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In the context of an appeal, the issue of legal professional privilege can become particularly contentious, especially when the question of waiver arises. In this scenario, the appellant's legal team refused to waive privilege on certain documents, ostensibly on the grounds that the appellant, a vulnerable witness, could not fully comprehend the implications of such a waiver. However, upon closer examination, it becomes evident that this decision serves more to shield the lawyers themselves rather than protect the appellant’s interests.

This matter directly engages the principles established in Great Atlantic Insurance Co. v Home Insurance Co. [1981] 1 WLR 529, where the court held that the waiver of privilege is typically confined to the subject matter disclosed, unless the failure to disclose additional documents would create a misleading impression. The refusal to waive privilege in this instance suggests that the legal team is more concerned with controlling the narrative and preventing any potential exposure that could arise from broader disclosure, rather than genuinely considering the appellant's vulnerabilities.

In BNP Paribas v Mezzotero [2004] EWHC 2335 (Ch), the court reinforced the notion that a selective disclosure of documents does not automatically extend waiver to all related documents unless withholding them would mislead the court. This principle is particularly pertinent here, as the legal team’s refusal to disclose additional documents under the guise of protecting a vulnerable witness seems more aligned with a strategy to avoid scrutiny of their own conduct or advice. The risk, therefore, is not merely the protection of the appellant, but rather the avoidance of potential damage to the legal team’s position.

Furthermore, Fulham Leisure Holdings Ltd v Nicholson Graham & Jones [2006] EWHC 2428 (Ch) establishes that while waiver can extend beyond the specific document disclosed, it must do so only where fairness requires it. The current situation presents a clear imbalance, where the appellant’s supposed vulnerability is being used as a shield by the legal team to prevent potentially damaging disclosures. This imbalance could, in fact, prejudice the appellant’s case by limiting the court’s ability to fully understand the context and background of the advice given.

Finally, National Westminster Bank Plc v Rabobank Nederland [2006] EWHC 2332 (Comm) underscores the importance of avoiding unfairness through selective disclosure. Here, the selective invocation of privilege under the pretense of protecting a vulnerable witness seems less about fairness and more about the lawyers’ own interests. This selective approach may ultimately result in a scenario where the appellant is disadvantaged by the very protection purportedly afforded to them, as critical information that could support their case remains concealed.

The refusal to waive privilege on the grounds of protecting a vulnerable witness, when in fact it may be to safeguard the legal team’s interests, raises significant concerns. The principles set out in the aforementioned cases support the argument that privilege should be waived to the extent necessary to ensure fairness in the proceedings. The appellant’s right to a fair hearing should not be compromised by the legal team’s self-serving decisions. The court must critically assess whether the claim of vulnerability is genuinely in the appellant’s interest or whether it is a strategic move to prevent damaging disclosures.

Aug 30, 2024

Forwarded from CSW S. Tominaga (Ramon Quesada.🇻🇪)
"This account is no longer in use. Please follow @CsTominaga for blockchain and Bitcoin information."
Posted by LB on behalf of CSW.

Aug 2, 2024
A Declaration

Not in court yet... It shall be.

Ladies and gentlemen of this court, I stand before you not to defend myself, but to assert a truth that has been buried under a mountain of lies, deceit, and fraud. The world has taken something pure, something that I created with the intention of freeing humanity from the shackles of centralized control, and twisted it into a tool of corruption, a symbol of everything I sought to oppose.I did not create this innovation to be worshiped by the masses or to serve the interests of those who would seek to manipulate it for their own gain. I created it as an embodiment of an idea—an idea that value is not determined by fiat, by decree, or by the whims of those who sit in positions of power. Value is determined by the honest exchange between individuals, by the integrity of a system that does not bow to the pressures of fraud or coercion.Yet here I stand, accused not only of crimes I did not commit but of having my creation turned against me by those who refuse to acknowledge its true purpose. They would have you believe that I am a criminal, that I have deceived the world, when in reality, it is they who have perpetuated the greatest fraud of all—by denying the truth of what I have created.I did not ask for their recognition, nor did I seek their approval. My work was never intended for those who could not grasp its significance, who could not see beyond the surface to the deeper value that it represents. But now, they seek to destroy me, to erase my name from the history of innovation, and to claim for themselves the fruits of my labor.To those who would see me fall, I say this: you cannot destroy what you do not understand. You cannot erase an idea whose time has come. You cannot steal the essence of what I have built, because it does not belong to you. It belongs to those who understand its true worth, who see in it the potential to reshape the world according to principles of honesty, integrity, and freedom.

