🇵🇸 Automated Apartheid in Palestine
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Blue Wolf is part of a broader surveillance policy, initiated by the Israeli army in 2016, which deployed facial recognition technology, sensors, and cameras to monitor Palestinians in the occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank @internet_privacy_io_2
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🇵🇸 The Oslo Accords: Failure or Betrayal ? | Mondoweiss - October 2023

Palestinians reflect on the past 30 years since the first Oslo Accords were signed and all the ways in which the agreement impacted their lives, pushing them even further away from achieving liberation and statehood.Insightfull on the inner political situation, the lack of democracy ( no elections for over a decade).Many Palestinians don't feel represented by the PA authorities, which they arguably see as a colaborator of the occupying force in the West Bank.The young generation has turned away from the old guard
and joined armed resistance groups.

#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #PA #PLO #Hamas #Israel #Oslo #OsloAccords #US #Documentary
🇵🇸 TARGETING PALESTINE - Declassified Australia – 03/11/2023

The Pine Gap US surveillance base located outside of Alice Springs in Australia is collecting an enormous range of communications and electronic intelligence from the brutal Gaza-Israel battlefield – and this data is being provided to the Israel Occupation Forces. 

Two large Orion geosynchronous signals intelligence satellites, belonging to the US and operated from Pine Gap, are located 36,000 kms above the equator over the Indian Ocean. From there, they look down on the Middle East, Europe and Africa, and gather huge amounts of intelligence data to beam back to the Pine Gap base.

#Palestine #Gaza #Surveillance #Ozz #Australia #FiveEyes #Nato #US #Israel #IOF #PineGap
🇵🇸 Builder for Secret U.S. Base in Israel Also Built Illegal Settlement – 03/11/2023

THE US military recent $35 million contract to do construction at its secret base in Israel went to a joint venture that includes an American firm and an Israeli one. The Israeli company, Y.D. Ashush Infrastructure, has been involved in many large-scale infrastructure and public works projects — including building an illegal settlement in occupied Palestinian territory.

In a section on its website touting its projects, Ashush mentions construction work in the settlement of Leshem. Originally planned to include nearly 700 homes, Leshem was constructed in the 2010s as a satellite of Alei Zahav, a settlement established in 1982. 

U.S. Quietly Pushes Ahead Secret Military Base in Israel, Near Gaza –27/10/2023

#Palestine #OPT #Israel #US #Base512 #Colonisation
🇵🇸 Israel-Palestine war: Don’t be fooled. Biden is fully signed up to genocide in Gaza | Middle East Eye – Jonathan Cook

The White House needs a cover story to obscure its complicity. In desperation, it is once again resurrecting the long-dead two-state solution

But if Gaza was not actually occupied before Israel’s current ground invasion, how does Washington explain the Israeli blockade of the tiny enclave for the past 16 years? How did Israel manage to seal off Gaza’s land borders, block access to Gaza’s territorial waters, and patrol Gaza’s skies 24/7? 

The reality is that Gaza has not experienced a day free of Israeli occupation since 1967. All that Israel did 18 years ago when it pulled out its Jewish settlers, was to run the occupation more remotely, exploiting new developments in weapons and surveillance technologies

#Palestine #Gaza #OPT #Genocide #US #WarCrimes #EthnicCleansing
🇵🇸 Revealed: The Munitions U.S. Supplied Israel for Gaza War - National Security & Cyber - Haaretz

Tens of thousands of 155mm artillery shells, thousands of bunker-buster munitions and 200 kamikaze drones , these are just some weapons and ammunition Israel has asked the U.S. for since the beginning of the war in Gaza.

An internal Pentagon document revealed by Bloomberg on Wednesday details the requests made by "a senior Israeli leader" in late October. The list also includes 2,000 Hellfire laser-guided missiles for Apache gunships and 36,000 rounds of 30mm ammunition for its cannon.

