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eventually, everyone grows up and becomes a conservative.
the elite caused the economic damage they are now "curing" by strangling us...again.
Dear "Media Matters" Kaplan: Evidently, "Truth Matters" is something entirely foreign to you. It is categorically false that Mel or her organization has, or had, or will have any intent to "intimidate" voters of any kind, anywhere.

Her organization is, to the contrary, about ensuring election integrity; which you should be concerned about, too.

Instead, you propagandize false information and falsely label people you don't like. True the Vote is about *election integrity*, and always has been; the term "election denial group" is patently false and offensive.
Here we go with more false statements and propaganda, Kaplan. Can you find me in this photo? Am I a so-called "Qanon Influencer"? What does that label mean to you? I've written some good material through the years on (anti-) social media; have you read any of them, Mr. Kaplan?
Dear Media Matters: Who funds you? Who directs you? Who pays your bills? I'm not funded by anyone. I have no agenda other than truth, liberty, and support for our Republic.
I would love to watch the look on certain faces if Q55 comes true tomorrow.
That was quick. Go Elon!!!
Sometimes it takes a while, but the good guys win.
Why does the government have full chain of custody traceability on my Venmo account--but not my ballot?

Why can I see where every penny I ever spent went in my online banking app, but I can't see an online record of how I voted last time?
Today Elon looks the mind control apparatus of the deep state straight in the eye...and flips them a bird
Forwarded from Cognitivecarbon chat
Saddened that this happened. Let Doug's own words help you form an opinion of how to take it. From Steve Kirsch
What ?!?! We, the People...MUST be heard and overrule the bureau. This information needs to be made public to US, the CITIZENS without delay.
Epoch Times
Any questions? 😆
The chess game between Elon and Twitter is far from over. By taking the company private last week, he prevents the "market" from devaluing the stock on the basis of news of fraud (like this.) The implication here is he "caught" them hiding evidence from the court that could invalidate the deal.

Because the stock isn't trading on the market, Elon could recover most of his investment; step back, throw a match, and walk away. h/t Brian Cates on Truth Social
Just keeps getting better 😆
Alex Berenson on the Omicron specific shotz: They are worthless.