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Session 113: "Mycelium"

July 15th from approx. (timezone calculator):
8:00 a.m. CDT
2:00 p.m. BST
11:00 p.m. AEST

Here you can go directly to the stream at:

➥ Odysee 🇺🇸

➥ Gettr 🇺🇸

➥ Dlive 🇺🇸

➥ Here you can find the link to the German stream 🇩🇪

Topic excerpt:
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⚠️ Premiere: A new chapter in international committee work!
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▫️Report of a vaccination victim: Blind in one eye
▫️Judicially averted vaccination obligation for employees
▫️Success in New York: Compulsory quarantine is unconstitutional!
▫️Legal success in Italy: Emergency appeal granted, injections classified as experimental
... and more!

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Session 113: "Mycelium" 🇺🇸
Audio recording

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➥ Here you can find the link to the German stream 🇩🇪

Topic excerpt:
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⚠️ Premiere: A new chapter in international committee work!
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▫️Report of a vaccination victim: Blind in one eye
▫️Judicially averted vaccination obligation for employees
▫️Success in New York: Compulsory quarantine is unconstitutional!
▫️Legal success in Italy: Emergency appeal granted, injections classified as experimental
... and more!

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Sonia Elijah (Investigative Journalist)
Session 113: "Mycelium"

➥ This way to the single cut 🇺🇸

➥ Here you can find the german single cut 🇩🇪

Analysis of internal mails from politicians to the EMA:
▫️Pfizer chief executive Albert Bourla himself put pressure on the EMA in available, private emails.
▫️Concerns about vaccine safety were shown to have been suppressed weeks before conditional marketing approval, for fear of political fallout
The reduction of production quality standards in order for mRNA injection products to pass.
▫️The risk of uncontrolled aberrant protein formation by damaged mRNA strands was previously known and not thoroughly assessed!
▫️Already known about foreign particles in the batches before conditional approval.
▫️Conflicts of interest at the EMA: Chief was previously chairwoman in pharmaceutical industry

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Renate Holzeisen (Attorney at law and economist)
Session 113: "Mycelium"

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➥ Here you can find the german single cut 🇩🇪

Ital. judge suspends vaccination obligation of a psychologist:
▫️Suspension of psychologist is discriminatory and illegal.
▫️Evidence review ("inaudite altera parte") found that injections (Covid "vaccinations") do not prevent infections
▫️the judge draws explicit parallels to fascism and the Nazi era and invokes human dignity
▫️Particularly alarming: information on the experimental substances is subject to military secrecy and may not be released, according to a request under the Freedom of Information Act

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Bobbie Anne Flower Cox (Attorney at law)
Session 113: "Mycelium"

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Lawsuit Victory Against Health Department & Governor Kathy Hochul of New York:
▫️New York's governor issued an unlawful "isolation and quarantine" order.
▫️Department of Health did not need evidence of infectivity to send citizens into isolation under the regulation
▫️Supreme Court finds unconstitutionality and prohibits further abuse of power

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Golan Ashton (Human rights Lawyer)
Session 113: "Mycelium"

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Analysis of the legal situation in Israel regarding compulsory vaccinations:
▫️People in Israel suffer existential vaccination pressure.
▫️Highest Israeli court: people denied entry to public buildings if they have not been vaccinated or tested
▫️Most doctors are silent for fear of their jobs, anyone who talks is muzzled
▫️No support in the courts, success only possible through strike, resistance and cohesion

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Session 114: "The Inverse Principle"

July 15th from approx. (timezone calculator):
8:00 a.m. CDT
2:00 p.m. BST
11:00 p.m. AEST

Here you can go directly to the stream at:

➥ Odysee 🇺🇸

➥ Gettr 🇺🇸

➥ Dlive 🇺🇸

➥ Here you can find the link to the German stream 🇩🇪

Topic excerpt:
▫️Political immunity and double standards in the legal system.
▫️The Pfizer study documents: 1000+ pages and a long trail of anomalies & proof of fraud.
▫️Pandemic of the unvaccinated? No trace of it in the global "control group" of the unvaccinated
▫️Suppression of the innate immune system by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and microRNAs.
... and more!

