Conscious Living
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This Channel is intended to help create awareness about the fundamental pillars of the Matrix in which all of humanity are being held as prisoners, so that we can work towards building better systems to free ourselves of this System run by Psychopaths.
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Conscious Living
The following links will give an idea on how we are mind controlled into running after fake pleasures using the fueling of our Inappropriate desires, which results in pride or envy, which are the destroyers of society, by using celebrities as influencers of…

Senthamilan takes up two of the most Important destroyers of Individuals & Societies - Pride & Envy (as described by Tholkappium), and utterly decimates those by comparing Humans to other Animals around us, & showing how they are living out their lives in a vastly superior manner, when compared to the shitty lives we as humans live.

He also takes up Termites & HoneyBees as examples to show how they are living examples of How to live without Pride or Envy & also how to do Action without Attachment to Outcomes.

He also explains how easy it is to live as per Human Nature (இயல்பு), once we learn to drop our Pride, Envy & Inappropriate Desires. - Tamil Explanation.

He also explains the Boundless Nature of the Source Intelligence behind all Creation.

He makes it quite apparent that we as humans are making our daily lives such huge mess & a massive suffering because of this loss of perspective.

However, his narrowing down on our Intellect as the cause of such huge loss of perspective, is misleading or wrong.

In my view the loss of perspective is not because of our Intellect. Intellect has to work with the Information that is available. If the Information comes from the Universe then Intellect usually comes to the correct conclusions.

However the Information field is so heavily polluted with disinformation from our rulers. Besides this our rulers do their best to destroy our Intellect using indoctrination systems like schools and societies.

When the Instrument called Intellect has been blunted so badly, and the information field is so full of lies and nonsense from our rulers, our discernment, thinking and decision making suffers, & our lives become such a huge mess.

Hence the real problem is learning to differentiate between "What is living in tune Human Nature" & "What is living by the stupid subconscious programming done by our rulers". People confuse & conflate the two, and live under the influence of their subconscious programming, while thinking that they live as per their human nature, as dictated by their minds.


Intellect itself is given to us by the Universe/God, to be used as a Knife in navigating & discerning this World. Our Rulers have blunted & weaponized this knife and programmed us in such a way that our Intellect, instead of working for us, is working against us on a daily basis.

It simply doesn't make sense to throw away Our Intellect, which is a Gift. Sharpening & Learning to use the 🗡️ called Intellect, correctly is the proper solution, not throwing it away.

Therefore senthamilan's solution of
narrowing down on Intellect as the cause of all problems is flawed fundamentally.

The proper solution would be to sharpen our Intellect more so that we develop better discernment, as well as learning to develop a wider perspective, so that we can connect the dots and see the corruption of the Information Field by Our Rulers, so that we can pick apart the truths given by the Universe and take them in, while discarding the disinformation peddled by the Gatekeepers of Our Rulers.

Our ability to see the difference between True Information & Fake Lies spread by our rulers is made possible only because of a Sharp Intellect. So while letting go of our attachment to the information & lies we have already taken in through our lack of proper discernment is vital; stopping the usage of our Intellect, in the name of Full Surrender & going with the flow is pure nonsense.

Inspite of the fact that this Video might possibly be Gatekeeping the truths about how to navigate this minefield of fake disinformation (By suggesting the destruction of Knowledge obtained through our Intellect as the solution), this really is an excellent video for helping people understand how to live.

People who follow Senthamilan should question his solution of "Destruction of Knowledge & Intellect".
Conscious Living pinned « Senthamilan takes up two of the most Important destroyers of Individuals & Societies - Pride & Envy (as described by Tholkappium), and utterly decimates those by comparing Humans to other Animals around us…»
Forwarded from Humanley
If a life event can manifest as physical disease, then we are at the mercy of our experiences. It means we are victims of our very existence. This kind of thinking also breeds a fear and victimhood mentality. When is the next 'event' going to happen that will 'shock' me and cause physical disease? Is it today, tomorrow, next week, next year? With this limiting belief, people move through their lives in fear of the 'next bad event'.

This kind of thinking disempowers people. It means that you have no control over your own health. No matter what kind of health promoting practices you do, none of it matters because a random life event could transpire in front of you and cause illness. Preventative and health promoting practices like eating well, exercising, getting sun exposure, finding meaning and purpose in your life, are all futile. An event could transpire at any moment and undo all of it.

How can it be the traumatic event that causes disease when what is 'traumatic' for one person is not traumatic for another? Does this not mean it is a persons perception and belief that is the key denominating factor? If so, this ultimately refutes the claim that the trauma is the cause.

If emotional trauma causes disease it means that life happens to you, not for you. It implies that mother nature is out to get you. If it's not a germ or gene, then it's a life event, it's just plain old bad luck. Disease boils down to a matter of wrong place, wrong time. Conversely, health is happenchance, right place, right time. This is superstition at its finest.

If a traumatic life event causes disease, then we also must outsource our health to someone else forever more. We need to consult with someone to help release our trauma. Therefore, you can't heal yourself, only someone else can. You can release your trauma with a therapist today, but another trauma could happen tomorrow, putting you right back in the same position.

