Data Protection Authorities News
510 subscribers
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🇪🇺 European DPAs News Aggregator (Beta).

🗞 Sources:
🔹 the EDPS;
🔸 the EDPB (+WP29);
🔹 the 27 national (+UK) Data Protection Authorities.

🗂 Archive starting from 01/2016.

👨🏻‍💻 Creator/Admin: @ebobferraris
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🇮🇹 #it L'AGENDA DEL GARANTE - Gli eventi a cui partecipano i Componenti del Collegio - Appuntamenti fino all'11 aprile
💬 THE GUARANTOR'S AGENDA - The events attended by the members of the Board - Appointments until 11 April

🗓 25/03/2022
🇮🇹 #it Quando insegui Cupido online, fai attenzione alla privacy! Dating online e protezione dei dati - LA CAMPAGNA INFORMATIVA DEL GARANTE
💬 When chasing Cupid online, beware of privacy! Online dating and data protection - THE GUARANTOR'S INFORMATION CAMPAIGN

🗓 25/03/2022
🇧🇬 #bg Комисията за защита на личните данни открива процедура за обществено обсъждане на проект на Правилник за изменение на Правилника за дейността на Комисията за защита на личните данни и нейната администрация
💬 The Commission for Personal Data Protection opens a procedure for public discussion of draft Rules for amendment of the Rules of Procedure of the Commission for Personal Data Protection and its administration

🗓 25/03/2022
🇧🇬 #bg Комисията за защита на личните данни отчете пред Народното събрание дейността си през 2021 година
💬 The Commission for Personal Data Protection reported to the National Assembly on its activities in 2021

🗓 25/03/2022
🇪🇸 #es Difusión de vídeos con contenido violento en redes sociales: denunciar donde corresponde
💬 Dissemination of videos with violent content on social networks: reporting where it belongs

🗓 25/03/2022
🇷🇴 #ro Comunicat Presa 28 03 2022
💬 Press Release 28 03 2022

🗓 28/03/2022
🇮🇹 #it L'AGENDA DEL GARANTE - Gli eventi a cui partecipano i Componenti del Collegio - Appuntamenti fino all'11 aprile
💬 THE GUARANTOR'S AGENDA - The events attended by the members of the Board - Appointments until 11 April

🗓 28/03/2022
🇮🇹 #it L'AGENDA DEL GARANTE - Gli eventi a cui partecipano i Componenti del Collegio - Appuntamenti fino all'11 aprile
💬 THE GUARANTOR'S AGENDA - The events attended by the members of the Board - Appointments until 11 April

🗓 28/03/2022
🇱🇹 #lt Planuojame nemokamus mokymus smulkiojo ir vidutinio verslo atstovams apie darbuotojų asmens duomenų apsaugą
💬 We are planning free training for small and medium-sized businesses on the protection of employees' personal data

🗓 28/03/2022
🇸🇰 #sk Verejná konzultácia EDPB k Usmerneniam pre temné vzory v rozhraniach platforiem sociálnych médií: Ako ich rozpoznať a vyhnúť sa im
💬 EDPB Public Consultation on Guidelines for Dark Patterns at Social Media Platform Interfaces: How to Recognize and Avoid Them

🗓 28/03/2022
🇵🇱 #pl Weryfikacja przestrzegania przepisów dotyczących inspektora ochrony danych
💬 Verification of compliance with the provisions relating to the data protection officer

🗓 30/03/2022
🇮🇹 #it L'AGENDA DEL GARANTE - Gli eventi a cui partecipano i Componenti del Collegio - Appuntamenti fino al 3 maggio
💬 THE AGENDA OF THE GUARANTOR - The events in which the members of the Board participate - Appointments until May 3rd

🗓 30/03/2022
🇵🇱 #pl Rozpoczęto konsultacje wytycznych EROD ws. „dark patterns”
💬 Consultation of the EDPB guidelines on "dark patterns" has been launched

🗓 31/03/2022
🇪🇸 #es Convocatoria para la provisión, mediante personal interino, del puesto de trabajo vacante de Técnico/a de Documentación e Información para la Agencia Vasca de Protección de Datos
💬 Call for the provision, through interim staff, of the vacant job of Documentation and Information Technician for the Basque Data Protection Agency

🗓 31/03/2022
🇮🇹 #it Il phishing è una tecnica illecita utilizzata per appropriarsi di informazioni e dati relativi a una persona, un ente o un’azienda - LA PAGINA INFORMATIVA DEL GARANTE
💬 Phishing is an illegal technique used to steal information and data relating to a person, entity or company - THE GUARANTOR'S INFORMATION PAGE

🗓 31/03/2022
🇧🇬 #bg Представители на КЗЛД участваха в семинар на тема „Правата на децата в цифрова среда и практики по превенция на насилието”
💬 Representatives of the CPDP participated in a seminar on "Children's rights in the digital environment and violence prevention practices"

🗓 31/03/2022
🇬🇧 #gb ICO statement on the Google Privacy Sandbox

🗓 31/03/2022
🇬🇧 #gb ICO fines company for sending thousands of spam text messages during the pandemic

🗓 31/03/2022
🇱🇺 #lu Collecte d'images pour Apple Maps au Luxembourg
💬 Collection of images for Apple Maps in Luxembourg

🗓 01/04/2022
🇮🇹 #it E' online "GPDP Digest" di MARZO - La sintesi mensile dei principali interventi del Garante e delle principali attività di EDPB e EDPS
💬 "GPDP Digest" of MARCH is online - The monthly summary of the main interventions of the Guarantor and the main activities of EDPB and EDPS

🗓 04/04/2022
🇱🇹 #lt Pratęstas anketų pildymas dėl mokymų smulkiojo ir vidutinio verslo atstovams, sprendžiantiems savo organizacijos darbuotojų asmens duomenų tvarkymo klausimus
💬 Extended completion of questionnaires on training for small and medium-sized businesses dealing with the processing of personal data of employees of their organization

🗓 04/04/2022