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This is the Official Telegram Channel of BlackStone Futures - Regulated Forex & CFD broker in South Africa.

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Download Telegram πŸ‘‰ The selling pressure is losing momentum and I am looking to take advantage of an AUD bounce.

1. #EURAUD SELL 1.6330 – 1.6360
2. #AUDJPY BUY 73.25 – 73.50

#MarketOutlook Last week was a real success as we made some real consistent gains, I am not going to deviate from our strategy this week and continue to pit commodity currencies against the majors – today I am looking once again at trading the AUD.

1. #AUDJPY SELL 68.70 – 69.00
2. #AUDCAD SELL 0.8940 – 0.8960
#MarketOutlook #BlackStoneFutures πŸ‘‰ We discussed yesterday that although the US introduced a bumper stimulus package a month ago that they have already started topping up. There is evidence that central banks around the world are doing the same by buying sovereign bonds directly from the government, I continually see reports that world economies have learnt from the financial crisis in 2008 and are acting accordingly.

A bit of a mixed day yesterday as I took the same trade twice, greed got the best of me again as my first trade closed at break-even, I didn’t make the same mistake again and was able to make some gains the second time around. The Gold price is starting to look vulnerable this morning, but with the metal down over 1% already – I have clearly missed the boat. Instead, I feel that AUD has not caught up with the gold price and so I will be looking to go short the β€œAussie” today.

1. #AUDJPY SELL 69.30 – 69.50
#MarketOutlook #BlackStoneFutures πŸ‘‰ As much as global economics are going to change it was puzzling when Donald Trump suggested yesterday that the US would be terminating the trade deals of cattle imports – the US imports from Mexico and Canada and this would suggest he is already contemplating breaking the NAFTA agreement he just created. Supply chains may be disrupted on the back of this pandemic and there could be a global β€œrebalancing” of trade but this does sound odd.

Another solid day yesterday has allowed the account to keep ticking over, considering that the β€œAussie” is still under pressure given the trade tariffs from China I am going to stick to this pair. Fundamentally I wonder if this is just a storm in the teacup as China can’t risk retaliation from Australia’s peers, and technically it looks as though that AUD move is running out of momentum and I am going to pair it against the JPY today.

1. #AUDJPY SELL 70.60 – 70.80
#MarketOutlook #BlackStoneFutures πŸ‘‰ As the death toll in the US reaches 100,000 on Memorial Day, the White House Administration blacklisted 33 Chinese firms and institutions – the US also confirmed that they may start testing nuclear weapons given that China seems to be running such tests.

This continued blame game is set to continue for some time and I just hope that this does not escalate into a war.

Given the developments highlighted above, the strength of the equity markets is surprising. We are at key levels this morning but I am going to resist the temptation to start picking the tops – with interest rates as low as they are this might be an investment because of no alternatives. There may be a bit of a β€œwash out” this morning after two major financial hubs were on a bank holiday – I am going to stick with our strategy for now and pair commodity currencies with majors.

1. #AUDJPY SELL 70.8500 – 71.00
#MarketOutlook #BlackStoneFutures πŸ‘‰ Judging by the political headlines surfacing this week, it would appear that the financial markets are getting somewhat bored of the pandemic and are shifting their attention elsewhere. Today is theoretically β€œD-Day” for Hong Kong and the US has already informed Congress that Hong Kong is no longer autonomous from China and that under US law there would have to be a change of trade status. The US House has the votes to pass a bill which could impose sanctions on the Chinese, and today's outcome could be what triggers further tension between the world’s two biggest economies.

The equity markets look overheated to me but they continue to surprise on the upside which is concerning for me – I am going to once again focus my attention on the AUDJPY but market volatility will dictate if I trade today.

1. #AUDJPY SELL 71.50 – 72.00
#MarketOutlook #BlackStoneFutures πŸ‘‰ For all the bark – there was very little bite! Donald Trump certainly went easy on China as sanctions placed were certainly less than what the market had feared – considering all the noise that Trump has made over the last couple of weeks this was a bit of a cop-out and it is clear that he is more concerned about re-election than doing what is right.

Last week was another solid one, we have been able to navigate this market fairly well over the last 3 months and our strategy continues to be robust. The equity markets opened with a gap open but amazingly closed those gaps before 5am – this indicates a market that is undecided. I still believe that the move in equity markets is an irrational one and that there may be a short on the horizon, I am looking to trade the proxy again in the form of the AUDJPY.