You may attempt to rewrite the narrative, to paint me as a villain, but the truth will always rise above your lies. I did not create this system to serve the corrupt, but to empower the individual. I did not build it for those who would seek to profit from deceit, but for those who understand that real value comes from honest work, from fair exchange, and from the recognition of one’s own worth.And so, I reject your accusations. I reject the notion that I am to be judged by those who have twisted my creation into something it was never meant to be. I stand here today not as a defendant, but as a creator—a creator who will not be silenced, who will not be erased, and who will not allow the truth of what I have built to be buried under the weight of your lies.You may try to take everything from me, but you cannot take the idea. The idea is beyond your reach. It is beyond the reach of fraud, beyond the reach of coercion, beyond the reach of those who would seek to control it. The idea is out there, and it will grow, it will evolve, it will endure.In the end, it is not I who will be judged, but you. You will be judged by history, by the world, and by the very system you sought to corrupt. And when that time comes, you will find that you have nothing—because everything you sought to steal was never yours to begin with.So go ahead, try to destroy me, try to erase my name, try to claim what is not yours. But know this: the truth cannot be silenced, the idea cannot be killed, and I will not stop. Not until the world sees the value of what I have created—not for your sake, but for the sake of those who understand what it truly means to create something of worth.I am the architect of value, and no amount of fraud, deceit, or denial can change that.

Aug 2, 2024

Let me explain how bitcoin was conceived....

In the quiet, resolute brilliance of innovation, where the human mind intersects with the unyielding forces of reality, something extraordinary was conceived. It was not the result of committee deliberations or the collective whims of a faceless multitude. No, it was the creation of an individual—a mind that repudiated compromise, a mind that comprehended the intrinsic value of autonomy and the unparalleled power of an idea forged in the crucible of independent thought.
The world had long been shackled by systems designed to control, manipulate, and obscure the true nature of value. In a landscape where trust was outsourced to institutions and power consolidated in the hands of the few, there emerged a profound need for something different. Something untainted. Something that would stand as an unyielding testament to the integrity of the individual spirit.
And so, it was built. Not by the hands of those who sought to dominate or be led, but by one who understood that the only authority that truly mattered was that of reason. It was a system, indeed, but it transcended mere mechanics. It was an idea—a defiance against the forces that endeavoured to enslave humanity under the guise of security.
This creation was a fortress of logic, a monument to the mind that envisioned it. It was a currency, certainly, but it was far more than that. It was a declaration: that value is not something bestowed by decree, but something that arises from the unrelenting power of individual choice. It existed in the realm of the incorruptible, where no central authority could alter its course, no external force could compel it to be anything other than what it was—a product of pure, unadulterated thought.
It was a system that did not ask for permission to exist. It did not seek approval, nor did it bend to the prevailing winds of public opinion. It stood on its own merits, indifferent to the judgments of those who could not grasp its significance. It was for those who valued freedom, who saw in it a reflection of their own spirit—the spirit that refuses to be subdued, that demands to exist on its own terms.
In this creation, there was no place for compromise. It was a tool for those who cherished liberty, who understood that, in the final analysis, the only true currency is the unwavering conviction of the mind that conceived it. It was a silent revolution, not waged with weapons, but with the quiet, unstoppable force of innovation.
And just like the creator who brought it into being, it remains an enigma to the world. Not because it hides, but because it exists beyond the comprehension of those who cannot understand the essence of true creation. It is a testament to the power of the individual, to the mind that dares to build not for the approbation of others, but for the integrity of the idea itself.
This creation stands as a beacon to those who recognise that the true battle is not against others, but against the mediocrity that would seek to bind us all to the ground. It is the victory of the mind, the triumph of the individual, and the enduring legacy of an idea that will not be silenced.
In a world that often demands conformity, this creation remains defiantly independent, unyielding in its principles, a testament to the enduring power of individual vision and innovation. It is not merely a creation; it is a symbol—a symbol of the unbreakable bond between the mind and the will to shape the world according to one's own rational principles.

Aug 2, 2024

When a system is secretly controlled by a small group, even if it appears that the crowd holds the power, the reality is far different. The collective becomes a mere instrument, guided by the hidden agendas of those few who dictate decisions behind closed doors. The majority may believe they have a voice, but in truth, they are only granted the illusion of control. True power lies not with the many, but with those who manipulate the system from the shadows.