#Palestine #Gaza #WarCrimes #Genocide #Israel #US #Arms #Weapons #Amunition
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🇵🇸 The West refuses to see Israel for what it is (An Apartheid colonial project), partly because it’s a reminder of its own history.

Interview with former Israeli negotiator Daniel Levy ( Oslo - Geneva)

Source : Middle East Eye - The Big Picture
#Palestine #Gaza #OPT #Colonisation #Hamas #OperationAlAqsaFlood #Peace #Negociations #Hostages #Apartheid #WarCrimes #Genocide #MiddleEast #US #Oslo
🇵🇸 These Are Western Countries Aiding Israel’s Genocide in Gaza – Mint Press

Since Israel’s war on Gaza began in October, several rights groups have initiated legal proceedings regarding arms exports to Israel.

On Nov. 6, Palestinian human rights organizations, #AlHaq, #AlMezan Center for Human Rights, and the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (#PCHR) launched legal action in the Federal Court of Australia to access all arms export permits that have been granted to Israel since Oct.7.

#Arms #Weapons #ArmsImport #Israel #Nato #US #EU #Australia #WarCrimes #ComplicityOfWarCrimes #ComplicityOfGenocide #EthnicCleansing #WarCrimes #Genocide #Palestine #Gaza
22/11/2023 #Sipri
🇵🇸 Israel-Palestine: A message from Ray McGovern | Consortium News

HO! HO! SLEEPY JOE, GENOCIDE HAS GOT TO GO! Remember: “Hey! Hey! LBJ, How Many Kids D’You Kill Today?” helped stop genocide in Vietnam? Can we do the same for children in Gaza & the West Bank, where I watched in awe the bravery of youth resisting occupiers

Genocide Has Got to Go – Ray McGovern – Veterans for Peace

#Palestine #OPT #WestBank #Tamimi #Gaza #Genocide #Netanyahu #USA #US #JoeBiden #Biden
🇵🇸 US explicitly involved in committing war crimes against civilians in the Gaza Strip | EuroMed HR Monitor

Geneva – In a new statement following the revelation that the United States has supplied Israel with 100 2,000-pound “bunker buster” bombs since the start of Israel’s genocide in the Gaza Strip on the Gaza Strip, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor condemned the US action.

The aforementioned weapons are fortification-piercing bombs, with a warhead (BLU-109) that is known for its ability to deeply penetrate fortified structures before detonating and causing significant casualties among civilians. As such, their use is strictly forbidden in civilian and residential areas, Euro-Med Monitor said.

Video source : footage of civilian house targeted by a " bunker buster" missile/ bomb, Gaza on the morning of 04/12/2023

#Palestine #Gaza #US #USA #Israels #IOF #Arms #Complicity #USWeapons #Weapons #BunkerBuster #Bombs
#WarCrimes #BLU109 #Genocide #InternationalLaw
🇵🇸 Dutch rights groups take government to court over arms to Israel | Middle East Eye –

Human rights groups are challenging the Dutch government in court, arguing it is complicit in alleged Israeli violations of international law in Gaza by supplying F-35 fighter jet parts.

The suit, brought by Oxfam Novib, PAX and The Rights Forum, comes after a Dutch newspaper reported that the government allowed a delivery of the components despite foreign ministry lawyers warning that Israel was committing serious violations of humanitarian law.

The components, made by the #US-based #LockheedMartin, are stored at a warehouse in the #Netherlands and then shipped to #Israel and other countries.
"The government allowed itself to be blackmailed by Israel and the US - at the expense of Palestinian lives," The Rights Forum has said.

#Complicity #Holland #Dutch
#WarCrimesComplicity #Israel #Genocide #WarCrimes #Gaza #Liability #InternationalLaw
#F35 #US #USweapons #IOF #Court #Arms
🇵🇸 ‘I feel fully betrayed by the United States’: an interview with Yasmeen Elagha – Mondoweiss

"Yasmeen Elagha has lost more than 100 relatives in Israel’s attack on Gaza and is now part of a group of Palestinian-Americans in Chicago who are suing the Biden administration over its failure to evacuate their family members.

