πŸ”Š @CareMagic β€’ Magic Of Care β€’ Care Magic Collective β€’ Intuituve Public Radio β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’
3 subscribers
136 photos
84 videos
1 file
384 links
Sharing wisdom on the magic of care and creating spaces of love! Founded by @johannabotanica and welcoming all care witches by any name to share our voices here!
Art credits: t.me/EverageJoFreshArtGalley/315
Download Telegram
Contribute music, art, content, commentary, & what moves you for Intuitive Editorial and this Intuitive Public Radio.
   Upcoming Live Broadcasts:
     6 November 2022, 10 Kej
     26 November 2022, 4 Kej
Subject: How to set up a successful necessary but uncommon conversation
   Please send your contribution by Telegram as early as possible to help us get your media into the public program. 2 days before the broadcast day is best. 1 day before the broadcast day might even still make it in. The last remnants of potentiatable predictability have fainting spells after that :-)
    Comment on the public post at t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/69 with links to your contributions, or whatever questions you may like to ask.
   Invite community members to these public Telegram spaces so that we can all browse through one another's contributions.
    However many contributions we will be able to compile for official episode releases, all are welcome to browse through everyone's contributions here.
     From this public chat space, items can be promoted to other community spaces on Telegram. If you can provide a link to your public content elsewhere, people will be able to find you and learn more about what you create. Yes, share joyfully what you would like to share for public discourse and collective nourishment.
   Leading up to each live broadcast, we will highlight the time of broadcast as it is scheduled within 24 to 48 hours before broadcast day. (It might happen with less lead time than that. Or more.)
   Some broadcasts will be publicly archived where all can rewatch freely.
   Some broadcasts will be privately archived for our community network and those who reach out to us with support or requests.
   Ask for help getting connected.
   Make generous donations here to fuel and inspire us: paypal.me/intuitiveinvisibles
   All live event timespace datestamps may be broad enough to occur in days before or days after the date listed, due to the ever-changing, strength-activating landscapes we simultaneously navigate. We do however continue to strive to aim ourselves to a narrower timespace broadcast target :-)
    Thank you for your patience with the rebuilding of our neurological processes and for your excitement and courage actuating these meaningful endeavors.
    #WAHA β€’ #WarriorSaid β€’ #HumanitarianArt β€’ #IntuitivePublicRadio β€’ #RadioPublicaIntuitiva β€’ #RPI β€’β€’β€’
"What have you discovered in recent days?
What have you published?
What have you responded to?
What is your approach to setting up success for your most necessary but uncommon conversations?"
More: t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/69
In the Intuitive network on Telegram messenger, notice where you have participated in public shareable conversations.

At the beginning of each chat or channel title, you may see a speaker icon -- like this: πŸ”Š

If the chat or channel you have published in has that icon, all are encouraged to share those messages to other spaces in order to assist network communications.

(Remember: Any chat or channel that has a lock πŸ”’ icon must remain private and confidential, and never be shared elsewhere, unless you have asked specific permission of the person who shared a post.)

When you are chatting in a public speaker πŸ”Š icon location, you are participating in a conversation we all want to amplify as much as possible.

The amplification of these intentional, life-honoring public media conversations is a powerful way to begin to eliminate human trafficking violence in all locations.

More: t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/69
All posts on Radio PΓΊblica Intuitiva are made in order to request translation to non-English languages.

While we focus primarily on Spanish language publishing at this time, all non-English languages are expressly invited.

English-speaking language learners are also expressly invited. πŸ•ŠοΈ

RPI is our network hub for compiling deep, immersive multilingual resourcing where all living beings can be respected and all community members can participate.

When you see English language posts on the RPI platform, it is because we do not have sufficient resources for translations -- and we are keeping the flow of information going however we can until we are able to translate, or until more translation assistance is available.

However, any item you see here is a request for a translation of that item to another language.

Please feel free to translate items in the comments of each item.

Please prioritize non-English languages as much as possible in RPI spaces, in comments and in new published items, to assist our community members who have experienced violence from English language contexts.

For those of us who speak and understand primarily English, RPI is an opportunity for us to expand our verbal neurological functions in a way that maximizes neuroplasticity and relational neurological recovery.

To find the English language translation of an item published on RPI, the first place to look is t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio, where the same items are usually posted.

To participate and co-facilitate in community classes, visit: Intuitive.community/classes

Consider an offer of support: Browse Intuitive.community/support, comment to be in touch, or email grow@intuitive.community to introduce yourself.

