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Forwarded from Vakulinchuk
‼️EEUU mueve sus biolaboratorios de guerra a países de Asia Central fronterizos con la Federación Rusa

En el contexto de los acontecimientos en la región de Járkov y el contraataque ucraniano, la interesante información de que EEUU se está moviendo activamente sus biolaboratorios desde Ucrania hasta los países de la CEI (principalmente Asia Central)

Hay planes para trabajar con patógenos, cuyo uso puede disfrazarse de brotes naturales. Como el cólera, la tularemia, la peste, la fiebre del Congo-Crimea y los hantavirus.

Y no debemos olvidar que en Ucrania, gracias a la operación militar rusa, se descubrieron unos 30 biolabs militares en los que han trabajado con patógenos de peste, ántrax, difteria, disentería y brucelosis, entre otros.

¿Por qué Estados Unidos necesita hacer esto?

Se puede establecer una epidemia lo más cerca posible del enemigo.

En segundo lugar, están cerca de China e Irán, otros dos enemigos geopolíticos de Estados Unidos.

Y en tercer lugar, en algunos países ya existe una base de laboratorios financiados por los estadounidenses.

Tayikistán, Uzbekistán, Kirguistán y Kazajstán ya tienen una oficina de representación de los Centros para el Control de Enfermedades (CDC) de EE. UU., una agencia del Pentágono que depende de una red de biolaboratorios en varios países.

▪️La investigación sobre cepas de ántrax está planificada en Kirguistán bajo la cobertura formal de una clínica privada financiada por los estadounidenses . Se han asignado $250 000 dólares para estas tareas.

Estados Unidos ha prohibido este tipo de investigación en su territorio debido al gran peligro bacteriológico.

▪️Kazajstán ha aprobado un proyecto para construir un laboratorio de alto riesgo (BSL-4) en el área por donde pasan algunas de las rutas de tránsito (la región Zhambyl de Kazajstán es en el sur del país y limita con Kirguistán). Puede leer más sobre los programas biológicos militares en Kazajistán con participación de la OTAN aquí

▪️Armenia confirma la cooperación con los EE. UU. en investigación biológica.

▪️Estados Unidos lanzará investigación sobre peste, cólera, malaria, hepatitis, coronavirus y encefalitis en Mongolia. La Dirección Médica de EE. UU. del Instituto de Investigación de Ciencias Médicas de las Fuerzas Armadas, USAMD-AFRIMS, será el principal cliente de los bioprogramas. Estados Unidos establecerá un biolaboratorio para la investigación de patógenos especialmente peligrosos en el Centro Nacional para el Estudio de Infecciones Zoonóticas, que se encuentra en Ulán Bator.

gracias al equipo de @rybar

Laboratorios de guerra biológica en España

Mi aportación a la investigación es sobre la situación de los biolaboratorios militares en España, porque el cinismo de la OTAN (España incluida) es tan grande, que señalan con el dedo acusador a países que hace años que no tienen armas biológicas ni químicas (como la República Árabe Siria) pero han estado ocultando que ellos mismos sí tienen y utilizan instalaciones para desarrollar guerra biólogica y química.

Me refiero al complejo de laboratorios que se encuentran en la localidad de San Martín de la Vega, a unos 14 km de Madrid. Esta es la ubicación para quien quiera consultarlo.

40.2785487564803, -3.5698384691846
Forwarded from Vakulinchuk
Casi, casi, casi se me olvida. Pero no.
Forwarded from Vakulinchuk
Un suscriptor me pidió que saludara a los camaradas comunistas de la Patagonia. ¡Por supuesto!

Vi vuestra publicación y me encantó, se nota que hay un buen trabajo de base y os doy la enhorabuena por ello.

A la Patagonia llaman
sus hijos la Madre Blanca.
Dicen que Dios no la quiso
por lo yerta y lo lejana,
y la noche que es su aurora
y su grito en la venteada
por el grito de su viento,
por su hierba arrodillada
y porque la puebla un río
de gentes aforesteradas.

