Black Werewolf Announcements
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You get infos about EnforcerBot and BlackWolfBot in this channel!

Support: @blackwolfhelp
Persian: @blackwerewolfPersian
Portuguese: @BlackWolfBrasil
Spanish: @blackwolfanuncios
Turkish: @blackwerewolfturkey
Russian: @BlackWolfRussian
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Black Werewolf Announcements
Hey everyone. Today's task is really easy so I'm gonna just give a nice hint. A team has to loose in one of the quick and easy black werewolf game modes (foolish, romance)
Glad to see so many of you finding the achievement, for those of you who haven't yet I will narrow down the game mode.

The game mode you have to have a specific team loose at is foolish.

Hey everyone, our develop Judith is having her first baby soon, it's a very exciting time for her (its also why we have been a little quite) and to celebrate the occasion we are asking anyone who has enjoyed the bot, appreciates the work she has put into it and has the means to give a little to donate something to her so she can get cute baby outfits and all that fun stuff.

So if you wanna donate here is her PayPal link:

We really appreciate all of you and wish Judith the best with the baby.
Merry Christmas everyone. ❤️ From all of us at Werewolf
[Werewolf Down]

Seems telegram is having some issues with their bot API, our bot is not the only bot thats down, in the meantime you can play @marswolfbot while we wait for telegram to fix it.
Black Werewolf Announcements
The bot is coming online again.
You should be able to start games now
Happy new year everyone!

I'm in hospital due to the pregnancy causing some issues, so I cannot fix the error that's currently happening.
Bot is back online again every body, happy new year
Black Werewolf Announcements
BABIES Hey everyone, our develop Judith is having her first baby soon, it's a very exciting time for her (its also why we have been a little quite) and to celebrate the occasion we are asking anyone who has enjoyed the bot, appreciates the work she has put…
Hey guys,

Just wanted to inform you that yesterday my son was born healthy and really cute 😍
He's really cute and an amazing baby.

We still don't have a name yet but if you're really interested you could check out @OneInFive in a few days. I'll probably post it there.
Me and him are both fine.😊

Thanks for the donations. We'll put it to good use 🌚
Forwarded from One in Five
Hey everyone we gonna reboot the server
Black Werewolf Announcements
Hey everyone we gonna reboot the server
Done, everything should be online now except Mars which has another issue I'll fix tomorrow night
Hi Everyone,
Bots are coming back online after whatever this morning was
[Stats is back]
Hey everyone, the /stats command is back, so is the website:

Sorry it took so long but I finally got around to fixing it

Also the inline stats should be calculating again, so everyone who needs medals should finally get them
[Bug Reports]
I urge all players if they have ever had a problem in the games or there were bugs. Send them to me(Private message) with screenshot or Forward the bot messages. I need to give the developer a list of possible bugs. You may have reported them before, but I can't search them all 🌹

از همه بازیکنان و ادمین گروه‌هایی که دارن از بات بلک استفاده میکنن میخوام؛ اگر تا الان باگ یا چیزی غیرمعمول توی بازی هاتون مشاهده کردید که هنوز برطرف نشده، لطفا گزارش بدین و اونا رو به پیویم ارسال کنید ( ترجیحا با اسکرین شات یا فروارد کردن پیامهای ربات) شاید قبلا همینجا یا تو پیوی سایر ادمینها فرستاده بودید، اما برای اینکه سریعتر بررسی بشن بهتره یه لیست ازشون تهیه کنم، ممنون از همکاریتون🌹