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Session 114: "The Inverse Principle"
Audio recording

➥ To the session recording with video

Topic excerpt:
▫️Political immunity and double standards in the legal system.
▫️The Pfizer study documents: 1000+ pages and a long trail of anomalies & proof of fraud.
▫️Pandemic of the unvaccinated? No trace of it in the global "control group" of the unvaccinated
▫️Suppression of the innate immune system by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and microRNAs.
... and more!

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Grzegorz Braun (Polish Politician)
Session 114: "The Inverse Principle"

➥ This way to the single cut 🇺🇸

▫️About 50% of poles are not mRNA-treated
▫️About his Nuremberg 2.0 project
▫️How he is hindered in his parliamentary work and why he is now threatened with immunity revocation
▫️Noticeable number of deaths in Poland, presumably due to poor medical care in the wake of the Corona crisis, among other things.
▫️About those behind the Plandemie, its planning and objectives, and the role of the military

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Sonia Elijah (Investigative Journalist)
Session 114: "The Inverse Principle"

➥ This way to the single cut 🇺🇸

On the results of her analysis of 1000s of pages of exposed Pfizer documents:
▫️Adverse effects are the rule rather than the exception, usually several at once (heart, kidneys, etc.)
▫️To record side effects during study, Pfizer had to hire many hundreds of employees retrospectively
▫️Numerous deaths in the first 3 months after vaccination
▫️Women are affected by side effects 3 times more often than men
▫️Child loss and stillbirths of pregnant vaccine subjects have not been followed up but have occurred.
and more.

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Dr. Kat Lindley & Dr. Robert Verkerk
Session 114: "The Inverse Principle"

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Regarding the results of their survey in the international mRNA treatment-free "control group".
▫️300,000 people worldwide were registered as participants in the control group
▫️Central finding: the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" is pure myth
▫️Vit. D intake and health-conscious lifestyles are widespread among participants
▫️Those who did not wear a mask were less likely to become ill
▫️Significant correlation of vaccine doses administered and hospitalizations in numerous countries/areas.
and more.

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Dr. Stefanie Seneff (Senior Research Scientist, MIT)
Session 114: "The Inverse Principle"

➥ This way to the single cut 🇺🇸

Regarding her study on the immunosuppressive effects of mRNA injections.
▫️Increase in all possible degenerative diseases.
▫️Increased cancer rates, more severe covid progression after mRNA treatments, and more Parkinson's disease cases.
▫️The mRNA is distributed throughout the body via exosomes
▫️Long covid following mRNA injections.
▫️FBirth rate decreases wherever many mRNA doses were administered
and more.

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Session 115: "Self.reliant"

July 29th from approx. (timezone calculator):
7:00 a.m. CDT
1:00 p.m. BST
10:00 p.m. AEST

Here you can go directly to the stream at:

➥ Odysee 🇺🇸

➥ Gettr 🇺🇸

➥ Dlive 🇺🇸

➥ Here you can find the link to the German stream 🇩🇪

Topic excerpt:
▫️The new school year is approaching: how parents in Germany can defend themselves against the impending mask requirement
▫️Propaganda in structural analysis: the patterns are recognizably the same regardless of the topic
▫️How propaganda analysis provides information about the goals of the propagandists
▫️Frontal attack on the middle class: the central banks' interest rate hike
▫️What is the role of Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping?
▫️Danger of collapsing supply chains and a third world war
▫️Graphen-based nanostructures and the role of mobile phone radiation
... and more!

