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Forwarded from Africa Intel
⚡️🇪🇹 Ethiopian military clashes with militia in Amhara

Ethiopia's military has clashed with fighters from a militia in the Amhara region, residents said on Wednesday.

Fano, a part-time militia with no formal command structure, backed federal troops in a two-year civil war in the neighbouring Tigray region that ended last November. But the relationship has soured over what some in the region say is a disregard by the national government for Amhara's security.

Fano fighters and Ethiopian National Defense Force troops clashed near Debre Tabor on Tuesday and Wednesday, a doctor at a hospital in the town and a police officer told.

The doctor said the hospital had received three people with serious injuries and 10 with minor injuries, including wounds from gunshots and heavy weapons.


🇪🇹🔥📃📰 Al-Jazeera: Multiple injuries as Ethiopian military, militia clash in Amhara: Sources

— "Ethiopia’s military has clashed with fighters from a militia in the Amhara region, residents said on Wednesday, in an escalation of a simmering feud between the two former allies that a doctor said had caused more than a dozen injuries.

Fano, a part-time militia with no formal command structure, backed federal troops in a two-year civil war in the neighbouring Tigray region that ended with a truce last November.

But the relationship has soured over what some in the region say is a disregard by the national government for Amhara’s security.
Fano fighters and Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) troops clashed near Debre Tabor on Tuesday and Wednesday, a doctor at a hospital in the town and a police officer told Reuters news agency. Both asked not to be named for security reasons."

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Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives
🇪🇹🔥📃📰 Al-Jazeera: Multiple injuries as Ethiopian military, militia clash in Amhara: Sources — "Ethiopia’s military has clashed with fighters from a militia in the Amhara region, residents said on Wednesday, in an escalation of a simmering feud between…
🇪🇹🔥📃📰 AP News: Ethiopia’s Amhara region pleads for help with violent unrest after attempt to disarm local fighters
— " Authorities in Ethiopia’s Amhara region on Thursday asked the federal government for help, as a local ethnic militia clashed with federal security forces, halting some flights to key cities and leading the deputy prime minister, in an unusually outspoken statement, to call the situation “increasingly grave.”

The disturbances are “causing serious economic, social and humanitarian damage,” the regional authorities said in a letter to Ethiopia’s prime minister asking the government to take “appropriate measures.”

The U.S. Embassy in a security alert late Thursday urged its citizens in the Amhara region to shelter in place and warned against traveling there."

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Gen. Abdourahmane Tchiani warned general population to be ready to fight.
Nigers M62 civil society group is organizing protests against foreign interference in Niger.

El general Abdourahmane Tchiani advirtió a la población en general que esté lista para luchar.
El grupo de la sociedad civil M62 está organizando protestas contra la injerencia extranjera en Níger.
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🇳🇪📃❗️📰 AFP Journalist Amaury Hauchard: The President of the CNSP (Niger Military Junta) announces to end by decree this 03/08 the functions of the ambassadors of Niger in 🇫🇷 France, in the 🇺🇸 United States, in 🇹🇬 Togo and in 🇳🇬 Nigeria.

🔗 Amaury Hauchard (@amhauchard)
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🇳🇪🇺🇸🌐🆘 — Deposed President of Niger Mohammed Bazoum: I call on the US Government and the entire international community to help US restore our constitutional order and democracy in Niger
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Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives
🇳🇪🇺🇸🌐🆘 — Deposed President of Niger Mohammed Bazoum: I call on the US Government and the entire international community to help US restore our constitutional order and democracy in Niger
🇳🇪🇷🇺☠️ — Deposed President of Niger Mohammed Bazoum: The entire central sahel region could fall to Russian influence via the Wagner group PMC
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🇳🇪🌍📰 AFP Journalist Amaury Hauchard quoting a CNSP Junta Statement: ECOWAS being impersonal, any aggression or attempted aggression against the State of Niger will see an immediate response and without notice from the Nigerien Defense Forces on one of its members with the exception of suspended friendly countries*

🔗 Amaury Hauchard (@amhauchard)

* - The countries that were suspended from ECOWAS are: 🇲🇱 Mali, 🇧🇫 Burkina Faso and 🇬🇳 Guinea
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Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives
🇳🇪🇷🇺☠️ — Deposed President of Niger Mohammed Bazoum: The entire central sahel region could fall to Russian influence via the Wagner group PMC
🇳🇪🪖📃📰 Washington Post OpEd | President of Niger: I’ve been taken hostage by a military coup
— "I write this as a hostage. Niger is under attack from a military junta that is trying to overthrow our democracy, and I am just one of hundreds of citizens who have been arbitrarily and illegally imprisoned. This coup, launched against my government by a faction in the military on July 26, has no justification whatsoever.

If it succeeds, it will have devastating consequences for our country, our region and the entire world."
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Forwarded from JOIN @MEDMANNEWS
I say this story because now - our guys are leaving Mali, and on the net I already see Malians sad to see our departure - our good treatment of the locals is a song that is repeated from Bosnia, to Kosovo, to Sierra Leone, to Central Africa, to Asia, and all the 4 corners of the world, because perhaps, besides the Pakistanis, Malaysians, and Bangladeshi, maybe we were really one of the few who ever managed to make a difference

The Paratroopers and the Army corps made us proud, guys! carry on.

Forwarded from JOIN @MEDMANNEWS
⚡️🇪🇬🇬🇷 The Egyptian and Greek Ministers of Defense met today on the sidelines of the Egyptian-Greek summit in New Alamein.

Forwarded from /CIG/ Telegram | Counter Intelligence Global (FRANCISCVS)
🇺🇸 🇨🇳 Last year: The Biden administration shuts down a dedicated anti-China counterintelligence program because it's too racist to think China's spies in the US may be Chinese-looking people with Chinese-sounding names.

Today: US Sailors Jinchao Wei & Wenheng Zhao charged with spying for China

📎 Indian Bronson