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3 May

Irish Catholic freedom fighter Padraig Pearse was executed on this day in 1916

'I just received Holy Communion. I am happy, except for the great grief of parting from you. This is the death I should have asked if God had given me the choice of all deaths—to die a soldier’s death for Ireland and for freedom.

We have done right. People will say hard things of us now, but later on will praise us. Do not grieve for all this, but think of it as a sacrifice which God asked of me and of you. Good-bye again, dear mother. May God bless you for your great love for me and for your great faith, and may He remember all you have so bravely suffered. I hope soon to see papa, and in a little while we shall be all together again. I have not words to tell you of my love for you and how my heart yearns to you all

 I will call to you in my heart at the last moment.

Your son,


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An anti Catholic terrorist has been arrested after setting fire to a church in Cuenca today.


Leftists have blocked people from visiting the precious Book of Kells, one of Ireland's most beautiful and holy artefacts


Devout Catholic Joseph Mary Plunkett was executed on this date after he fought for freedom for Ireland

Plunkett wrote the beautiful poem 'I see His Blood Upon the Rose':

I see his blood upon the rose
And in the stars the glory of his eyes,
His body gleams amid eternal snows,
His tears fall from the skies.

I see his face in every flower;
The thunder and the singing of the birds
Are but his voice-and carven by his power
Rocks are his written words.

All pathways by his feet are worn,
His strong heart stirs the ever-beating sea,
His crown of thorns is twined with every thorn,
His cross is every tree.


The March for Life takes place in Dublin on Monday at 2pm. Walking from St. Stephen's Green to Leinster House.

On this day in 1981, Bobby Sands died after 66 days on Hunger Strike.

According to his diary, 8 days into his strike he received Holy Communion at Mass in the prison, his last meal.


Thousands of people have marched to government buildings as part of the March for Life to show their opposition to abortion

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A terrorist stormed a church in Pennsylvania and tried to assassinate a pastor before his gun jammed

'Despite the Vatican-China agreement on bishop appointments, in April the government installed a bishop without Vatican approval. Authorities continue to forcibly disappear and convict underground Catholic priests - including Bishop Augustine Cui Tai and Joseph Yang Xiaoming who refused to join the State Controlled Chinese Patriotic Association'

- United States International Commission on Religious Freedom 2024 Report


Mainstream media outlet CNews will broadcast Pentecost Mass from the huge Latin Mass pilgrimage of mostly young people at Chartres this year

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St. Patrick's Church was turned into a cinema for a special screening of Young Frankenstein to commemorate its 50th anniversary, for some reason. It came complete with smoke effects.


Archbishop Anthony Fisher leads a candle lit procession in honour of Our Lady of Fatima at St. Mary's Cathedral.

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Catholics honour Our Lady of Fatima outside St. Mary's Cathedral in candlelit prayer


The Northern Lights at Mont St. Michel.

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An anti Catholic terrorist was arrested after entering a Catholic Church with a rifle, intending to massacre children and families during a First Holy Communion ceremony in Abbeville, Louisiana

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May 13th is the Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima.