Thank you for being part of the development of this crucial relational resource.

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Thank you, @JohannaBotanica, for today's live broadcast focus and Intuitive editorial theme β€” Successful, Necessary, Uncommon Conversations.

For more about this broadcast event and our continuing event schedule, check out t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/69.

On this subject, @MaxMorris inquires as follows...

"How is it that we set up our Successful, Necessary, but Uncommon Conversations...?

It's been occluded... it's been targeted for erasure... but it's still true: Every possible way that our bodies feel moved to begin a conversation can be the correct way -- can be the way that others receive it successfully.

How do we identify that we are opening a conversation in a way that the others in that environment can access, can comprehend, and feel safe and confident to engage with?"

How do we call in, call out, and be curious, in appropriate measure?

What do survivors of severity have to say on these matters?

How can we use and expand on what others have developed and published about setting up successful necessary conversations?

What do we have to add to that body of knowledge?

How Is the existing social tech relevant and-or insufficient for survivors of severity?

"The world will heal only with coherency among human beings.
Not the fake amicability that comes from pretending injustice never happened, but the healing that starts with acknowledging that it did.
Amnesty and disclosure lean upon each other.
Amnesty, forgiveness, trustβ€”these are conditional.
But they rest on love which is not."
13 November 2022 - 118 - Special Broadcast Program (13 November…
Intuitive Public Radio
118. Special Broadcast Program (13 November 2022)

Tune to Radiostream Zero at 11:11am & 7pm Eastern Sundays & Wednesdays for our Special Broadcast Program.

Radiostream Zero: https://www.internet-radio.com/station/intuitive/

More about Radiostream Zero can be found at Intuitive.pub/radiostream/zero.

Each scheduled special broadcast weighs in at under an hour β€” this one, 48 minutes β€” and includes our best materials from recent group projects.

Next playing at 7pm Eastern today: Selections written, composed, and performed by Megan Elizabeth Morris with the help of Intuitive Invisibles across this wise, kind, Intuitive community network.

Included in this special broadcast are selections from Intuitive Public Music, MaxMoRadio, Intuitive Wealth, Intuitive Actual, The Mold Cabaret: User's Manual, and The Mold Cabaret: How To Succeed In Sex Trafficking Without Really Trying.

Sponsor the salubrious successes of this Intuitive Public Radio by supporting, celebrating, and stabilizing new strengths in survivor-led solutions: Intuitive.community/support, Intuitive.community/classes

Anchor FM: anchor.fm/intuitive/episodes/118--Special-Broadcast-Program-13-November-2022-e1qmneo

Contribute music, art, content, commentary, & what moves you for Intuitive Editorial and this Intuitive Public Radio.
   Upcoming Live Broadcasts:
     26 November 2022, 4 Kej
Subject: How to set up a successful necessary but uncommon conversation
   Please send your contribution by Telegram as early as possible to help us get your media into the public program. 2 days before the broadcast day is best. 1 day before the broadcast day might even still make it in. The last remnants of potentiatable predictability have fainting spells after that :-)
    Comment on the public post at t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/87 with links to your contributions, or whatever questions you may like to ask.
   Invite community members to these public Telegram spaces so that we can all browse through one another's contributions.
    However many contributions we will be able to compile for official episode releases, all are welcome to browse through everyone's contributions here.
     From this public chat space, items can be promoted to other community spaces on Telegram. If you can provide a link to your public content elsewhere, people will be able to find you and learn more about what you create. Yes, share joyfully what you would like to share for public discourse and collective nourishment.
   Leading up to each live broadcast, we will highlight the time of broadcast as it is scheduled within 24 to 48 hours before broadcast day. (It might happen with less lead time than that. Or more.)
   Some broadcasts will be publicly archived where all can rewatch freely.
   Some broadcasts will be privately archived for our community network and those who reach out to us with support or requests.
   Ask for help getting connected.
   Make generous donations here to fuel and inspire us: paypal.me/intuitiveinvisibles
   All live event timespace datestamps may be broad enough to occur in days before or days after the date listed, due to the ever-changing, strength-activating landscapes we simultaneously navigate. We do however continue to strive to aim ourselves to a narrower timespace broadcast target :-)
    Thank you for your patience with the rebuilding of our neurological processes and for your excitement and courage actuating these meaningful endeavors.
   Next, get ready to contribute to more of our scheduled Special Broadcast Programs, these dates coming soon:
     17 December 2022, 12 Lamat
     30 December 2022, 8 Weaver
     6 January 2023, 6 Lamat
     26 January 2023, 13 Lamat
    #WAHA β€’ #WarriorSaid β€’ #HumanitarianArt β€’ #IntuitivePublicRadio β€’ #RadioPublicaIntuitiva β€’ #RPI β€’β€’β€’
     Previously: t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/69
28 November 2022 - 120 - Successful, Necessary, Uncommon Conversations…
Intuitive Public Radio
120. Successful, Necessary, Uncommon Conversations One (26 November 2022)

Introductory segment complete. Compiling continues!