1. #AUDJPY SELL 72.45 – 72.65
#MarketOutlook #BlackStoneFutures πŸ‘‰ The violent protests spreading through major US cities seems unreal and this is having a massive effect on the greenback. These widespread protests generally end in two outcomes which is either social reform or increased authoritarianism and judging by Trump's comments that he will deploy active military personnel in a show of force, it appears that he is opting for the latter. In what has become the norm during his administration he has completely refused to take any blame for these actions and has passed major criticism on the Governors.

We highlighted yesterday that despite any form of sense, the US equity markets could continue to climb. There is no real reason why except for possibly a lack of alternative that this may be the case – I still believe that there is a short trade on the horizon and I will continue to use my proxy to find that opportunity.

1. #AUDJPY SELL 73.30 – 73.70
#MarketOutlook #BlackStoneFutures πŸ‘‰ Equity markets continued to swoon yesterday as it appears that the epicentre for the coronavirus outbreak has shifted to Latin America. The market is basically pricing in better days, forecasting that this will die down and we may start to approach something that resembles β€œnormality” – the truth is that financial markets can be very fickle and are just bored of the pandemic narrative. The interesting thing to note is that if we do go into better days, it may be met with ultra-low rates and easy fiscal policies.

It is always disappointing not to get into a trade, but a good day is always measured by preservation – these JPY pairs are starting to look even more attractive this morning and I am looking to fade these moves. The AUDJPY will be on my agenda one final time this morning and hopefully, it presents a deep move.

#AUDJPY SELL 75.50 – 75.80
#MarketOutlook #BlackStoneFutures πŸ‘‰ As the US began to shortlist the five contenders to launch a Covid vaccine, the race to return to normality continues in earnest. With the news that Austria will start opening the border to the EU region again, the Chinese announced that they would allow international flights to enter China next week – albeit in a limited capacity. With the pandemic, riots and another earthquake in California starting to take a back seat it will not be long before financial markets start concentrating on economic news – it is noteworthy that the UK warned banks yesterday to start preparing for a no-deal Brexit.

We had another nice entry yesterday evening and I am disappointed to have missed the trade – but there is always another trade on the horizon and I will continue to scour the markets for that opportunity. I am keeping an eye on two opportunities today in the hope of getting onto the scoreboard.

1. #AUDJPY SELL 75.50 – 75.80
2. #EURJPY SELL 122.30
Media is too big
31 August 2020

#MarketOutlook #BlackStoneFutures πŸ‘‰ A nice deep trade on Friday morning more than made up for the slow week that we had until then, some of you were even able to take advantage of a 100+ pip day. We are coming to the end of the NH summer holidays and as such many traders in Europe will be heading back to their trading desks which could mean increased volatility in the coming weeks. I am going to start looking towards the Eastern currencies today whilst I try and judge the next move in the equity markets. The β€œAussie” pairs are starting to reach key Fibonacci levels and long-term divergence suggests that momentum is starting to slow, I am going to look to pair the AUD against the JPY this morning.

#AUDJPY SELL 77.80 – 78.00
Media is too big
17 November 2020

#MarketOutlook #BlackStoneFutures πŸ‘‰ The financial markets appear to be mirroring the indecision on US politics at this point, as the Trump administration refuses to admit defeat in the recent election and block any transition of power so, the markets appear to be waiting on developments. With vaccines to the pandemic starting to display some strong data, it is imperative that we get a conclusion to this sideshow. There is an anomaly in the AUDJPY, there is usually a correlation between the JPY pairs which has decoupled in recent days. With long term Fibonacci levels in place and short-term divergence in play – it is a pair worth watching this afternoon.

#AUDJPY SELL 76.50 – 76.80
This morning I’m looking at the Aussie Yen, with slight divergence on the daily chart between price and momentum and I’m looking at my stochastic indicating that price might be overbought on my weekly chart.

My Fib levels show price is just under the 61.8 trade level and could look to trend back to the 50.0 trade level. I have a nice double top formation forming  on my hourly and strategy 1 will be used as entry.

Trading Bias - Short

by Kagiso Mahuma

I am looking to go Short on AUDJPY. The daily TF is showing me divergence, however my Stochastic hasn’t quite indicated that price has reached an over bought area as yet. I do however see price bouncing off a support and resistance channel on the 15min TF, so a breakout is bound to happen anytime today or this week.

I will be patient with this trade as we might have a 1 or 2 false break outs to the upside. I will be using Strategy 1 on the 15 min TF for entry.

Trading Bias - Short

by Lorenzo Patchay