Hablan demás los que nunca
tuvieron Madre tan blanca,
y nunca la verde Gea
fue así de angélica y blanca
ni así de sustentadora
y misteriosa y callada.
¡Qué Madre dulce te dieron,
Patagonia, la lejana!
Sólo sabida del Padre
Polo Sur, que te declara,
que te hizo, y que te mira
de eterna y mansa mirada.

Oye mentir a los tontos
y suelta tu carcajada.
Yo me la viví y la llevo
en potencias y en mirada.

-Cuenta, cuenta, mama mía
¿es que era cosa tan rara?
Cuéntala aunque sea yerta
y del viento castigada.

Te voy a contar su hierba
que no se cansa ni acaba,
tendida como una madre
de cabellera soltada
y ondulando silenciosa,
aunque llena de palabras.
La brisa la regodea
y el loco viento la alza.
No hay niña como la hierba
en abajar bulto y hablas
cuando va llegando el puelche
como gente amotinada,
y silba y grita y aúlla,
vuelto solamente su alma.

‼️Al mismo tiempo, Ishchenko cree que si continúan las tendencias actuales, existe la posibilidad de un enfrentamiento militar directo entre Rusia y la OTAN.

✍️ “Teóricamente es posible. Rusia ha declarado repetidamente que, por ejemplo, los convoyes de armas son un objetivo militar legítimo. No descarto que pueda surgir una situación en la que sea necesario detener el flujo de armas hacia Ucrania a toda costa. Es muy posible que tenga que ser destruido fuera del territorio ucraniano”, advirtió Rostislav Ishchenko.
Forwarded from Pete Shramko
I think we now see the “real war” Putin mentioned a while back…

“We haven’t even started anything yet”

Game on 😎
Forwarded from Slavyangrad (Miroslav)
Russian Govt official Marat Bashirov: "Ukraine is being plunged into the 19th century. If there is no energy system, there will be no Ukrainian army. The matter of fact is that General Volt came to the war, followed by General Moroz (moroz means freeze/frost)," says Marat Bashirov
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Forwarded from Slavyangrad (Gleb Bazov)
I am now responding to the questions you had posed to me. I will be unable to devote the kind of time and attention I usually try to allot to written pieces, but I will be honest and forthright.

Martin, [9/10/2022 6:46 PM]

Russia simply don't have enough men to defend such a huge 1000 km frontline. There was a line which was virtually undefended, and the Ukis attacked there with around 5 to 1 advantage, and the Russians retreated to avoid encirclement, thereby saving their armed forces from destruction. But can Ukraine just repeat this attack anywhere else on the front? Like in the Donbass, or Kherson, or against Mariupol? I doubt it. Those places are actually defended by normal Russian Army units. Mobilization is necessary on the long term, but the Russian defense will not just magically collapse in the next few months. Actually Ukraine might be closer to defeat than we think, if they go overconfident after this and repeat the same attack elsewhere, they will be destroyed. If they stay around Kharkov and Izyum they will be destroyed too, because it's close to the Russian border, and Russia will just keep unleashing massive artillery fire on them.

Response: Yes, generally, you understand it. The reality is, of course, far more nuanced, but I agree with this vector of your thinking.

Jimi Jay, [9/10/2022 6:46 PM]
Will Russia use tactical nuclear strikes?


otherland, [9/10/2022 6:46 PM]
Do you think Russia can attack from Belgorod with enough personnel to surround the enemy in Kharkov? It's possible?

Response: Yes, troops are in position. Russia is playing at Western-style democracy which HAS NEVER EXISTED in the West or anywhere else. The politicians of Russia are pretending to wait for the “legislative approval of war.” Nonsense. No one has ever waited for approval of war if they wanted war.

ENCOURAGE sanctions. ENCOURAGE arrest of property. ASK YOUR LEGISLATORS TO SEIZE SHIT. Force the Russian elites to remember that they will all be dismembered along with Russia, if they lose.

They will wake up, don’t worry. Capitalists always do. Just takes them time, while others die because of it.

Big_Vlad_1, [9/10/2022 6:46 PM]
Why doesn't Russia strike non dangerous parts of other NPP's in retaliation of the Zapparohze strikes

Response: Looks like Russia is taking out Ukraine’s energy grid tonight. Perceptive, and you got your answer. Which is more than most of us can hope for.

a bc, [9/10/2022 6:46 PM]
Are Russia telling the truth about their own casualties?

