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Why should you invest with CoinBundle?

Buying bundles is the easiest way for people to build their portfolios and invest in cryptocurrencies responsibly. With CoinBundle you can purchase hand-crafted and vetted bundles of cryptocurrencies that match your investment style in a single click.

Bundles let you invest in dozens of the right cryptocurrencies with one click

Each bundle is carefully crafted by experts to match your investment needs and preferences, whether its your risk profile or your beliefs.

We've launched a Counterfeit & Piracy Watch List, naming places outside the EU with damaging counterfeiting & piracy activity:

websites with copyright-protected content e-commerce platforms online pharmacies physical marketplaces.

How To Create an EOS Account for EOSJacks!

EOSJACKS is an innovative decentralized gaming platform, but also an autonomous ecosystem and community. On,players can roll the simple dice game to mine JKR, the circulating token of the EOSJacks community.

With JKR, you can do a lot of things to make money. Either to bid in the auction for a percentage of the house edge, or to join the jackpot to share the profit as well as claiming the final prize, you will certainly have fun … and profits together!

full article:

No fees

CoinBundle doesn’t charge any platform or service fees, giving you the highest returns on your investments.

Only approved cryptos

Our team of experts constantly analyzes individual projects and saves you time by vetting the coins for you.

One click

You can invest in dozens of cryptocurrencies with a single click and instantly build your portfolios.


We store your funds securely with a leading qualified custodian. Funds are insured and protected with best in class infrastructure.

BUY JKR for Dividend? Still around 0.3% daily.

If you join early, you might still remember the days when we sent out 100k EOS as payout for the single day, and 200k EOS as payout for the first 4 days of our platform.

If you join early, you might still recall when our players got more than 40% payout on that single day when we make daily volume historical record.

Yeah .. we should have capped it, saving it for future players. I should have foreseen that the short-term hype would not go on long but the long-term stability is much more important for our growth.

full article:

Investing has never been so simple

CoinBundle is built to match the needs of investors at all levels of expertise.

The simplest and most user friendly interface in the industry

A variety of payment methods including credit/debit cards and individual cryptocurrencies

Free and secure custody of funds in partnership with Kingdom Trust

A range of investment options to choose from according to personal preferences

What is Project DELTA?

The Project DELTA Blockchain Protocol presents a game-changing framework different from other protocols. It is a protocol designed with groundbreaking structure and rules which suggest a new paradigm of the blockchain for the 4th Industrial Revolution era.

Our Solutions

The DELTA Blockchain protocol offers an optimal convergence solution with data-driven technologies to lead the fourth industrial revolution.

VOTA (Verification of Transcendence Spatial Autocorrelation):

VOTA significantly reduces block time and achieves the real-time transaction by applying a unique algorithm and eliminating coin-based compensations.

DAPP As A Node (DAAN):

Being itself a node, DAPP is incentivized by business-driven benefits instead of coin compensations to confirm transactions and generate blocks.

CRDE (Cross-Referral DAPP Ecosystem):

DELTA allows anybody to create DAPPS by using the widgets (essential DAPPS provided by Project DELTA). Cross reference between DAPPS allows a dynamic DAPP ecosystem.

Pain Points

By 2025 big data is expected to increase to 163 ZB worldwide,which is 10 times the total amount of data generated in 2016.

The current blockchain protocols are unable to manage the amounts of data generated at an unprecedented scale due to the waiting time for nodes to receive the coin reward.

Limitations in the existing blockchain protocols ultimately hamper the creation of an active DAPP ecosystem.

Get $5 for your first investment of $100 on #coinbundle.

Sign up using this link:

BetInReal is an online casino, based on VR/AR and blockchain technologies. This first-in-the-world solution is made by combining gambling and social gaming to provide players with an exceptional experience the way they want it. 

BetInReal was founded by top talents from gambling, gaming, cryptocurrency and technology fields. We took advantage of different technologies to to make casino games social, interactive, immersive, reliable and fair.Download the BetinReal AR app, scan the surface of the floor and virtually build a whole casino or your favorite slot machine anywhere, anytime.


The counterfeit vape cartridge market is currently booming


Create account by visiting our website: 


Price per token - $0.04 with 10% ETH cashback

Based price 1ETH = $520

Min. purchase - $10 worth of eth

Max. purchase - 50 ETH



Why should you invest with CoinBundle?

Buying bundles is the easiest way for people to build their portfolios and invest in cryptocurrencies responsibly. With CoinBundle you can purchase hand-crafted and vetted bundles of cryptocurrencies that match your investment style in a single click.

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The Boltt Coach prescribes personalized training plans, designed to help you lose weight or get fit and active

Choose your Goals

Be it weight specific or training specific goals... The coach can help you lose , gain or maintain weight.And can also help you improve your fitness levels,speed and endurance, via its training modules

#CBP Port of New York/Newark intercepts $1.7 million in counterfeit Nike sneakers destined for Chino, CA. @CBP protects American consumers against substandard goods, and protects American businesses' intellectual property rights.

Read  #IPR #ReportFakes

Bundles let you invest in dozens of the right cryptocurrencies with one click

Each bundle is carefully crafted by experts to match your investment needs and preferences, whether its your risk profile or your beliefs.

Additional services for manufacturers, e-commerce, and partners

In addition to our main service, wine producers and our partners will benefit from a range of additional services.

In particular:
Analysis of products and guaranteed product
Market analysis, with customized reports that integrate the information in the public domain, the information contained in other reports and the unique information owned by Followine
Marketing campaigns through the app and the various social networks
Analysis of marketing campaigns implemented previously or further ones
Customer loyalty services
The B2B platform, designed to allow exchanges and agreements between producers, with the possibility to write them in smart-contract and to register them on the network
A marketplace where you can exchange virtual assets, products, and services using WineCoin