maps in Luxembourg
🗓 01/04/2022
🇮🇹 #it E' online "GPDP Digest" di MARZO - La sintesi mensile dei principali interventi del Garante e delle principali attività di EDPB e EDPS
💬 "GPDP Digest" of MARCH is online - The monthly summary of the main interventions of the Guarantor and the main activities of EDPB and EDPS
🗓 04/04/2022
💬 "GPDP Digest" of MARCH is online - The monthly summary of the main interventions of the Guarantor and the main activities of EDPB and EDPS
🗓 04/04/2022
🇱🇹 #lt Pratęstas anketų pildymas dėl mokymų smulkiojo ir vidutinio verslo atstovams, sprendžiantiems savo organizacijos darbuotojų asmens duomenų tvarkymo klausimus
💬 Extended completion of questionnaires on training for small and medium-sized businesses dealing with the processing of personal data of employees of their organization
🗓 04/04/2022
💬 Extended completion of questionnaires on training for small and medium-sized businesses dealing with the processing of personal data of employees of their organization
🗓 04/04/2022
🇮🇹 #it "25 anni di Privacy in Italia". Il Garante presenta il volume che racconta la storia di un diritto fondamentale. A Roma, il 6 aprile alla presenza della Ministra Elena Bonetti e della Sottosegretaria Anna Macina
💬 "25 years of Privacy in Italy". The Guarantor presents the volume that tells the story of a fundamental right. In Rome, on 6 April in the presence of Minister Elena Bonetti and Undersecretary Anna Macina
🗓 04/04/2022
💬 "25 years of Privacy in Italy". The Guarantor presents the volume that tells the story of a fundamental right. In Rome, on 6 April in the presence of Minister Elena Bonetti and Undersecretary Anna Macina
🗓 04/04/2022
🇱🇺 #lu Coronavirus (COVID-19): Recommandations de la CNPD relatives à la collecte de données personnelles dans un contexte de crise sanitaire
💬 Coronavirus (COVID-19): CNPD recommendations relating to the collection of personal data in the context of a health crisis
🗓 04/04/2022
💬 Coronavirus (COVID-19): CNPD recommendations relating to the collection of personal data in the context of a health crisis
🗓 04/04/2022
🇵🇱 #pl O ochronie danych osobowych uchodźców podczas Forum IOD
💬 On the protection of personal data of refugees during the DPO Forum
🗓 04/04/2022
💬 On the protection of personal data of refugees during the DPO Forum
🗓 04/04/2022
🇧🇪 #be Contrôles de température : les aéroports de Zaventem et Charleroi mis à l’amende
💬 Temperature checks: Zaventem and Charleroi airports fined
🗓 04/04/2022
💬 Temperature checks: Zaventem and Charleroi airports fined
🗓 04/04/2022
🇵🇱 #pl O ochronie danych osobowych osób przybywających z Ukrainy podczas Forum IOD
💬 On the protection of personal data of persons coming from Ukraine during the DPO Forum
🗓 04/04/2022
💬 On the protection of personal data of persons coming from Ukraine during the DPO Forum
🗓 04/04/2022
🇮🇹 #it "25 anni di Privacy in Italia". Il Garante presenta il volume che racconta la storia di un diritto fondamentale. A Roma, il 6 aprile alla presenza della Ministra Elena Bonetti e della Sottosegretaria Anna Macina
💬 "25 years of Privacy in Italy". The Guarantor presents the volume that tells the story of a fundamental right. In Rome, on 6 April in the presence of Minister Elena Bonetti and Undersecretary Anna Macina
🗓 05/04/2022
💬 "25 years of Privacy in Italy". The Guarantor presents the volume that tells the story of a fundamental right. In Rome, on 6 April in the presence of Minister Elena Bonetti and Undersecretary Anna Macina
🗓 05/04/2022
🇸🇰 #sk Rozhodnutie SD EÚ vo veci Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens
💬 Decision of the ECJ in the case of Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens
🗓 05/04/2022
💬 Decision of the ECJ in the case of Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens
🗓 05/04/2022
🇬🇧 #gb ICO statement on California's plans to introduce new bill to protect children’s data online
🗓 05/04/2022
🗓 05/04/2022
🇫🇷 #fr Intelligence artificielle : la CNIL publie un ensemble de ressources pour le grand public et les professionnels
💬 Artificial intelligence: the CNIL publishes a set of resources for the general public and professionals
🗓 05/04/2022
💬 Artificial intelligence: the CNIL publishes a set of resources for the general public and professionals
🗓 05/04/2022
🇮🇹 #it Stanzione, in 25 anni privacy diventata diritto di tutti Garante all'ANSA, "in guerra si eviti la pornografia del dolore" - Intevista a Pasquale Stanzione - Agenzia ANSA
💬 Stanzione, in 25 years privacy has become the right of all Guarantor to ANSA, "in war the pornography of pain should be avoided" - Interview with Pasquale Stanzione - Agenzia ANSA
🗓 05/04/2022
💬 Stanzione, in 25 years privacy has become the right of all Guarantor to ANSA, "in war the pornography of pain should be avoided" - Interview with Pasquale Stanzione - Agenzia ANSA
🗓 05/04/2022
🇫🇷 #fr Clôture de l’injonction prononcée à l’encontre de SPARTOO
💬 Closing of the injunction issued against SPARTOO
🗓 06/04/2022
💬 Closing of the injunction issued against SPARTOO
🗓 06/04/2022
🇳🇱 #nl Boete voor Buitenlandse Zaken: visumaanvragen slecht beveiligd en informatie over delen gegevens met andere partijen ontoereikend
💬 Fine for Foreign Affairs: visa applications poorly secured and information about sharing data with other parties insufficient
🗓 06/04/2022
💬 Fine for Foreign Affairs: visa applications poorly secured and information about sharing data with other parties insufficient
🗓 06/04/2022