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🇪🇭🇲🇦Un comandante del Frente Polisario dice que la guerra en el Sáhara Occidental está tomando una tendencia "ascendente" y logrando "importantes resultados militares".

Según él, los sectores tanto del frente como de retaguardia del ejército marroquí están al alcance de los cohetes saharauis y dice que se revelarán "novedades en el nivel de capacidades de combate".

🇬🇧A Polisario Front commander says the war in Western Sahara is taking an "upward" trend and achieving "important military results."

According to him, both the front and rear sectors of the Moroccan army are within range of Sahrawi rockets and says that "new developments in the level of combat capabilities" will be revealed.

Media is too big
🇪🇭🇲🇦 — On today, January 3, 2024 AD, the military media of the Polisario Front, the Sahrawi Separatists backed by Algeria, published the documentation showing the targeting of command and control centers of the Moroccan Royal Army inside the occupied territories of Western Sahara and on Moroccan soil

During the video, it's possible to see Sahrawi People's Liberation Army of the SADR firing rockets at Moroccan positions across the Desert Wall over the disputed territories with Morocco

🔗 Polisario Military (@Milit1Polisario)
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Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives
🇰🇼🤝🇮🇷📰 Kuwait News Agency: Kuwait deplores Iran's bomb blasts

- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed Wednesday Kuwait's condemnation and denunciation of the two blasts that hit Iran's Kerman Governorate, killing and wounding dozens of people.

In a statement, the Ministry voiced Kuwait's heartfelt condolences to Iran and the families of the victims, wishing a rapid recovery to those wounded.

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Forwarded from Tupi Report 🇧🇷
🚩🌹🇦🇷🇺🇸 HYBRID WARFARE: In an official statement on its website, the World Federation of Trade Unions, linked to the International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties, announced its outright rejection of the government of Javier Milei in Argentina, declaring it as their main enemy for the year 2024

💬 "The World Federation of Trade Unions strongly opposes and condemns the neo-fascist policies of the Milei government in Argentina," reads the statement, which confuses a package of liberal and libertarian measures with the fascism.

🌐 "The government's anti-popular measures, including currency devaluation, unconstitutional protocols, and a massive decree, threaten the working class and social justice," continues the statement from the WFTU.

Ironically, the WFTU, although it has millions of members across hundreds of countries, has no membership from any Argentine union, while the International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties has no Argentine party among its ranks that has actively participated in recent elections, making its political and union representation in the country nonexistent.

🤪 "We represent more than 105 million workers in 133 countries, and we join our voices with those of the workers in Argentina, who declare a state of permanent alert against these regressive actions and express their solidarity with workers in their struggle for justice," they stated after the CGT event.

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U.S. military officials recently visited Armenia to help develop the Armenian military's Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) objectives and policy, the Embassy said in a statement.

“USEUCOM's [U.S. European Command] CSM [Command Sergeant Major] Robert Abernethy recently visited Armenia to aid in crafting, formalizing & pre-producing NCO development objectives & policy for the Enlisted Forces of the Armenian military,” the embassy said.
Forwarded from Middle East Spectator
🇮🇷 NEW: One of the biggest hints that a large response, or at least some kind of response, is coming, is that Iranian media are not downplaying the massacre

Since yesterday, the largest newspapers and media across the country have emphasized on the Supreme Leader's words: 'Harsh Retaliation'. It's on front pages and headlines all across the country.

This morning, a huge mural was revealed on Tehran's largest square, Valiasr, with Ayatollah Khamenei's words: 'Harsh Retaliation'.

In the past, Iranian media used to downplay certain events, not covering them a lot & a lack of murals, comments by officials etc. would usually be indicative of no public response coming up.

Forwarded from Levant Observer
⚡️ISIS spokesman's statement: Every Jew should be killed without distinction and regardless of where he is from, whether Israel or around the world.
This is a religious war, not a national war.
Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives
⚠️ Warning: Graphic Content 🇮🇷💥❗️ — On today, January 3, 2024 AD, Iranian State media reported that two bomb explosions took place near the tomb of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, as Iran marks the fourth anniversary of his assassination by the United States.…
🏴🇮🇷❗️ — On today, January 4, 2024 AD, via its official medias, the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) claims that it was behind the bombings in Kerman, Southern Iran, on yesterday, January 03, 2024 AD.

The Statement published by the Salafi Jihadist Terror group, the attack was carried out by 2x Suicide bombers, 'Omar Al-Muwahhid' and 'Sayfullah Al-Mujahid'.

The goal of the attack was to 'kill as much "Rafidahs" (how Salafi Jihadists call Shia Muslims) & "Polytheists" as possible' at Iran's General Soleimani's tomb.

The attack was carried using explosive belts, according to the statement.
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