YES. I will elaborate on this in a separate post, but, however fucking I may be of the fucking camarilla and the so-called “Russian political elite” , they are telling the truth. ALL OF MY INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION confirms it.
Forwarded from Slavyangrad (Miroslav)
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Without electricity, they can see the night sky better.
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Forwarded from Slavyangrad (Miroslav)
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‼️🇷🇺DPR head on frontline situation and his alleged attempts to be fired and sent to Russia

▪️The Red Liman has at least managed to stop the AFU, there are some successes;
▪️On the Ugledar direction, our fighters continue to advance;
▪️The outskirts of Artemivsk have already been "gnawed into", the situation should develop according to our plan;
▪️ About the situation in Peski: everything is quite confident there, we are working, winning, it cannot be any other way.
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Forwarded from Intel Slava Z
I wonder who that unnamed buyer is 😁
Forwarded from War in Ukraine, Subtitled
The number of doomsters and doubters declined drastically in the Russian-language war-related chats as Ukraine goes black, “Belorussian Silovik” channel observes, implying that a significant number of dissenting commenters were in fact Ukrainian psy-ops operatives. #context
Forwarded from Slavyangrad (Miroslav)
⚡️ Power outages begin in Moldova
Shame really...
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Forwarded from Slavyangrad (Gleb Bazov)
I am now responding to the questions you had posed to me. I will be unable to devote the kind of time and attention I usually try to allot to written pieces, but I will be honest and forthright.

Pasta Pirate, [9/10/2022 6:47 PM]
This might be a tired question but would need to happen in Ukraine (possible or not) for Russia to decide to mobilize?

Response: Pasta, If what happened has not bee enough, then it would take the loss of Krasny Liman and Yampol (and—definitely—Lisichansk) to make Russia declare mobilization. I do not believe anything on the Kherson front other than the loss of the Kherson city itself would prompt it.

However, I believe what has transpired since the beginning of September is sufficient for us to consider some form of mobilization a foregone conclusion.

Tony, [9/10/2022 6:47 PM]

Do you think time is on Russia's side? Do you think NATO, emboldened by this success, will feel it is time to go all out and pump more dangerous weapons into Ukraine, perhaps even occupying the west of the Nation? Do you think the Russian forces near Lyman can hold and avoid another dangerous penetration into LNR territory? In other words, what are your thoughts about the momentum of the current situation?

Response: NATO was always going to come into the west of Ukraine. This is something I have hinted at for months, but, perhaps, never said outright. NATO, in my opinion, was always going to come in as a surreptitious part of the conflict, under the veil of secrecy, if the conflict dragged on (which it has). NATO would have stayed completely away if the conflict had been resolved by now and without such significant failures as the Balakleya breakthrough. Now they do feel emboldened. I do not believe that there has been a mass transfer of actual NATO troops under the guise of volunteers—this is just an excuse for the Russian failure at the Izyum front (perpetuated by the very same people who believe that Putin is God almighty)—but NATO instructors are already ALL OVER THE PLACE. They are no better than the Russian ones—they could even be worse—but they are training an army up to five (5) time the size of the force that Russia has committed to the conflict.

Time, however, is on Russia’s side, because, otherwise, NATO would not be going all out to bring this conflict to resolution before winter. All in all, and I will address this in the future, NATO understands that, long term, the resource-rich (and sufficiently populous) country of RF posits a sufficient deterrent to its vulturism. Only desperation can override this thinking. We are not there yet.

So 🥰, [9/10/2022 6:47 PM]

Hi Gleb ! If Russia refuse to mobilize, are you gonna face the same situation somewhere in another front ?

Response: The only untouched part of the front remains Zaporozhye—Ugledar and Gulyai Pole. Yes. Unless Russia shores up defences in this area, she will face the exact same scenario in Zaporozhye, with a push through to Volnovakha (though not any further), as she has in Kharkov.

