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The Great Awakening
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Sharing with you the preface of my book The Path to Awakening.
This book offers you a different perspective on life. A different way of looking at yourself and the world around you.
A way to influence, change and improve the direction of life.
How do you learn to live? What does life actually mean? Between the be- ginning and the end, a matter of breathing? What then is the goal? Why are you here? Why are we here? In this body, on this earth, in this Univer- se. An intriguing subject, as infinite as the universe itself. As much talked about as the number of people on this Earth and as multifaceted and di- vided as humanity itself.
Knowing; the reason that we humans start asking ourselves or the other existential questions. Sometimes on the level of the universe, the world, life, man in general. But mostly at the level of the Self, when things are not going well with us. As soon as things don’t go the way we want in our lives or in our bodies. When human pain, fear and uncertainty arise and we are affected. Then we want to know answers, solutions, ways, handles, exits.
The factuality and urgency of this book has reached an apotheosis du- ring the Corona crisis in recent years while writing. The deep know- ledge that the world as we now live in together is not right. That there are powers in and around us that are greater. That there is more between heaven and earth moved and pushed me years ago to investigate, to be- come aware, to fully awake and to develop my own truth and my own wisdom further and further. I bring these puzzle pieces together in this book.
Because change is needed in the world right now. Change that starts with a change within yourself. Change that ends drama, war, fear, po- verty, scarcity, division, discrimination, ignorance and inability within

yourselfandintheworldaroundyou. Whenyoufeeltheurgency,when you become aware, when you really wake up and start to see how duality and polarity rule this life in a battle between light and dark, between the force of God and the force of Lucifer. Only then can you find the key that provides the exit to the light.
You are a key to the light. By entering your own process and maste- ring your own awakening and transformation, you contribute to the great awakening and transformation to a new world in the light. When you and I hold the key together and learn the lessons from the dark, we choose harmony, respect and peace on earth from a higher cons- ciousness. We can rise above the matrix of duality and polarity that holds us in the dark.
In this book you will deepen the knowledge and Mastery of yourself, your own system in all layers, from the survival mechanisms of your Mind, the physical state of your body, to your spiritual connection in the creation of your own life. In 4 parts I will guide you through this process, based on various teachings, my own story and texts of light, which gives you insight about yourself, about the world we live in right now, the life we are heading towards and the actual way to get there.
• Awareness
• Mastery
• Awakening
• Enlightenment

Take the time to integrate this book in the process as it suits you right now. That will be different for everyone. Receive what resonates and le- ave what is not or not yet for you. Above all, I wish for you to find your own way your own truth and your own autonomy.
To be able to change what you long for, for yourself, for your loved ones, for this world.

I hope my own story will inspire you to look at yours and break out of all the limiting old stories of the Mind that keep you small and stuck. My life has challenged me to work hard on my own process of healing emotional and physical trauma, by daring to make the choices that are right for me, so that I could become my complete and authentic Self. I studied, read and learned a lot and took all kinds of steps to get to where I am right now.
My curiosity and inquisitiveness, combined with the challenges in my own life, have always encouraged me to search for truth and autonomy, to improve, deepen and become proficient in everything that con- cerns life and the human system.
From all perspectives of knowledge, of the world; psychology, healing, spirituality, religion, quantum physics and more. I have integrated my insights into the teachings in this book. I teach people what I have learned myself, so that they too can move on and pass on something to others in their own way. I want to contribute to turning the negative direction which we are threatening to go together with you.
Contribute to restoring connection and balance, by bringing back knowledge and direction so that everything becomes light again and starts flowing, on an individual level and on the level of the collective, in the consciousness, awakening and evolving of humanity.

It’s time for change.

Sending Love into this world

Watch this video to understand how the iluminati had taken over the human and earth grid line and energy field centuries a go.

Educate yourself on the earth grid, the ley lines and the earth chakra,s that connect to our human chakra system.

Our Energy grid was hacked.
Our Human Divine WIFi taken down.
Our divinine higher purpose dumbed down to slaves.
Our sacred love abused and sold to the devil.

Understand how the Mind of mankind has been trapped in an illusion of fear.

The vatican had removed reincarnation from the bible and seperated God from our Soul.

The institution of the curch was invented to thrifear based believe system of human beings that submitted to the curch and royalty.

Evil darkness created death in the Mind,s of man and made them believe they are mortal and full of sin.

This is why the mastering of our self has been challenging.
Trapped in survival mode we only experience a linear reality of the money driven Ego.
Centuries of generational pain has been projected due to the believe in fear, death and the devastating lack of self worth.

Mastering our higher Self and the ascension of humanity had been stopped.

Trapped in the 3D matrix Mind fuck.
Hidden from the Laws of the Universe behind the veil of amnesia.


Because so many old souls, you and I have returned to the planet over the last decades, send to awaken the planet, we now stand strong in the Light.

Take back the mastering of your own energy field and connect to the earth ley lines around you to vibe as high as you can.
Stand in your own truth.
Release all programming.

This will unlock you individually and unlock us collectively.

The dark uliminati - cabal - deep state are going down.
One by one.

The earth 🌍 is being returned to the Divine Light of humanity.

Heaven is a place we create here on this planet together.
If we break out of the 3D program of the Mind.
If we see past the illusions of the programing, pain, trauma and fear projected un to us of generations.
That is what has kept us in the loop of reincarnation in 3D.

It is time for ascension.
It is time for heaven and peace on earth.
Stand strong.
No more fear.

Were we go one we go all

Sending Love