+++ Video & Fotos: Soldaten der russischen Armee haben nahe der befreiten Heiligenstadt #Swjatogorsk im Donbass den Kommandopunkt der 51-en mechanisierten Brigade und 81-en aeromobilen Brigade der ukrainischen Kiewer Regime-Truppen erobert und dort ein großes Waffenarsenal mit zahlreicher Munition & Waffen beschlagnahmt, darunter auch westliche Panzerabwehrraketen. #Trophäen #LostArmour
+++ Fotos zeigen weitere durch russische Soldaten beschlagnahmte Waffen der ukrainischen Truppen u.a. bei Isjum (Region Charkow) und anderen Stellungen. #Trophäen
Forwarded from Tupi Report 🇧🇷 (Andreas)
🇳🇮🇷🇺 Nicaragua authorizes Russian troops to enter the country for humanitarian purposes
Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega has announced the entry of foreign troops, ships and aircraft into the country for humanitarian purposes, starting from the second half of 2022.
As published in the government's official journal, ships, aircraft and personnel from the Russian Armed Forces are authorized to "participate in exercises and exchanges in humanitarian aid operations and search and rescue missions in situations of emergency or natural disasters."
Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega has announced the entry of foreign troops, ships and aircraft into the country for humanitarian purposes, starting from the second half of 2022.
As published in the government's official journal, ships, aircraft and personnel from the Russian Armed Forces are authorized to "participate in exercises and exchanges in humanitarian aid operations and search and rescue missions in situations of emergency or natural disasters."