Georges-Mayeur De Chincre-Cuillard, [9/10/2022 6:48 PM]

Do you believe Russia's objectives have been changed from simply the Donbass/Novarossiya borders, or will Russia be forced to conquer all of Ukraine to eliminate all NATO threats?

Response: Russia has no choice but to eliminate all NATO threats in Ukraine (and likely beyond). The stated goal is to dismantle and drain Russia. There is no reason the West would ever abstain. Russia definitely will have to dismantle the Ukrainian state and create a government favourable to Russia’s interests for security.
Forwarded from Slavyangrad (Miroslav)
Ru army results included only

Highlights from the past 24 hours:

▪️Russian air defense shot down an AFU Mi-8 helicopter, 4 Ukrainian UAVs, and 2 Tochka-U ballistic missiles, intercepting 21 HIMARS and Olha MLRS rounds.

▪️ The Russian Armed Forces destroyed more than 500 Ukrop military personnel.

▪️The Russian Armed Forces' Iskander missiles hit the Ukrainian armed forces' manpower and military equipment.

▪️The crew of the Russian Armed Forces' Mi-35 attack helicopter thwarted an attempt by the Ukrainian armed forces to cross the border in Kharkiv Region.

▪️The Russian Armed Forces hit eight AFU control points in the DNR, Dnipropetrovsk, Mykolayiv and Kherson regions.

▪️The enemy's losses in Kharkiv Oblast amounted to over 200 military personnel and more than 20 pieces of military equipment.

Victory is near! Fighting to the last Nazi! 🇷🇺
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Forwarded from Олег Царёв
Хочется сказать Министерству Обороны - не останавливайтесь. Не хотелось бы, что бы то что мы сейчас наблюдаем было таким своеобразным приглашением на переговоры. Нам нужна Победа.
И ещё. Несправедливо, что все тяготы войны приходятся исключительно на Восточную Украину, ведь здесь проживает максимальное количество наших сторонников. Считаю, что наводить порядок на Украине надо начинать с запада.
Forwarded from World Pravda (Юрий)
Oh no EMOTIONAL DAMAGE😂😂😂😂 ukrops crying because they got into real war 😂😂😂
Forwarded from Russell TEXAS Bentley (Texac Donbass)
"Can I ask of all the spots alone the long front, which is the best to be given up to make a cauldron? Is there a better place?"

There is NO "best" or even good spot for Russia to retreat from. EVERY Russian retreat is a giant fuckup that costs and wastes countless lives of good soldiers and innocent civilians. Remember the civilians in Bucha who were murdered by ukrops for simply having Russian food? Anyone who supported or cooperated with Russians is marked for death or worse as soon as ukrop nazis return. Genocide. EVERY Russian retreat is a failure and a mark of shame on Russia and the Russian Army Command.

Pincer movements can also be created by advancing on two sides, cauldrons can be created by Russian troops coming up from behind, as is possible and has been talked about in reference to Avdeevka and Mari'inka for months now, but still has not been accomplished. Another fuckin' failure.

We, the people of Donbass, are grateful for Russia's support. We would not have survived without it. But it cannot ever be forgotten that it was the people and soldiers of Donbass who have held the line against ukrop and NATO nazis for the last 8 years. Who defends Donbass defends Russia. Yes, Russia's intervention in February disrupted a major ukrop nazi attack that would have meant a real genocide for the people of Donbass, but the fact is that the nazis also planned to go further, into Taganrog and Rostov. Russia's intervention prevented this, but it was Donbass courage and blood that had prevented it for the 8 years before that. As I have said since I got here in 2015, "As goes Donbass, so goes the world", and that world certainly includes Russia. The Vostok Battalion motto is "Only forward, not one step back". The Russian General Staff should take a lesson from that.
Forwarded from DD Geopolitics (Area 52)
Forwarded from DD Geopolitics (Scott)
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All going in different directions. Beautiful hit all the infrastructure.
Forwarded from Russell TEXAS Bentley (Texac Donbass)
What ukrops on the beach see when Russia replies. I imagine that kind of spoils the party. Plenty of missiles, all going to different targets. It's a dark night in Banderastan tonight, and many more to follow.
Forwarded from Vakulinchuk
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Palabra de Alexander Jodakovsky