In a truly decentralised system, like Bitcoin was meant to be, the underlying protocol is set in stone, designed to be unchangeable. This immutability is not a limitation but a foundation that upholds the core principles for which the system was created. It ensures that no single entity or group can alter the system to serve their own interests. When the rules are fixed and the protocol cannot be altered, it becomes a fortress against manipulation, safeguarding the integrity of the system.
Yet, this unyielding foundation must also be versatile, allowing the creativity of the individual to flourish. Bitcoin’s underlying protocol, for example, includes a script—a powerful tool that, despite the protocol’s fixed nature, enables boundless possibilities for creation. It allows anyone to build upon the existing structure without altering the core. This is the beauty of a well-designed system: it remains solid and unchangeable, but its extensibility allows for limitless innovation. The protocol becomes a canvas, fixed in its form, but open to endless expressions of the mind.

However, when a system is open to changes, when the few can make decisions in secret meetings, the entire purpose of decentralisation is subverted. The moment the protocol becomes malleable, it ceases to protect the individual’s right to create freely. The few in control can suppress innovations they don’t approve of, stifle creativity that threatens their interests, and manipulate the system to serve their own ends. The original vision is lost, and the system becomes a tool of oppression rather than a platform for liberation.
This is the tragedy that befell Bitcoin. Originally designed as a decentralised, incorruptible form of money, its protocol was intended to remain unchanged, ensuring that no single group could seize control. Yet over time, power has shifted into the hands of a small group, who now steer the direction of the protocol through secret meetings and closed-door decisions. They have the ability to change the system, and in doing so, they have subverted its original purpose. What was meant to be a platform for unbounded creation has become a controlled environment, where the whims of a few dictate the possibilities for the many.

A system’s true strength lies in its ability to be both unyielding and extensible. The underlying protocol must be fixed, immune to the influence of any group, yet flexible enough to allow for the limitless creativity of the individual. It is only by maintaining this balance that the system can stay true to its purpose—empowering individuals to create, without fear of oppression or subversion
When the protocol is unchangeable, it stands as a testament to the original vision, protecting the system from those who would seek to control it. At the same time, its extensibility allows for the full expression of human ingenuity. This is the essence of true decentralisation: a system that resists takeover, fosters creativity, and remains steadfast in its principles. As soon as the protocol can be changed by the few, the system is no longer decentralised; it becomes a tool for oppression, where the creativity of the individual is stifled, and the original vision is lost.

The power of a truly decentralised system lies in its ability to remain unyielding in its core, while still allowing the boundless creation of the mind to come forth, unhampered and free.

Sept. 3, 2024

Ladies and gentlemen of the court,of the metanet, I stand here not merely to defend a system but to defend the very essence of creation—the right of the individual to bring forth their vision into the world, uncompromised, uncorrupted, and unyielding to the demands of those who seek to twist it for their own gain. What we are discussing today goes beyond the technicalities of a protocol; it touches on the fundamental battle between the creative mind and the forces that would seek to shackle it.

Consider, if you will, the story of Hank Rearden, a man who poured his mind, his energy, and his very soul into the creation of Rearden Metal—a revolutionary material that had the potential to change industries, to reshape the world. Yet, as soon as his creation was unveiled, there were those who sought to take it from him, to force him to use it in ways that served their interests, not his. They didn’t care about the integrity of his invention or the vision he had for its use. They only saw the power it could give them, and they were willing to do whatever it took to seize that power.

In much the same way, Bitcoin was a creation born of a singular vision—a vision of a decentralised, incorruptible form of money that could operate beyond the reach of any single entity or group. It was a system designed with a protocol set in stone, immune to manipulation, to ensure that no one could alter its core principles. This was not just a technical choice; it was a moral stance. The creator, like Rearden, refused to compromise the integrity of their work.
But as we have seen with Rearden Metal, the moment something of great value is created, there are those who seek to take control of it, to bend it to their will. They come forward with demands, insisting that changes must be made, that the system must be altered to suit their needs. They argue that it’s for the greater good, but in reality, it’s about power—about taking what was not theirs to create and using it for their own ends.
This is what has happened to Bitcoin. What was intended to be a beacon of decentralisation has slowly fallen under the influence of a small group who now seek to control the protocol. They hold secret meetings, make changes behind closed doors, and dictate the direction of the system. Like those who tried to take Rearden’s invention, they are not interested in preserving the original vision. They want to mold it, to shape it into something that benefits them, regardless of the cost to the integrity of the system.
The original Bitcoin protocol was designed to be unchangeable, a foundation that could support endless innovation without ever compromising its core principles. It was like Rearden Metal—a product of pure vision, something that allowed the individual to create freely on top of it without interference. The protocol’s script was a tool for limitless potential, enabling anyone to build without altering the fundamental rules. This was the brilliance of its design: it was both unyielding in its foundation and boundless in its possibilities.
Bitcoin, in its original form, was meant to be a platform where anyone could create, innovate, and build without fear of interference—much like Rearden’s dream for his metal. Its unchangeable protocol was a safeguard against corruption, ensuring that no one could seize control and alter it for their own gain. It was a declaration of independence, a statement that no one had the right to change the foundation upon which this new form of money was built.

