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Forwarded from newsofehrmedia 🇬🇧
☝🏻Zelenskiy informs world of his intention to blow up the cooling pool of the Zaporzhye Nuclear Power Plant and blame Russia for it.
Forwarded from LauraAboli (Laura Aboli)
👇🏻I’m speechless…🤦🏻‍♀️
Forwarded from Insider Paper
BREAKING: Biden govt to provide $1.3 billion in fresh economic aid to Ukraine

READ: https://insiderpaper.com/us-to-provide-1-3-billion-in-fresh-economic-aid-to-ukraine/

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Forwarded from Oriental Review (ortelepub)
Deaths At Sea: From The Titan To The Mediterranean

Mortality at sea is becoming a theme of late. The nature of how that mortality has been represented, however, has varied. The death of a billionaire on a quest to see the sunken ruins of the Titanic is treated with saturating interest; the deaths of those making their way across the Mediterranean to seek sanctuary…


Creio que é tempo de ler, ou reler, e de editar, ou re-editar, o livro de Julien Benda A Traição dos Intelectuais, no original La Trahison des clercs.

Diretor-geral da OMS Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus distinguido com Doutoramento Honoris Causa

Valerie Bugault is an independent researcher, doctor of law and a geopolitical analyst. She is a valued voice in independent French media circles. As we can see below, she puts into perspective all the notorious globalist elements and players we know about, and does it in relation to France’s constitutional republic, which she claims has been completely circumvented by a newly-created, non-elected group of people.

Forwarded from Geopolítica e Política

The German Jews desired civic and political emancipation or desired the political power?

Forwarded from Eurasia & Multipolarity
The Times, which means the British Elite, says that Ukraine must be annexed to NATO within a year. It's clear to everyone this won't be possible with conventional means unless all Western leaders agree to declare war on Russia officially, so what the Anglo-Zionist are saying is that a nuclear war is a better option than giving up on the idea to annex Ukraine to their empire.
Forwarded from Eurasia & Multipolarity
Rumours cokehead Zelensky, fearing that the moment he might be hanged to a streetlight in Kiev is approaching fast, has informed NATO leaders that he plans to blow up the Zaporozhye NPP if Kiev is not immediately accepted into NATO and NATO troops are not deployed officially and in big numbers on the battlefield in order to reverse the course of the failed counteroffensive. UK and Poland fully back the false-flag that could lead the world to a nuclear holocaust.
Forwarded from Álvaro Aragão Athayde

O Sonho Americano dos Europeus e o Sonho Europeu dos Portugueses


Hans Vogel • The Unz Review • July 2, 2023

But not to worry, the “West” is composed of “value-based” societies under “the rule of law,” were “equity” and “diversity” and “human rights” are being upheld, where “carbon and nitrogen emissions” are being limited, and where “fake news” and “disinformation” are banned.

• The article can be read in several languages because the original has an automatic translation device.
• O artigo pode ser lido em vários idiomas porque o original possui um dispositivo de tradução automática.
There are only two genders ☝️

~ via @insect_life

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Forwarded from Slavyangrad (Miroslav)
Andrew Vajra :

With curiosity, I did not so much listen as I watched Gordon's recent conversation with Arestovich. It was more interesting to watch. They walked for two hours in the center of Kiev. Where I once walked. Why is it interesting? The city is relaxed in summer. Sun, heat, heat, beaches, restaurants... If you do not take into account that mobilizing are being captured on the outskirts of the capital, then in general Kiev lives the way it has always lived. There are some difficulties, but in general, everything is fine.

Hence the unstoppable optimism of Ukrainian citizens. There is a war, but there is no war. Sometimes something arrives, but this only applies to military facilities. For Ukrainian citizens, Russians are much safer than Ukrainian air defense. The Russians, for them, are not a real, but a speculative threat. Such a toothless enemy, a goner, whom the Ukrainians will very soon defeat with one finger. Little finger.

"Rating" poll conducted. It turned out that in Ukraine, 32% believe that Kiev needs six months or a year to win, 30% - more than a year, and 17% believe that several months or less are needed to achieve it. Only 1% of Ukrainian citizens do not believe in the victory of Ukraine. If we proceed from what is in the minds of most of my acquaintances in Ukraine, then the results of the survey as a whole reflect psychic reality. They really believe in their inevitable victory. Sincerely.

Everyone is used to growing cemeteries. To round-ups of military commissars - too. It's just commonplace. The tantrums of relatives, whose husbands and children either died or went missing, are present, but it seems to be not there. It doesn't affect anything. This is beyond reality. It's like a daily routine now. Here we sit in a restaurant, here we sunbathe in the hydro park, here we go to work, here a rocket flew in, here flags over the horizon in the cemetery, where we caught another mobilized on the street ... and yes, we need to walk the dog in the evening ...

What's important? No loss! APU - peremogayut! "Orcs" are stupid, cowardly, and helpless, they don't know how to fight. And they are already armed with cannons of the 30s of the last century, but they will soon run out. There is no enemy from the “orcs”, at the sight of Ukrainian soldiers he immediately runs. The Armed Forces of Ukraine do not even fight, but simply clear the trenches of the "enemy".

Interesting reality. No one is embarrassed by the loss of "forte Bakhmut". No one is embarrassed by the “counterattack” drowned in Ukrainian blood. No one remembers Bakhmut anymore, and the “counterattack” grinds the “orcs” and deprives them of their last tanks, guns, and ammunition. Everything is fine!

NATO did not take. But they promised to take it after the “peremogi”. "Peramoga" - in a year, so membership in the Alliance is practically in your pocket!

And in the east, at this time, a giant "meat grinder" is continuously working, daily grinding the lower social strata of Ukrainian society, those who were not lucky enough to be in the upper cabins of the Titanic. The process of extermination is gradually moving upward, but no one notices it in Ukraine. It looks like he doesn't exist. They don't want to see him. Ukrainian society, by and large, has adapted to its destruction and takes it for granted. Remember the story of the frog that was boiled alive by gradually heating the water? Ukraine is such a frog. And it won't come out of the pot.

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Media is too big
Stoltenberg: No security guarantees or NATO membership can be assured unless Ukraine prevails.

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U.S. State Dept. spokesman calls the war a 'strategic failure' for Ukraine in two back-to-back blunders.

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Media is too big
Biden: Russia already lost the war in Ukraine and doesn’t have the capacity to maintain the fighting long-term.

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Sobrevive o mais forte ou o que mais rapidamente se adapta à mudança?


Brasil copia o pior do Racialismo Americano
