So'nggi 24 soat ichida You Tubeda eng ko'p ko'rilgan kpop MVlari (22-iyul)
1. Jungkook "Seven"
2. NewJeans "ETA"
3. ATEEZ "Bouncy"
1. Jungkook "Seven"
2. NewJeans "ETA"
3. ATEEZ "Bouncy"
🔥🐨❤️ #KimNamjoon
🥺😭❤️He said the most the most hurtful thing he heard was 'leave Bangtan'
🥺😭❤️Uning so'zlariga ko'ra, u hayotida eshitgan eng azobli narsa "Bangtanni tark et"
Whoever said that, I'll hate'em forever!
🥺😭❤️He said the most the most hurtful thing he heard was 'leave Bangtan'
🥺😭❤️Uning so'zlariga ko'ra, u hayotida eshitgan eng azobli narsa "Bangtanni tark et"
Whoever said that, I'll hate'em forever!
#JeonJungkook 🐰
🎪JungKook suffers from rhinitis. He has a strange habit, he smells a lot of things because of rhinitis
(Rhinitis is a disease of the respiratory system, an inflammation of the inner mucous membrane of the nose)
🎪JungKook rinitdan qiynaladi. Uning g'alati odati bor, u rinit tufayli narsalarni juda ko'p hidlaydi
(Rinit - bu nafas olish tizimidagi kasallik, burun ichki shilliq qavatining yallig'lanishi)
#JeonJungkook 🐰
🎪JungKook suffers from rhinitis. He has a strange habit, he smells a lot of things because of rhinitis
(Rhinitis is a disease of the respiratory system, an inflammation of the inner mucous membrane of the nose)
🎪JungKook rinitdan qiynaladi. Uning g'alati odati bor, u rinit tufayli narsalarni juda ko'p hidlaydi
(Rinit - bu nafas olish tizimidagi kasallik, burun ichki shilliq qavatining yallig'lanishi)