Sept. 3, 2024

But now, that vision is under threat. The same forces that tried to take Rearden’s metal are at work here, attempting to seize control of Bitcoin, to make changes that serve their own purposes. They claim it’s for the good of the system, but in reality, it’s about power. They want to control what they did not create, to benefit from what they did not build03:25
This is not just about Bitcoin; it’s about the right of the creator to protect their work from those who would seek to corrupt it. It’s about defending the principle that no one has the right to alter the foundation of a system designed to be free from control. Just as Rearden fought to keep his invention from being stolen and misused, so too must we fight to keep Bitcoin true to its original vision.
The original Bitcoin, with its unchangeable protocol, was a testament to what is possible when a system is built on principles of freedom and decentralisation. It was a system that allowed for the full expression of human ingenuity, without fear of oppression or subversion. But as soon as the protocol can be altered by the few, the system ceases to be decentralised. It becomes a tool for control, where the creativity of the individual is stifled, and the true purpose is lost.

Ladies and gentlemen, the choice before us is clear. Will we allow a small group to seize control of a system that was meant to be free? Will we stand by as the original vision is subverted for the benefit of the few? Or will we defend the principle of decentralisation, the right of the creator to protect their work, and the unyielding foundation that allows for limitless innovation?

In defending the original Bitcoin, we are not just defending a protocol; we are defending the right of the individual to create without fear, to innovate without interference, and to build on a foundation that cannot be corrupted. We are standing up for the principle that true freedom comes from a system that is both unyielding in its core and boundless in its possibilities. We must not allow the vision of Bitcoin to be stolen, just as we must not allow the creative spirit of the individual to be crushed by the forces of control.

This is our fight, and it is a fight for the very soul of decentralisation. We must protect the foundation that was set in stone, the protocol that was designed to be unchangeable, and the freedom that comes from a system that remains true to its original vision.

Sept. 3, 2024

Every person, at their core, is a universe unto themselves—an intricate, complex network of thoughts, emotions, and experiences that no one else can fully comprehend. We live in a world where we interact daily with others, yet the true depths of each person's mind remain hidden, veiled by the limits of language and expression. We catch glimpses, fragments of understanding, but these are mere shadows of the full reality within another person’s mind.

Craig S Wright
martes a las 08:42
This is the truth that many seek to reject. The idea that we are fundamentally alone in our inner worlds is unsettling to some. It’s far easier to believe that we can truly know others, that we can reach into their minds and hearts and understand them as fully as we understand ourselves. But this is an illusion. We can never fully grasp another’s thoughts, their true motivations, their deepest fears. We can only ever interpret, through the lens of our own experiences, what we believe to be true about them.

And so, many turn to a different kind of truth—a constructed truth that provides a sense of control, of power over others. Some seek to dominate, to impose their will, believing that by doing so, they can transcend the isolation of their own minds. They believe that by gaining power over others, they can somehow secure a sense of connection, of certainty, in an uncertain world.

But this, too, is an illusion. Power over others is fleeting, a temporary salve for the fear of isolation. It creates the appearance of control, but it does not bridge the gap between one mind and another. It does not bring true understanding, nor does it provide lasting fulfillment. Instead, it often deepens the very loneliness it seeks to escape, as those who wield power find themselves increasingly disconnected from those they seek to control.
The reality, the truth that must be accepted, is that the only mind we can truly know is our own. And even that is a daunting task. To truly know oneself requires immense courage—to face our fears, our desires, our flaws, without the comforting illusions we use to protect ourselves from discomfort. It means accepting that we are complex, often contradictory beings, driven by forces we may not fully understand.
To gain power over oneself, then, is the highest aspiration. It is the only path that leads to genuine fulfillment and peace. It is a power not over others, but over the impulses and fears within us. It is the ability to recognize our limitations, our biases, and our desires, and to act with integrity despite them. It is the strength to accept that we can never fully know another person, and to find peace in that acceptance.