The idea that trauma is 'generational' is also incredibly disempowering. It implies that you have to physically suffer for an event that happened to one of your ancestors 50, 100, 150 years ago. This means you have to heal someone elses trauma in order to heal yourself. It means your health isn't determined by what you do in your life, it's determined by a random event that happened in someone elses. Furthermore, this story can never be proven, so why do we tout is as fact?

Finally, if emotional trauma causes disease, humans should have been riddled with it since the dawn of time. However, we know the overwhelming majority of illness, particularly the chronic form, is a consequence of 'hyper-civilisation'. Anthropological, medical, and historical evidence suggests when people live in harmony with nature, they are free from disease. Yet they are all exposed to so-called traumatic events. If traumatic events have always been with us, but disease hasn't, it suggests that the trauma is not the issue. It may be that something has changed which has impacted our ability to deal with and process our emotions. If so, what changed and how do we address it? It might also simply mean that emotional trauma is not the cause.

We have no control over the things that happen in our lives, but we do have control over how we respond. This perspective is the polar opposite to teaching people they are at the mercy of a traumatic life events. It means we hold the power. We chose whether or not we let things affect us. We choose what emotions to assign to an event. We choose whether we hold on to or let go of certain emotions or feelings. We choose how we feel. With this understanding, the event becomes inconsequential, of little importance.

If we continue believing emotional trauma is the cause of all our modern health woes, when it may not be, we fail to recognise and address the true underlying causes of disease.

It's time to rethink emotional trauma.

Follow Humanley:
Forwarded from Jools Jeffery
I don’t think it’s as simple as this.

Generational trauma in and of itself doesn’t cause disease but the fact that a traumatic event happens and is not regulated in the nervous system which then leads to certain ways of “managing” one’s feelings. It’s the behaviour as a response to not feeling safe that creates the propensity for ill health.
So it’s possible for say a grandmother to have experienced a traumatic event as a child. If her care givers were not able to create safety in her internal system then she may develop certain behaviours or habits or patterns that stop her from feeling the fear in her body.
It’s this that’s passed down the line generationally , not the trauma but the response to it.

Resilient people are those who either had a care giver who was able to regulate them allowing the nervous system to move back into ventral vagal, or they saw a good therapist who helped them to learn what’s happening in their body and respond appropriately to their own dysregulated system.
Like anything it’s nuanced and I think we need to be careful of sweeping statements and throwing babies out with the bath water.
The Greatness of Siddha medicine (2).pdf
5.2 MB
At the time of it's origins the Siddha system of medicine was invented by the Tamil Sages, in the sangam era. No word called Hindu ever existed in that era.

In this book Tamil Sages are being called as Hindu sages.

Now this is being called as Indian Medicine.

Taking credit by appropriating the work of others is the fundamental fraud using which our rulers subvert and destroy history.

This results in the dilution of the years of meticulous original work done by those Sages, and now what is there in the name of siddha medicine is some diluted watered down bullshit with a lots of outlandish unbelievable out of context lies being added later on by conmen and Gatekeepers who prevent real knowledge from reaching people.

With the slow but methodical destruction of the original source material by puppet governments worldwide & no orginal work to refer to, great systems of medicine fall into Oblivion.
Conscious Living
The Greatness of Siddha medicine (2).pdf
Pls use ur discernment to question the information from this book.

Siddhars were at the epitome of Science & Spirituality of the Ancient World. What they wrote comes from their Own Insights, Years of meticulous research, their own individual experience. They were people of very high integrity.

So their work should be highly logical, even though they did a lot of work in the metaphysical realm.

It follows therefore that any illogical nonsense found in their literature should have been done in their name by our rulers or their minions, by writing some outlandish nonsense and attributing it to them.

This is precisely how the Wisdom from most of the Prophets worldwide have been watered down by mixing their original philosophical teachings with tonnes of nonsensical rubbish.

Our mildly logical but hugely sceptical minds find this illogical nonsense to be too outlandish; and therefore dismiss the entire literature or teachings to be rubbish. We should realise that we are throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

This is exactly what Our Rulers intended to do. Our Intellect should be sharp enough to dissect the truth from the nonsense in these teachings, to evade this trap set by our rulers.

Anyone who really bothers go deep into the work done by the philosophers, scientists and spiritualists of the ancient world can't really escape coming to the conclusion that



Most of us confuse the information that is available at our finger tips with knowledge and wisdom; and live under the illusion that we are knowledgeable, when we are in fact falling prey to the biggest organised disinformation campaign in the history of the world.

We should stop confusing lies and disinformation with knowledge and wisdom, if we are to move forward. We should start to question all the information we receive irrespective of who it comes from.


The dumbest, egoistic generation comment applies only to those who think they are dumb and egoistic and not to the ones who know they are intelligent and yet live with humility.

DECISION FATIGUE is being weaponized against us by our rulers, who trigger it in us with Information Overload and when our Conscious Mind is so tired and not functioning well, we are programmed subconsciously in the later part of the day or over the weekend using Fake Foods, Alcohol, Drugs, Television, Movies, CellPhones, Social Media etc which get us addicted to fake pleasures, which eventually becomes OCDs.

In essence most of us are basically pushed into becoming OCD patients, which makes it easy for our rulers to rule us.