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RT @bennyjohnson: "This is not about Freedom or personal choice.” This is what a Tyrant sounds like. https://t.co/fJlZ7eQBsZ
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RT @ElectionWiz: REPORT: South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster vows to fight Joe Biden to "gates of hell" after vaccine mandate announced. -- WLTX
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“In the works” “feasibility of conducting a study” but tell me again that every question has been answered. Apparently some believe that because this issue isn’t specific to *them* it’s considered settled science. https://t.co/tt3Xa8b1Y7
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Because you won’t hear him on air today, or for a bit, our fully vaxxed associate producer is out with a breakthrough case of the rona. Lifting it up for DJ Fun Uncle’s speedy recovery.
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No, the Government Cannot Mandate Injections (and why people are wrong re: Jacobson v. Massachusetts): https://t.co/v05cGFyXjH More on this on my radio broadcast in 30 minutes. #DanaRadio
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