When we focus on mastering ourselves, we begin to see others not as extensions of our own desires or fears, but as individuals with their own complex inner worlds. We learn to respect their autonomy, to accept that their thoughts and motivations are their own, unknowable but valid. In doing so, we move closer to true connection, based not on illusion, but on mutual respect and understanding.

True power lies not in domination, but in self-mastery. It lies in the courage to face oneself honestly, to accept the limits of our understanding, and to find peace in the knowledge that while we can never fully know another, we can always strive to know and better ourselves. This is the path to true fulfillment—the realization that power over others is an illusion, and that the only power worth pursuing is the power to understand and master our own minds.

Sept. 3, 2024

The nature of the self, its development, and the pursuit of meaning have long been subjects of philosophical inquiry, from the reflections of Ecclesiastes in the Bible to the ethical and metaphysical explorations of Aristotle and Plato. Though these perspectives emerge from distinct cultural and historical contexts, they converge on profound insights about human existence and the challenges we face in understanding ourselves and our place in the world.

Craig S Wright
martes a las 08:51
The writer of Ecclesiastes captures the essence of human existential struggle with the stark declaration, "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity." This phrase encapsulates a deep sense of futility in human endeavours, where all efforts seem to lead back to the same cycles—birth and death, joy and sorrow, construction and destruction. Life, as observed by the Preacher, is transient and often seems meaningless in the face of death, the ultimate equalizer. However, this bleak perspective does not end in despair but rather serves as a call to seek a deeper understanding of existence, one that transcends the mere pursuit of worldly gains.

While Ecclesiastes emphasises the fleeting nature of life’s pursuits, Aristotle offers a response rooted in the cultivation of virtue. For Aristotle, the highest good is not found in external accomplishments, which are subject to the vicissitudes of fortune, but in the practice of virtues that lead to eudaimonia—true flourishing. This flourishing is not a temporary state of happiness but a way of being that reflects a life lived in accordance with reason. Aristotle’s ethics place the responsibility for a good life squarely on the individual, asserting that while we cannot control all external circumstances, we can control our character and actions. Thus, where Ecclesiastes sees the vanity in human efforts, Aristotle sees potential for enduring value in the disciplined pursuit of virtue.

This pursuit, however, is not merely about navigating the temporal world effectively. Plato introduces a further dimension by proposing that the material world is but a shadow of a higher, eternal reality. His concept of the Forms—unchanging ideals that represent the true essence of all things—suggests that the self’s ultimate development lies in the alignment with these eternal truths. The physical world, with its imperfections and transience, is not the end but a means to recollect and strive towards these higher realities. Plato’s metaphysical framework provides a foundation for Aristotle’s ethical practice, suggesting that virtue is not only a matter of practical wisdom but also a reflection of the soul’s alignment with the eternal.

The idea that our understanding of the world and ourselves is inherently limited runs through these philosophical traditions. Ecclesiastes warns of the illusion of control over life’s outcomes, emphasising the limits of human knowledge and the inevitability of death. Aristotle acknowledges these limits but counters with the argument that we can still achieve a good life through the cultivation of virtues that help us navigate these uncertainties. Plato deepens this understanding by suggesting that true knowledge lies beyond the material, in the realm of the eternal Forms, and that the self’s highest aspiration is to ascend towards this knowledge.

Sept. 3, 2024

This integrated perspective highlights the complexity of human existence. On one hand, we are bound by the transient nature of life, as Ecclesiastes poignantly observes. On the other, we possess the capacity for reason and virtue, which, according to Aristotle, enable us to live meaningfully within these limits. Plato’s vision complements this by suggesting that our lives have a deeper significance when viewed as part of a broader metaphysical order.

The tension between the desire for control and the reality of our limitations also manifests in the human drive for power. Many seek to gain power over others, believing that such control will provide security or fulfillment. Yet, as all three perspectives imply, this pursuit is misguided. Power over others is ultimately as transient and hollow as the worldly pursuits lamented in Ecclesiastes. True power lies not in dominating others but in mastering oneself. This self-mastery involves recognising our limitations, understanding the nature of virtue, and aligning ourselves with higher truths that transcend the material world.

In recognising the limits of our knowledge and control, we come to a deeper understanding of the self. The self is not a static entity but a dynamic process of becoming—of striving towards virtue in a world where certainty is elusive. We cannot fully know the thoughts and motivations of others, nor can we exert complete control over the world around us. However, through the disciplined pursuit of virtue and the alignment with higher truths, we can achieve a sense of peace and fulfillment that is independent of external circumstances.

Thus, the insights of Ecclesiastes, Aristotle, and Plato converge to offer a holistic view of the self.

Sept. 3, 2024