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Session 115: "Self.reliant"
Audio recording

Topic excerpt:
▫️The new school year is approaching: how parents in Germany can defend themselves against the impending mask requirement
▫️Propaganda in structural analysis: the patterns are recognizably the same regardless of the topic
▫️How propaganda analysis provides information about the goals of the propagandists
▫️Frontal attack on the middle class: the central banks' interest rate hike
▫️What is the role of Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping?
▫️Danger of collapsing supply chains and a third world war
▫️Graphen-based nanostructures and the role of mobile phone radiation
... and more!

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Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (Legal Scholar)
Session 115: "Self.reliant"

➥ This way to the single cut 🇺🇸

Sample letter (German) on mandatory masking in schools in the new school year
▫️Why children are neither endangered nor dangerous
▫️How do the regulations even come about?
▫️Contradictory communication from teachers' associations.
▫️Report on some individual, horrible experiences children have under these conditions.
▫️References to evidence and studies on the dangerousness of wearing masks
▫️Developmental disorders and emergence of neurodegenerative diseases in children due to mask-wearing.
and more!

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Ernst Wolff (Economics and Finance Expert)
Session 115: "Self.reliant"

➥ This way to the single cut 🇺🇸

Interest rate hikes by central banks are an attack on SMEs
▫️Danger of energy and food shortages
▫️Role of Russia and China and the threat of a third world war
▫️What to expect from the economy in the fall
▫️Digital central bank money and what it means for account holders
▫️Conditional digital basic income will follow collapse of the economy
▫️About the likelihood of strong civil unrest starting in the fall
and more!

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Dr. Roman Braun (Psychologist, Educationalist, NLP Master Trainer)
Session 115: "Self.reliant"

➥ This way to the single cut 🇺🇸

Insights into the functioning and shaping of propaganda
▫️The role of fear, insecurity and distress in propaganda
▫️Asymmetric communication as a basic principle of propaganda
▫️"Savior staging" as the propaganda role of the perpetrators
▫️The Stockholm syndrome and the inability to think critically
and more!

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Dr. Robert O. Young (Naturopath, Nutrition Expert and Author)
Session 115: "Self.reliant"

➥ This way to the single cut 🇺🇸

Nanostructures, parasites, and graphene in the mRNA injections and blood of treated subjects.
▫️Indications of nanowires in tissues of mRNA-treated subjects.
▫️Graphen and the magnetism phenomenon.
▫️Parasites in vaccines - what evidence is there?
▫️The role of viruses and other causes of so-called infectious diseases
▫️Potential methods for the elimination of nanoparticles
and more!

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Robert Cibis (Owner OVALmedia), Nathalie Signorini (Managing Director OVALmedia Rome) & Bianca Laura Granato (ital. Politician)
Session 115: "Self.reliant"

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OVAL Media was censored on YouTube in various national languages without notice and the channels were deleted
▫️ YouTube has not followed its own guidelines
▫️Senator Granato has brought up the deletion of OVAL Media in the Italian Senate and rebukes the suppression of the opposition
▫️Boycott YouTube and strengthen free alternatives as a logical consequence of censorship by a private service provider
and more!

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Session 116: "See All Its Working Power"

August 5 from approx. (timezone calculator):
7:00 a.m. CDT
1:00 p.m. BST
10:00 p.m. AEST

Here you can go directly to the stream at:

➥ Odysee 🇺🇸

➥ Gettr 🇺🇸

➥ Dlive 🇺🇸

➥ Here you can find the link to the German stream 🇩🇪

Topic excerpt:
▫️Daily absurdities as deliberate anesthesia, hypnosis and distraction from the essentials
▫️Ways of prevention and self-healing. Example: Initiating ketolysis through targeted nutrition.
▫️Further details on the theory, the injections included graphene.
▫️Gendeletion as a cause of various modern medical conditions and a functional feature of mRNA injections?
▫️Update on Prof. Martin Schwab's template letters
▫️Census: What is it for, what about data protection, and is there a danger that the data collected will be used to compensate for vaccination damage by means of a levy?
... and more!

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