Moved to contribute? Find out more at t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/93.

With gratitude to
Johanna Botanica (t.me/JohannaBotanica) in voice audio & community coordination
Max M. E. Morris (t.me/MaxMorris) in voice audio, community coordination, music creation, & media production
Honored Intuitive Invisibles: blessings to all here working with us behind the scenes, in sacred infrastructure.

Anchor FM: anchor.fm/intuitive/episodes/120--Successful--Necessary--Uncommon-Conversations-One-26-November-2022-e1reee5

Vision blessing: t.me/IntuitiveVision/195

Media is too big
120. Successful, Necessary, Uncommon Conversations One (26 November 2022)

Please accept this vision blessing with our gratitude for your presence and participation.

Learn how to collaborate with us by visiting t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/93.

Audio & authorships: t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/11088

LYRICS SHEET One: Solstice Songs
9 December 2022, Noj Caban 4 Ahau

Welcome to this musically collaborative public art project.

How to play: Write new lyrics for songs we co-create together in this Intuitive community.

Add your original, shareable, remixable
 lyrical contributions here
 for the whole community
 network to sing together: docs.google.com/document/d/1Edqw03RLLyiJNok9SdT-JPRdBr093bbzB62Qmd-Sh7w

Make music from these lyrics. 

Then, share what you make
 at: t.me/ThisChristmas/781

Want to collaborate more?

 Record your peace to go with
  other peaces your community
  members have made.

 Layer and remix with gusto.

 Bring back your peaces
  to be shared freely
  with the community 
  at: t.me/ThisChristmas/781

"An online document goes on there and anyone who has the link can edit it and everyone puts in solstice time lyrics, anything they think of that they would like in a music
   And then any of us who want to sing, we go to that page and we sing those lyrics and we bring the recordings to the same space."

Dear Intuitive community,

As we start this new day on 14 December 2022, we invite you to join us in a moment of reflection and gratitude.

Let us take a deep breath and ground ourselves in the present moment, aware of the beauty and magic that surrounds us.

We are grateful for the unique gifts and talents that each one of us brings to the Intuitive community network on Telegram messenger and across all our platforms. We are so glad to have you with us here.

We believe in the power of our collective wisdom and support. We trust in our ability to care for and respect one another as we navigate the challenges and opportunities that come our way.

Let us cultivate a space of compassion and understanding, where we can learn from one another and grow together.

As we go about our day, let us remember to nurture our minds, bodies, and spirits with love and intention. May we find strength and inspiration in our connection to one another, and may we continue to shine our light and share our gifts with the world.

With love and gratitude,

Max, Intuitive Intent, & this
Intuitive community network

What does it mean to fall between the cracks?
πŸ”Š tune to β€’ @esoexp β€’ eso experiential β€’ deep archive β€’ concierge collective β€’ intuitive flow β€’ ipr β€’β€’β€’ Join public chat: t.me/+REkAJo5S4WdkMTg0
Msg: t.me/c/1647064005/609
t.me/EsoExp/574, t.me/TheIntuitiveInvisible/893
APOCALYPSE!! β€’ What To Do??

Tuesday, 3 January 2023 β€’ 1PM (1300h) Eastern | Jitsi live public session with Intuitive Community Access

Challenges rearing their fierce, firey faces? With friends, you can engage collaborative solutions.

To succeed in otherwise impossible-seeming circumstances, we anchor sacred principles of change in the flow of activated community energy.

1. Courage. 2. Tolerance. 3. Take sober stock of the situation. 4. Best practices. 5. Care magic. 6. Detoxification. 7. Peoples' economics. 8. Life sanctuary practices. 9. Learn together. 10. Celebrate success. (!!!)

Join this public, recorded audio/video session in Jitsi with your web browser to anchor and usher forth powerful change with us.

Contact t.me/maxmorris for special access and assistance.

Join here: meet.jit.si/IntuitiveAccess
