#漢字ひとつ The index of kanjihitotsu
对于汉字圈的日语学习者来说,日语中的汉字带来了很多的便利。但作者(萌新)在学习的过程中发现,掌握日语的汉字对于提升词汇量有很大帮助,故建立#漢字ひとつ这个专栏,总结一些常用或特殊汉字。(其实就是想偷懒,因为这个不用花很多时间) 说明:数字为日期,方便检索。 音读用片假名标示,训读用平假名标示,^后为送假名, ◎为选词理由 20190814 無{ム ブ な^い} ◎常用 20190905 係{ケイ かかり} ◎特殊训读 20190921 速{ソク はや^い} ◎在汉语中读sù,在日语中增加了ク的音 20191108…
Learning languages 语言学习
読む方のルール Rules governing reading
If a kanji that begins with か行、さ行、た行、は行 is added after a kanji that ends in つ, the つ changes into っ.
When a kanji beginning with a は行 is added after a kinji that ends in つ or ん, the は行 changes into a ぱ行.
When two words are run together, the voiced sound marker ゛ is sometimes added to the first letter of the second word. This rule usually applies with kunyomi words.
読む方のルール Rules governing reading
If a kanji that begins with か行、さ行、た行、は行 is added after a kanji that ends in つ, the つ changes into っ.
When a kanji beginning with a は行 is added after a kinji that ends in つ or ん, the は行 changes into a ぱ行.
When two words are run together, the voiced sound marker ゛ is sometimes added to the first letter of the second word. This rule usually applies with kunyomi words.
1 笑顔 えがお
2 昨日 きのう
3 果物 くだもの
4 景色 けしき
5 手伝う てつだう
6 友達 ともだち
7 二十歳 はたち
8 真っ赤 まっか
9 真っ青 まっさお
10 明日 あす
11 大人 おとな
12 今日 きょう
13 今朝 けさ
14 今年 ことし
15 上手 じょうず
16 白髪 しらが
17 一日 ついたち
18 時計 とけい
19 博士 はかせ
20 二十 はたち
21 二十日 はつか
22 吹雪 ふぶき
23 下手 へた
24 部屋 へや
25 迷子 まいご
26 土産 みやげ
27 息子 むすこ
28 紅葉 もみじ
29 木綿 もめん
30 八百屋 やおや
31 浴衣 ゆかた
32 行方 ゆくえ
1 笑顔 えがお
2 昨日 きのう
3 果物 くだもの
4 景色 けしき
5 手伝う てつだう
6 友達 ともだち
7 二十歳 はたち
8 真っ赤 まっか
9 真っ青 まっさお
10 明日 あす
11 大人 おとな
12 今日 きょう
13 今朝 けさ
14 今年 ことし
15 上手 じょうず
16 白髪 しらが
17 一日 ついたち
18 時計 とけい
19 博士 はかせ
20 二十 はたち
21 二十日 はつか
22 吹雪 ふぶき
23 下手 へた
24 部屋 へや
25 迷子 まいご
26 土産 みやげ
27 息子 むすこ
28 紅葉 もみじ
29 木綿 もめん
30 八百屋 やおや
31 浴衣 ゆかた
32 行方 ゆくえ
▶️ム 無理(むり)unreasonable、無料(むりょう)free、無休(むきゅう)work without holiday
▶️ブ 無事(ぶじ)safety
▶️な^い 無いdo not exist
▶️ム 無理(むり)unreasonable、無料(むりょう)free、無休(むきゅう)work without holiday
▶️ブ 無事(ぶじ)safety
▶️な^い 無いdo not exist
▶️カン 中間(ちゅうかん)middle
▶️ケン 世間(せけん)world、人間(にんげん)human being
▶️あいだ space; time; relationship
▶️ま 間違い(まちがい)mistake、隙間(すきま)gap
▶️カン 中間(ちゅうかん)middle
▶️ケン 世間(せけん)world、人間(にんげん)human being
▶️あいだ space; time; relationship
▶️ま 間違い(まちがい)mistake、隙間(すきま)gap
learning language频道v3.0所有部分已经完成升级,优化目录功能方便快速查阅。v3.0新增动漫歌词。本目录将 #持续更新
Learning language V3.0 is now being used. The catalog has been added for searching for grammars quickly. The catalog will be consistently updated.
Now, all sections have finished updating, and some lyrics of anime songs are added into the channel.
Because the creator is busy recently, so new contents will not be posted as frequently as before. If you are interesting in different languages as well as cultures and willing to take part in editing this channel, please contact the creator: @CTSleo
最近比较忙,所以可能会缓更,如果有语言和文化大佬希望参与编辑,请联系 @CTSleo
learning language频道v3.0所有部分已经完成升级,优化目录功能方便快速查阅。v3.0新增动漫歌词。本目录将 #持续更新
Learning language V3.0 is now being used. The catalog has been added for searching for grammars quickly. The catalog will be consistently updated.
Now, all sections have finished updating, and some lyrics of anime songs are added into the channel.
Because the creator is busy recently, so new contents will not be posted as frequently as before. If you are interesting in different languages as well as cultures and willing to take part in editing this channel, please contact the creator: @CTSleo
最近比较忙,所以可能会缓更,如果有语言和文化大佬希望参与编辑,请联系 @CTSleo
前言Preface *&* 目錄Content
友情链接 Other links 日语资源频道 Japanese learning resources*(channel) 英语学习讨论群 English discussion*(group) 日语聊天群 chat in Japanese*(group) “Those who know nothing of foreign languages know…
Learning languages 语言学习 pinned « learning language频道v3.0所有部分已经完成升级,优化目录功能方便快速查阅。v3.0新增动漫歌词。本目录将 #持续更新 Learning language V3.0 is now being used. The catalog has been added for searching for grammars quickly. The catalog will be consistently…»
20191212[English corner]: statue 相关
statue N.雕像
the Statue of Liberty
state N.国家
The United States of America
status N.地位
As the daughter of the president, she enjoys high status among her peers.
static adj. 静止的
Oil prices have remained static for the last few months.
20191212[English corner]: statue 相关
statue N.雕像
the Statue of Liberty
state N.国家
The United States of America
status N.地位
As the daughter of the president, she enjoys high status among her peers.
static adj. 静止的
Oil prices have remained static for the last few months.
20200109 unfinished
20200109 unfinished
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Tapescripts Test 1 1 a lovely little town with nice beaches 2 on the minus side 3 the negatives/positives for N are 4 it depends on your financial circumstances 5 quit one's job 6 there are obvious advantages in this 7 attitudes of various social and cultural…