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🌡 Since 01/01/2019

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πŸ€– New bot
πŸ“‹ Name: notion_echo_bot
πŸ†” Username: @notion_echo_bot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3.9/5 on 125 votes)
ℹ️Description: Effortlessly creates callout blocks in a Notion page of your choosing, enabling you to capture ideas, notes, and tasks without ever leaving your Telegram chat and allowing you to write notes on your Notion as you were writing to a friend on telegram
🌐 Languages: English
πŸ’¬ Supports inline: no
πŸ‘₯ Groups: yes
#️⃣ Tags: #notion #notetaking #note #bridge
πŸ€– New bot
πŸ“‹ Name: iumiva_bot
πŸ†” Username: @iumiva_bot
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4.1/5 on 45 votes)
ℹ️Description: IUMIVA helps people see what they feel based on their notes, as well as how their moods change over timeю
🌐 Languages: English Russian Spanish(soon)
πŸ’¬ Supports inline: no
πŸ‘₯ Groups: no
#️⃣ Tags: #wellbeing #journaling #notetaking #moodtracker #emotionaljournal