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U.S. Patriot. Information Warfighter. United with patriots worldwide. TRUMP 2024. @realX22Report contributor. WE THE PEOPLE save America (and the world). Luke 17:21 (KJV). #WWG1WGA


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Today's closing delta:

We have everything.
How can we use what we know?
How do you โ€˜legallyโ€™ inject/make public/use as evidence?
What are you witnessing unfold?
Trust the plan.
Media is too big
Chicago Red is flipping life-long Democrats at a record clip. Sporting MAGA hats is swag now. America's voting Super Majority is FINALLY awake and uniting behind America First policy. NCSWIC...

"We're done. We dont want to talk to [Democrats] anymore."

"Those blue haired liberals are not out neighbors, they don't hang out with us, they haven't lived in the city as long as we have, and we wish they would speak a lot quieter. We're done."

"They want to dominate the conversation. They believe they are intellectually superior to us and that we are so pitiful we need them to come defend us. We don't โ€“ leave us alone! We are proud Americans and want the best for our country."

"We are rapidly turning the city of Chicago red. We are telling everyone the Chicago Blues gave us the blues. So we want everybody to put on their gym shoes and tie em up real tight because we're running to the right."
Media is too big
Everyone: Where do all our tax dollars go?

The Uniparty:
I think there is a HUGE difference between noticing concentrated 'jewery' in power positions across our industry, institutions, and gov't and glorifying Hitler, SS, and the Third Reich.

There are speeches from Mao, Lenin, and Mussolini that sound pretty fantastic on their face, too.

Are there WWII facts suppressed from the public? Of course. As is the case for every war. Does this mean Nazi's were loving victims? No.

The underscore for me is the Q campaign. Q never painted Nazi's in a positive light, persistently compared Democrat strategy to Nazi strategy, pointed out nazi symbology used by elites today, and referred to HRC as "Hitlery" several times.
You know how you know both Palestine and Israel are guilty of awful things, and though Hamas brought it down on their own people, you know Israel is wrong for bombing innocents/children at will, but you also know radical western pro-Palestine leftists are great because they're a) driving Israeli-supporting D's away, and b) forcing a significant divide in the DNC's base because the Establishment's support for Israel ensures 4 million less Muslims will vote for Biden?

Never interfere with your enemy while he is in the process of destroying himself.
This has never been attempted.

Use of general public to counter the narrative [propaganda] push by controlled media.

Analysis [start-to-now] indicates situational awareness [decoupling of MSDNC control of information (channels 1-99)] of general public expanding at massive pace.

Attacks indicate [can be defined as] loss of generalized information control.

Need to expend ammunition [muster network to defend and coordinate attacks] to counter.

MIL-CIV Alliance.

Dreeben stated to SCOTUS yesterday that all of Trump's election cases (but one) lost. This is untrue.

In Dec 2022, I posted:

Of the 26 Election Integrity filings with Trump as Plaintiff, Trump prevailed in 4 of 8 cases *decided on the merits* ( 50% ).

Of the 59 Election Integrity filings with GOP, et al as Plaintiff, GOP prevailed in 11 out of 13 cases *decided on the merits* ( 84.61% ).

Of the 5 Election Integrity filings with Trump/GOP as Defendant, Trump/GOP prevailed in 3 out of 4 cases *decided on the merits* ( 75% ).

Combined, Trump/GOP have won 72% of all Election Integrity cases *heard on the merits* with 18 cases yet to be determined.


See also:

OG anons remember the emphasis Q continuously put on "optics" and why patriots couldn't just ride in and storm the barn like we wanted them to.

Why we had to painstakingly follow the letter of the US Constitutional, Federal Law, and Judicial precedents; that the wheels of Justice turn slow, but that when they turn, they are powerful.

Watching this brazen criminal enterprise operate with 0 regard for the aforementioned, seeing this ignite the public in ways we never thought possible, watching their unfettered corruption canabalize them in real time, and Q's emphasis makes so much more sense now.

We could not have achieved the exploding Awakening and UNITY blazing through the hearts-minds of our countrymen without it.

We're well beyond the point of no return now. Staggering precedents have been set, and when DJT returns to power, the people will, in fact, be ready for what must be done.

Nothing can stop what's coming in Nov. and beyond. We will have our country back patriots.
Honestly, I never thought I would see #WWG1WGA animate toward national scale.

I always knew unity was our goal and that we'd achieve it, but I had no idea that our incubating war cry would grow to become the nation's reality.

People we never thought possible are now looking at Trump (where we go one)) and saying in DROVES, were all in (we go all) behind the only viable POTUS fighting for our Constitution, Rule of Law, and way of life.

๐Ÿฆ… @realDonaldTrump ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

Once WTP (voting Super Majority) are awake, united, and mobilized as a body politic, it's over instantly for them, and they know it. That's why they've spent trillions to accelerate our divide, druging, imprisonment, and killing us to prevent their eradication from power.

Once a person awakens, they can't be put back to sleep again. This is the how we are going to eradicate them from power, peacefully.
Why is the First Lady indirectly implicated in a Guatemalan Special Prosecutors' child trafficking raid on the Save The Children NGO? Jill Biden was the chairwoman of STC Board of Trustees.

Interesting lineup:

Why has Guatemala AG's Office sent a letter to TX AG Ken Paxton informing him this US taxpayer funded NGO and NGOs like it appear to be stealing kids from Guatemala and housing them in Texas?

Why is your Admin directly implicated in forcing border policy responsible for globally historic child trafficking over our border?

Why does Hunter Biden's laptop contain CSAM?

Why does this 10 min montage of Joe Biden fondling, sniffing, and saying inappropriate things to children exist?

Why did Joe shower with Ashley far, far beyond an appropriate age?

Why are child trafficking crimes predominately committed by Democrats?
More geospatial confirmation.

Same map, different agenda. Illegal border jumpers deployed to drive mass civil unrest. Expect this to intensify the closer we get to the election.

Another glaring example of why Trump has publically declared multiple times that when he's re-elected he will use every local, state, federal, and MILITARY resource available to conduct the largest domestic deportation operation in US history.

It must be done. We have no other choice, and by the time we arrive to Jan 2025, the overwhelming majority of Americans will be ready for what must be done.
Judge Merchan fined Trump $9k for violating his gag order and threatened โ€œincarceratory punishmentโ€ if he does it again.

Then Trump truths ๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

I hope to God they jail President Trump. He'll jump another 6 points in the polls. We could also use this precedent for his Administration's AG.

Scorched earth is coming and WTP are going to ensure it.
Notice the Moloch-Baal bull effigy against fire?
"Did the Jews kill Jesus?

The answer is simple.

The Jewish leaders deemed Jesus guilty of blasphemy, a crime punishable by death under their laws. Unable to enforce this penalty themselves, they instead falsely charged Jesus with sedition against Rome to provoke the Roman governor's condemnation.

Despite Pilate's reluctance to execute Jesus, they threatened to incite unrest if he didn't comply.

So in short, yes. The Jews did kill Jesusโ€”not the Romans.

Saying this should never be considered anti-semetic."
As I read this I was struck by the Jewery controlled MSM/Pedowood decrying Trump blasphemous.

And the Israeli-backed DC Establishment accusing DJT of sedition and worse.

I was struck by the civil unrest caused by Israeli-created HAMAS and thier seething hatred for DJT (America).

Quote src:
Who created Israel?

Who created Hammas?

Who manufactures false flags to pass legislation and justify war more than the global Deep State?

Who manufactures and funds civil unrest to destabalize and divide American society?

Who has received the most US aid all-time?

Who controls Congress?

Who are you not allowed to criticize or think critically about?

Who paid Judas and killed Jesus?
I'm an American.

So, when my limited gov't exceeds its Constitutional authority to tell me I can't do something my inalienable, God-given Rights says I can, I wil do that thing every chance I get just to protest that I will NEVER bend the knee to gov't tyranny.

This is our unique power in the world as Americans and the demonstration that inspires others around the world that it can be done. This is the LIGHT global elites are trying desperately to extinguish.

Out of one, many.