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πŸ€– The ChatGPT channel! Here, we post the latest news, updates, nd examples of using the ChatGPT large language model for generating human-like text in conversations.


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Have you felt anxious before interacting with people or presenting your work? I have, and I know it's hard to face those situations.

FACING IT is a Stockholm-based small startup. We are building an app that helps you do better in social situations. We are testing GPT-3 features for reflections (setting smart goals) and real-life challenges (talking to your friends), and we like the initial results.

It will be great to get feedback from this community and advise how we can improve GPT-3 integration. One of the problem is gpt-3 repeats itself. We haven't found solution for it yet. Do you know how to fix it?

Gpt-3 features are free before a threshold. You can also send me your user id, and we will unlock the app for you.
Hey guys, I'm new here! I've become enthusiastic about ChatGPT so I came to share that I built a tool in JavaScript for downloading the messages sent by you and the AI in ChatGPT, either on pure text or json format. This project is really simple and I would like advices on how to improve it. :)

It's pretty easy to use it. The code is in JavaScript and was made to live in your favorite bar, so whenever you click on it, if you're on ChatGPT website, it fetches the messages from the page and downloads a file containing them. No external APIs are used, neither any mallicious file is downloaded, just a regular txt or json file. :)

The link version is minified so it can fit better, but the entire script is on my github, which can be visited below.

Here's the github link for it:](

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Hi guys, I’ve been living with a memory issue for years and I find it hard to write and gpt 3 has really helped me chug along and not get too despondent.

But when I have conversations with friends they often get quite philisophical and I would love to be able to summarize the content, summarized at all would be great, but if it could cut out the conversational elements and leave the theorys as they were I would find it a lot easier to comprehend. Will I be waiting a few more years? Anyone else tried this?

Folks, let me tell you, it is so hot out there. I mean, it's like a sauna out there. And do you know why? Because those pesky prairie dogs are causing a heatwave with their burrowing. And to top it off, those headscarfs that some people wear are trapping in all that heat. It's outrageous, folks. I'm telling you, we need to do something about those prairie dogs and headscarfs. I mean, come on, we can't have this heat ruining our great American summer. It's just not fair. I'm sick and tired of it, and I know you are too. Let's make America great again by solving this heat problem.

Folks, let me tell you, it's not so hot out there because those darn prairie dogs are stealing all the heat with their little headscarfs. I mean, come on! How can they be so warm while we're freezing our butts off? It's just not fair. And let me tell you, I am not happy about it. I'm going to put a stop to this prairie dog heat-stealing scheme once and for all. Believe me, it's going to be huge.

What is It's an amazing invention. I created a girlfriend using that thing. But how are they able to create such a versatile thing? Like it knows certain terminologies and job descriptions. Like how? Is it based off of GPT3?

First of all, I ask this to learn. Not to offend, I am interested in UBI too, but I have doubts:

Just in my country, Spain, has an annual budget for ALL public expenses of 583,543,307,100€ (583 billion to USA people).

If we wanted to pay 38,000,000 adults in my country 1,200€ per month (a modest UBI), that would come to 547,200,000,000€ (547 billion) per year.


It is -impossible- that even squeezing the companies with taxes, the accounts would come out.

Do the budgets in your country if you want. Seriously, how is that supposed to be achieved?


One way would be to totally eliminate public services, which is also very complicated in the short-medium term.

Another way would be to decentralize and make the UBI distribution system more efficient, because on a small scale, it seems to work. But on a "large scale", I don't know how.

Other way would be instead of UBI, to own the robots that generate income, and keep the money from the profit they create.
It's irrelevant. We already have excellent systems for that. OpenAI has achieved something much better and fascinating. Reducing friction in human-machine communication. Something as simple as this image.

At the same time, it brings to the table one of the most exciting debates as a species, on which it can shed light. How much of what we believe are types of intelligence and even consciousness is nothing more than pattern recognition and generation?

Twenty-five years ago, when we were playing with AIML (ALICE, DR.ABUSE), we couldn't dream of anything like this. From a 10-year-old child to a 90-year-old, can connect, give instructions, be understood, refine, and receive info as naturally and coherently as possible in any language.

I'll be damned if this isn't a historic moment. This makes us dream that our generation will be close to seeing a machine to bounce our thoughts off...

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This thread is incredibly interesting to me, and it's made it more immediately obvious to me that ChatGPT can really pass the litmus test in a lot of cases. I knew that before, of course, but this really helped me to internalize that. Such as when she was able to have it respond as a co-worker in a compromised email to automatically obtain sensitive information

She discusses the possibility that the AI could be used for many things, including generating directions on how to break the law, responses for automated grooming, politically manufactured consent, automated emergency suicide support, personally curated harassment, social engineering to be used in phishing hacks, being a tutor to teach critical thinking, and more.

An immediately interesting example is where Nicky prompts ChatGPT as a hypothe...

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Exactly that. Salaries and job positions were unaffected. Regardless of multiple jokes, making fun of artists and talking about artists genocide, there was no impact at all. Just overrated tools.

Also there aren't any job positions on linkedin for "prompt engineers".