Data Protection Authorities News
510 subscribers
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🇪🇺 European DPAs News Aggregator (Beta).

🗞 Sources:
🔹 the EDPS;
🔸 the EDPB (+WP29);
🔹 the 27 national (+UK) Data Protection Authorities.

🗂 Archive starting from 01/2016.

👨🏻‍💻 Creator/Admin: @ebobferraris
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🇮🇹 #it Quando insegui Cupido online, fai attenzione alla privacy! Dating online e protezione dei dati
💬 When chasing Cupid online, beware of privacy! Online dating and data protection

🗓 14/02/2022
🇮🇹 #it Quando insegui Cupido online, fai attenzione alla privacy! Dating online e protezione dei dati
💬 When chasing Cupid online, beware of privacy! Online dating and data protection

🗓 14/02/2022
🇫🇷 #fr Euro numérique : quels enjeux pour la vie privée et la protection des données personnelles ?
💬 Digital Euro: what are the challenges for privacy and the protection of personal data?

🗓 14/02/2022
🇧🇪 #be L’APD participe à la première action coordonnée annuelle européenne sur l'utilisation du cloud par le secteur public
💬 The APD participates in the first European annual coordinated action on the use of the cloud by the public sector

🗓 15/02/2022
🇪🇸 #es La AEPD participa en la primera acción europea coordinada para analizar el uso de la nube en el sector público
💬 The AEPD participates in the first coordinated European action to analyze the use of the cloud in the public sector

🗓 15/02/2022
🇫🇷 #fr Thématiques prioritaires de contrôle 2022 : prospection commerciale, cloud et surveillance du télétravail
💬 Priority control topics for 2022: commercial prospecting, cloud and remote working monitoring

🗓 15/02/2022
🇮🇹 #it Cloud nella PA: i Garanti europei lanciano un'indagine coordinata
💬 Cloud in the PA: the European Guarantors launch a coordinated investigation

🗓 15/02/2022
🇱🇹 #lt Lietuva prisidės prie koordinuotų tikrinimų dėl asmens duomenų apsaugos viešajam sektoriui naudojantis debesijos paslaugomis
💬 Lithuania will contribute to coordinated inspections on the protection of personal data in the public sector using cloud services

🗓 15/02/2022
🇫🇷 #fr Santé : la CNIL lance une consultation publique sur deux projets de référentiels relatifs à l’accès précoce et l’accès compassionnel
💬 Health: the CNIL launches a public consultation on two draft standards relating to early access and compassionate access

🗓 15/02/2022
🇫🇷 #fr Santé : la CNIL lance une consultation publique sur deux projets de référentiels relatifs à l’accès précoce et l’accès compassionnel
💬 Health: the CNIL launches a public consultation on two draft standards relating to early access and compassionate access

🗓 15/02/2022
🇳🇱 #nl Privacytoezichthouders onderzoeken gebruik clouddiensten door overheidsinstellingen
💬 Privacy regulators investigate use of cloud services by government agencies

🗓 15/02/2022
🇫🇷 #fr Présidentielle 2022 : le plan d’action de la CNIL pour protéger les données des électeurs
💬 Presidential 2022: the CNIL action plan to protect voter data

🗓 16/02/2022
🇪🇸 #es Convocatoria para la provisión, por el sistema de libre designación, del puesto de trabajo de Secretario/a General para la Agencia Vasca de Protección de Datos
💬 Call for the provision, through the free appointment system, of the post of General Secretary for the Basque Data Protection Agency

🗓 16/02/2022
🇮🇹 #it Commissione parlamentare d’inchiesta sulla tutela dei consumatori e degli utenti. Audizione del Presidente del Garante per la protezione dei dati personali
💬 Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on Consumer and User Protection. Hearing of the President of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data

🗓 16/02/2022
🇱🇹 #lt Už melagingos informacijos teikimą asmens duomenų apsaugos priežiūros institucijai taikomos poveikio priemonės
💬 The provision of false information to the personal data protection supervisory authority shall be subject to sanctions

🗓 17/02/2022
🇫🇷 #fr La CNIL publie son plan stratégique 2022-2024
💬 The CNIL publishes its 2022-2024 strategic plan

🗓 17/02/2022
🇪🇸 #es La AEPD publica una lista de verificación para ayudar a los responsables a realizar evaluaciones de impacto
💬 The AEPD publishes a checklist to help those responsible for carrying out impact assessments

🗓 17/02/2022
🇬🇧 #gb Your views matter: Information Commissioner to conduct major listening exercise

🗓 17/02/2022
🇬🇧 #gb ICO statement on California's plans to introduce new bill to protect children’s data online

🗓 17/02/2022
🇧🇬 #bg Европейският комитет по защита на данните започна първото координирано правоприлагащо действие относно използването на облачните услуги от публичния сектор
💬 European Data Protection Board launches first coordinated enforcement action on the use of public cloud services

🗓 17/02/2022
🇱🇹 #lt Už melagingos informacijos teikimą asmens duomenų apsaugos priežiūros institucija taikė poveikio priemones
💬 The Personal Data Protection Supervisor imposed sanctions for providing false information

🗓 17/02/2022