Cardano Announcements
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Official Community and Ecosystem Announcement Channel, managed by The Cardano Foundation Community Team. Official website:
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FRESH TODAY: We've just released new #Daedalus for the ITN. Daedalus 2.4.0-ITN1 contains a wallet recovery phrase verification feature, to support ITN users redeeming their rewards later on this summer as we head to Shelley on Cardano mainnet. It also provides background blockchain synch, new wallet import & various other enhancement. If you have been staking on the ITN, download it today from the staking site
OUT NOW: New Daedalus Shelley Testnet Release! 🎉

IOHK has just released a brand new #Daedalus for the Shelley testnet. Now you can try out new #Shelley Shelley features in a sandboxed environment using test ada - including delegation, stake pools & seeing how real rewards will work on the mainnet later this summer.

Check Darko's Quick explanation video here:

IOHK will release have a full video walkthrough for you later this week, digging into the features in-depth. We'll also be adding new Daedalus testnet functionality incrementally during the Shelley roll out, over the weeks ahead.

Remember, no 'real' ada is involved on the testnet. But please always be vigilant against scammers. Never respond to 'giveaways' and never send your real ada to anyone claiming they are a stake pool. Delegation happens within your own wallet - your ada never goes anywhere.

The new Daedalus wallet (1.2.0-STN1) is now available from the Cardano testnets site; remember, for your own security, only download Daedalus from official IOHK or Cardano sites:
We hope you enjoy trying these features out! More information is available here.

Have fun - and please contact us via the support desk if you spot any bugs or have issues!
OUT NOW: Fresh today, IOHK releases NEW Daedalus 2.3.0 delivers much-requested automatic updates, removing the need for manual #Daedalus installers in the future. Download today ONLY from the official site:
OUT NOW: New Daedalus 2.4.0 for continues to improve the Cardano delegation user experience. It brings a number of new features, including a saturation indicator for stake pools, to show how close to saturation a pool is getting Cardano.

It also adds a potential rewards estimation, based on the amount of stake you intend to delegate. Plus there's a new table view for easier stake pool comparison.

To help you better understand the stake pool key metrics, we've also added tooltips with explanations. Here's a video walkthrough from Darko, highlighting the key features:

Darko and Filip will also join us on tomorrow's monthly Cardano show to talk more about the new release and what's next, so be sure to tune in. And remember, download #Daedalus ONLY from the official Daedalus site:

Are you currently delegating your ada stake to a stake pool? 💸

If that's a 'YES' for you, then your stake pool might be saturated with the upcoming 'K' parameter network changes. 🧐
Please carefully read the following Twitter thread from IOHK, if you don't want to miss out on potential staking rewards. 👇

On December 6th the Cardano network successfully transitioned to its new network parameter 'k = 500'.

Happy K=500 day! 🥳

ICYMI: if you're staking your ada, this is a MUST READ thread:


Furthermore, the IOHK research team recently released an academic paper on "Security Limitations of Classical-Client Delegated Quantum Computing" co-authored by our researchers has been accepted to the Asiacrypt 2020! 👌

For those interested, register & join the conference:
OUT NOW: #Daedalus mainnet 4.3.1

Daedalus 4.3.1 brings #Alonzo support & includes a countdown to the Alonzo HFC upgrade. Also improved presentation of windows, enhancements to transaction management, and support for the upcoming Trezor hardware wallet firmware update.

To ensure uninterrupted wallet operation, be sure to upgrade Daedalus before the HFC event on Sunday, September 12th @ 21:44 UTC. For a bit of fun, we’ve also enabled a countdown. Click out the confetti icon in the top-right of the screen to see it. 🎉


Release notes: