Whenever Joe’s watch buzzes silently on his wrist it’s a reminder for him to blink.
The Dems know now that they have to replace Joe.

Joe Biden did manage one victory tonight.

He successfully made it crystal clear that the DNC will replace him at their convention.

So, there's that.
Forwarded from Rambo and Frens (Joe Rambo)
Wait a damn second... So if CNN in Atlanta is closed, where the hell did the debate really take place?

I'm really confused right now. Kek

Side note. Tyler Perry Studious is also in Atlanta. Y'all remember right? The home of the full sized replica of the White House, and home to the 2019 Democratic Presidential debate. 🀯🀯🀯🀯

Many believe it's where all of the sound stages Biden has filmed from are located.

Enjoying the show?
Forwarded from Rambo and Frens (Joe Rambo)
Hits a little different when you know what Walt was talking about.


"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." β€” Walt Disney
How many Dem voters are opening their wallets and flooding the Biden campaign with $$ today?
Wasn't it like a whole week ago the leftist fake news media was publishing story after story about Trump being the one suffering a mental decline? 😁
Watch the Democrat intelligencia (an oxymoron if there ever was one) now move to do whatever they can to usher in WW3 as a means to try and call the election off.

I wish I was kidding.
They'll do ANYTHING to retain power.
The probable/impending arrest of AG Garland, who is similarly ignoring subpoenas from Congress, is now ABSOLUTELY in play by the House Sgt of Arms (who can also hold him in a jail cell under the House) to compel him to testify and turn over docs/recordings that he and the Biden admin are withholding under laughable claims of Presidential Immunity.

Wouldn't that be something to witness?
Forwarded from vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty (Bridgett & Bryan - vDF - βš‘Ο• 🧲)
Media is too big
Colonel Douglas Macgregor gives PHENOMENAL speech after Biden's mentally inept debate and calls for EARLY ELECTIONS due to the hidden corporate powers controlling Biden that are purposefully destroying our Country.

"Americans, the media worked closely with the White House to conceal the truth that was on display last night. President Biden is not fit to discharge the immense duties of the presidency. The alarming evidence of his cognitive decline was on display for all to witness."

"Yet his enablers and political allies continue to exploit the president to substitute their destructive agenda for the interests of the American people. The unconscionable betrayal of the sacred trust that must exist between the federal government and American citizens is all around us. Destructive executive orders and policy directives, many of which were likely signed when President Biden was in a rapidly diminished state of mind, inflicted tremendous damage on our nation."

That statement is factual. Joe Biden is a tool for corporate elites that make up The Deep State and they're using mentally feeble Pedophile to pass any legislation they want passed.

"Biden's manipulators fueled a proxy war in Ukraine that risks drawing us into a catastrophic confrontation with nuclear armed Russia. Their unqualified support for Israel's disproportionate actions in Gaza erodes our moral authority and credibility as a champion of peace and stability. These actions drained our defense resources and compromised our moral standing in the world."

"In the private sector or in matters of estate planning, the validity of signatures made under such circumstances would be challenged and invalidated in a court of law. How can we accept crucial national decisions being made under these conditions?"

"The American people deserve better. It is time to ask, who truly governs this country? Is it we, the people, as our founders intended, or have we surrendered control to unelected bureaucrats, sprawling federal agencies, and affluent donors who do not have the best interests of ordinary Americans at heart? To secure the blessings of liberty for this generation and those to come, we must reclaim the rightful sovereignty of the American people over a dysfunctional and unresponsive political establishment."

"It is now obvious that the governing power to determine our nation's destiny lies in unelected hands. Americans must raise their voices in opposition to this administration. The power belongs to the American people."

We must signal our discontent with policies we did not vote for, open borders, wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, soaring inflation, uncontrolled immigration, and demand the right to register our indignation at the ballot box.

"In view of the questionable legitimacy of the many executive orders issued under President Biden's signature, Americans should consider holding the presidential election early."

"It's time for Americans to demand a new government that is legitimate, one that is devoted to peace abroad and prosperity at home."

LET'S GOOOO! πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯

Sunday musing.

I personally pour my heart & soul into all of this because I believe it is, without question, the most important thing going on in the world with the future of human civilization hanging in the balance.

And yes, I'll sometimes offend many of you with my sense of humor along the way - in between the super-heavy crap show that we're all dealing with, mind you.

I suspect most of you know exactly what I speak of because it's the same for you.

Those of us who get it understand full well that it's actually an impt part of how we stay sane through it all.

Well, for me it is.
What's your experience?
Forwarded from Rev DQ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸΈπŸΏ
Media is too big
Forwarded from Resistance Radio (Rachel)
SCOTUS ruling tomorrow will change the course of history. Will there be Presidential immunity? Who do you think will replace Biden?

πŸ”— https://x.com/3inste3in/status/1807579253908660477?s=46
Hillary be all like, "Nobody ever expects it on a Sunday evening."
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Love me some Steve Bannon. And Trump's no different.

I believe Steve has been deeply involved with this and alongside Trump since the beginning.
When you understand that Adam Schiff is rather aware of the fact he's going to stand trial for several horrendous and treasonous crimes then all his panicked posts about Trump make more sense.

He should be worried.
And for good reason too.
His concerns are 100% legitimate. 😁
That's what happens when you tell the truth about ruthless criminals.

Just ask Andrew.
Oh, that's right.
We can't.
RE: #SCOTUS ruling and all other unlawful efforts to bring Trump down.

πŸ‘‰ None will ultimately succeed

Oh, and he's going to win in Nov. too.

Best just to come to terms with it all now and save yourself counseling & heartache (yet again) later on.