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🇬🇧🇮🇱 Anti-Zionism is a protected belief, rules UK employment tribunal

It can now be counted alongside veganism, a belief in Scottish independence, ‘gender critical beliefs,’ and opposition to critical race theory as a protected viewpoint.

A UK tribunal has ruled that a sincere and coherent opposition to Zionism is a protected belief that cannot be the reason for an employee’s termination, in a years-long case that pitted academic freedom against a Jewish community’s perception of antisemitism at the University of Bristol.

🇱🇧⚖️🌐 Anti-Israel Judge Nawaf Salam elected new president of ICJ

The new judge has previously claimed that critics of Israel are labeled antisemites "to intimidate and discredit them."

Lebanese Judge Nawaf Salam was elected by his peers to be the new president of the International Court of Justice, where he will be expected to serve a term of 3 years, according to a press release published by the Hague on Tuesday.

Salam has a history of making anti-Israel statements and will now be presiding over the case launched by South Africa against Israel, in which it claims that the IDF is committing genocide in Gaza.

Anti-Israel statements by the new judge:

In 2015, the now-president wrote, “Unhappy birthday to you, 48 years of occupation.” Months later, the Jewish News Syndicate reported that he wrote “Israel must stop violence and end occupation” and “Portraying the critics of Israel’s policies as antisemites is an attempt to intimidate and discredit them, which we reject.”

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🇺🇸 ❌️ 🇮🇱 🇺🇦 Senate rejects $118 billion Ukraine-Israel border bill in a 50-49 vote.

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📢 🇮🇶 🇺🇸 The Islamic Resistance Movement of Al-Nujaba in a statement

🔶️ In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, O you who have believed, fight those of the disbelievers next to you, and let them find in you harshness, and know that God is with the righteous. God the Most High, the Great, has spoken the truth.

🔶️ O heroic resistors, oh you who are fighting the brutal occupier, this is your time and this is your battle. By God, then by God, it is only one death. Let it be with honor and dignity. Let our revenge for the blood of the martyrs be retaliation from America, its agents, partners, and interests. Let this be our path and our first cause from now on, today and in the center of the capital. Iraqi Baghdad targets the treacherous American aircraft that arrive and roam in our airspace, violating sovereignty without any deterrent. The leader of the Popular Mobilization Forces and the Hezbollah Brigades, Hajj Mujahid Abu Baqir Al-Saadi, as the leader Al-Saadi belongs to an official Iraqi institution linked to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, which resulted in his martyrdom.

🔶️ Where is the sovereignty and the sanctity of blood and lands? O Iraqis, keep this disdain for Iraqi blood in mind. By God, this will not be limited to the members of the Hashd or the men of the resistance only, but the hand of treachery will extend to everyone who stands against this usurping occupying entity, and even to those who think they are safe from the occupation’s fire. This violation will not be Finally, if there is no strict and firm official position from the Iraqi government, our response will be focused, God willing, and these crimes will not go unpunished, and you will know at that time that our patience has run out. Wait for the response, and we will choose the appropriate time and place, and the outcome is for the righteous.

Islamic Resistance, Al-Nujaba Movement
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Geuzenbond activists organised a solidarity action for Francois van der Merwe at the South African embassy in The Hague.

Francois van der Merwe of the Bittereinders movement was recently violently arrested by South African police while protesting for the rights of Afrikaners. Geuzenbond will always stand in solidarity with our Afrikaner brothers!
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🇦🇷🏴🤝👶📰 O Globo: Milei's party presents a project to criminalize abortion in Argentina again

➡️ Javier Milei's party, The Liberty Advances, presented a project to the Argentine Congress to overturn the law that legalized abortion in the country in 2020. The text was made official on Monday, but its content was only revealed on Wednesday night, one day after the government suffered a harsh defeat in the Legislature, when it saw its "Bus Law" return to square one in the Chamber.

➡️ The project argues that Law 27,610, of 2020, which deals with the voluntary interruption of pregnancy, be abandoned, and that the previous rules be resumed. The current legislation was approved after intense debates and pressure from the streets, and was enacted on January 14, 2021, authorizing the procedure to be carried out up to the 14th week of pregnancy, within ten days after the official request to the health service, at no cost to the patient.

➡️ Under the new project, a woman who performs an abortion on her own or "consents to someone else performing it" may be punished with up to three years in prison — under the law prior to 2020, abortion was permitted in cases of risk to the health of the woman. mother or rape, but the text presented by Milei's party signals that the final decision will be in the hands of the courts.

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Kürdistan Özerk Bölgesi Peşmerge İşleri Bakanı Şoriş İsmail, Milli Savunma Bakanı Yaşar Güler'i Erbil'de kabul etti.

Kurdistan Region Minister of Peshmerga Affairs Shorish Ismael received Turkish Minister of National Defense Yaşar Güler in Erbil.
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Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Wednesday received the Turkish National Defense Minister Yaşar Güler in Erbil.
