Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ]
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I met Colonel Tim Kirk and the veterans at the Warrior Healing Center in Sierra Vista Arizona today.

We did an interview for NBC together which will they said may air today or soon.

Looking forward to getting the word out on NBC about how our communities support our Wounded Warriors.

Col. Kirk told me all about the challenges our heroic veterans are facing in our communities.

Col. Kirk explained to me the high rate of suicide among veterans with PTSD who do not get proper care.

Col. Kirk is a hero who purchased a building and volunteers his time and expertise to support veterans in need.

I was surprised to hear about the amount of veteran suicides when PTSD is not properly treated.

According to Col. Kirk, there were over 60,000 veteran suicides between 2008 and 2017.

This is a tragedy that can be solved by creating more community centers similar to what Col. Kirk has made.

You can learn more about Col. Kirk's Warrior Healing Center here:
Forwarded from Tim K
Thank you, Ron! It was such an honor to meet you! On behalf of our veteran community, we appreciate you so much! We look forward to working with you to help veterans in CD2 and nationwide!!
Walt Blackman's wife Kristi Blackman is unhinged.

I thought I was running against Walt Blackman, I didn't know I was running against his wife.

No wonder nothing ever gets done for his constituents.

Walt Blackman is weak on election integrity.
Walt Blackman is weak on the border.
Walt Blackman is a RINO.
Looking for volunteers in Prescott this week to help gather signatures for my campaign.

Please email me if you want to help out:

Arizona residents can sign the petition digitally here:
There is a lot of confusion over the district that I am running in.
Every 10 years, the district lines are re-drawn, and this just happened a few weeks ago.

I was originally running in District 1, which became District 2 after the redistricting process.

Because of the incompetency of Katie Hobbs, we cannot update our district on the AZSOS system until March if we want to use the digital signature collection system.

Therefore, I am collecting physical signatures in AZ District #2, and I am collecting digital signatures in the OLD AZ District #1.

Prescott is a new addition to the district, so if you are in Prescott, you cannot sign my digital petition. That is why I am asking for volunteers to help gather physical signatures in Prescott.

For now, please try to sign my digital petition here:

And email me if you are interested in volunteering to help gather physical signatures in Prescott:

Thank you, and God Bless!

We are done with tyrannical big tech!
There are many great Patriot-run alt-technology channels on Telegram:

🇺🇸 @Jeffrey_Peterson

🇺🇸 @PatriotsQuest

🇺🇸 @BonesTechGarage

🇺🇸 @PatriotTide
Doing a rally in Prescott on Tuesday Feb 1 from 11am to 1pm.

Corner of S. Montezuma St and W. Gurley Street.

Please come sign my petition to get on the ballot in Arizona.

Bring a Trump sign!

Will be giving away CodeMonkeyZ fight for freedom merchandise while supplies last.
Forwarded from Marco Polo
“The document was obtained first by former White House official Garrett Ziegler… Following his time at the White House, Ziegler established Marco Polo, a nonprofit research group “exposing corruption and blackmail,” and has been conducting a forensic review combined with extra independent investigation into Hunter Biden’s laptop.

“This wide-ranging grand jury subpoena suggests that Joe’s son and brother received transfers from an account with the Bank of China. The question that remains is why Bill Barr directly intervened to ensure that the U.S. Attorney in Delaware’s investigation into Joe’s family was kept from the public for over 17 months until after the election, as previous reporting has confirmed. David Weiss and Bill Barr—or someone with a conscience inside the Justice Department—should answer that question for the American people,” Ziegler said in a statement to Breitbart News.”
My dad's sci-fi novel called "Sliced Americana" is rising in the ranks with very good reviews.

"Pulp Fiction on steroids!!!..."

If you have some time, please give it a read:
(this is not an affiliate link)
Today is the last day of January, 2022.

Election integrity is still under attack with no substantial actions from AG Brnovich who is best positioned with the most evidence to indict.

AG Brnovich has had months now to make indictments related to the reports given to him.

A few months ago, I came across what I believe is one of the draft reports that was sent to AG Brnovich, and some of the video sent to AG Brnovich.

The draft report alleges criminality, and the video shows details of what is alleged.

I plan to present the video and document today to the court of public opinion.

Due to the ineffectiveness of our current public officials, I am running for Congress in Arizona District #2.
The only way to solve the problem of ineffective public officials is to get into office and do the job ourselves.

Only with your support can we take this fight to DC together:

Any penny helps.
Thank you and God bless.
User logs from the Maricopa county Election Management System admin account were allegedly deleted on April 12, 2021, ten days before the audit began.
The individuals who allegedly deleted data are "identified but unnamed".

AG Brnovich knows the identities.

Why has AG Brnovich not indicted?

Weak AZ state representatives like Walt Blackman don't support decertification.
Security logs from the Maricopa County Election Management System admin account are alleged to have been REMOTELY DELETED on February 11, 2021.

Why has AG Brnovich just sat on this information?

Where are the indictments?

Why did Karen Fann sweep the audit results under the rug?
Who helped Karen cover it all up?
My goal is not to make friends with hack politicians and their crooked lobbyist interests.

My focus is to defend the God-fearing people of this country from tyranny.
More to come after lunch.

There is approximately 100 pages worth of data, and video too.

Im going to be highlighting the most interesting sections first, then will release the data as a whole for you to do your own research.
Spent my lunch reading mail that the many patriots around the country have sent in.

Hope shines bright through the dissipating fog.
Runbeck allegedly interfered with the auditor's paper ballot review after the MCBOS instructed Runbeck to not respond to the auditors.

Why would the corrupt MCBOS allegedly instruct Runbeck to ignore the auditors?

Who barely won his seat on the MCBOS?

We need to get STRONG PATRIOTS like candidate @GailGolec onto the MCBOS to ensure this type of corruption does not continue.
Over 15,000 ballots were found to be printed from an UNIDENTIFIED PRINTING SOURCE.

How many votes did Resident Biden "win" Maricopa County by?

"The Election Management System (EMS) database which holds all details associated with the 2020 General Election was purged and all the election results were cleared by a Results Tally and Reporting Admin on February 2 at 5:14 pm; the evening before the Pro V & V audit was scheduled to officially start."

"According to the Master File Table (MFT) of the drives, a large number of files on the Election Management System (EMS) Server and HiPro Scanner machines were deleted including ballot images, election related databases, result files, and log files."