#Gaza #Testimonies #US #Biden #YasmeenElagha
🇵🇸 Edward Heath was pushed by the US into exchanging the iconic Palestinian freedom fighter Leila Khaled for dozens of western hostages after the world's most spectacular multiple aircraft hijacking in September 1970.

Leila Khaled was at the centre of a crisis sparked by the seizure of five civilian airliners by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

The PFLP blew up three of the aircraft for the television cameras at a disused RAF airstrip in the Jordanian desert, and 56 US and European passengers were used to bargain for the release of seven Palestinian prisoners in Britain, Germany and Switzerland.

One was Leila Khaled, who had been handed over to the British authorities at Heathrow after an attempt to commandeer an El Al flight was foiled and her fellow hijacker, Patrick Arguello, a Nicaraguan, was shot dead by Israeli guards.

#LeilaKhaled #Fedaiyat
#Hijacking #PlaneHijacking #PFLP #DawsonField #Jordan #Hostages #PrisonerExchange #UK #US #Palestine #Resistance
🇵🇸 A Victory for the Palestinian People ( 1973 Documentary ) - Color Version | PPPA –

Curator's note: this may be the first-ever US published Palestine solidarity poster

This image was used to advertise a 52-minute black and white film entitled “Revolution Until Victory” that came out in 1973 from Single Spark Films. 

Single Spark Films emerged out of the film production company called California Newsreel, after the group split up. Single Spark Films was associated with a Marxist group in the San Francisco Bay area called the Bay Area Revolutionary Union. 

The photo might, MIGHT have been taken by noted photographer and Palestine activist Jeff Blankfort in Jordan's Schneller refugee Camp when he was a photographer working with Liberation News Service in #Jordan in 1970-71.

#Palestine #Fedayeen #History #Poster #US #Documentary
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🇵🇸 The Night Won’t End: Biden’s War on Gaza

As Israel’s bombing campaign continues in Gaza and the humanitarian crisis deepens to catastrophic levels, the #Biden administration has not wavered in its support for Israel.

United States (#US) weapons transfers - from 2,000-pound bombs to artillery shells and tanks - have been a crucial part of the Israeli military campaign.

Fault Lines worked with journalists in Gaza to profile three families as they try to survive the war.

Together with #Airwars, FL also investigated an air strike on December 11 in north Gaza in which more than 100 people from the same family were killed.FL partnered with #ForensicArchitecture and #Earshot to investigate that attack.

From air strikes to field executions, Fault Lines investigates the killings of civilians by the Israeli military in #Gaza and the role of the United States in the war.

Credits, Gaza journalists & production crew: Hussien Jaber, Motasem Abu Aser, Bilal Salem, Soliman Alfarra

#Genocide #Documentary
🇵🇸 Washington lifts 'hold' on shipment of 500lb bombs for Israel | The Craddle

The US government has lifted a two-month hold on shipments of 500-pound bombs for Israel, according to US officials who spoke with Reuters on 10 July.

In early May, the White House announced a hold on a shipment of 1,800 2,000-pound bombs and 1,700 500-pound bombs to Israel, citing “concerns” these would be used to flatten Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah, where over a million Palestinians had taken refuge at the time.

On detonation, a 500-pound bomb can severely harm or kill anyone within a 20-meter radius, according to the Project on Defense Alternatives (PDA). A 2,000-pound bomb has a destruction radius of 35 metres.

#Gaza #Genocide #Arms #Bombs #US #Civilians
🇵🇸 The World Court has ended the Oslo ruse - Kraig Morkhiber for Mondoweiss

The ICJ’s ruling that international law protects the rights of Palestinians, and they need not negotiate with their oppressors for those rights, dealt a definitive blow to decades of Western efforts to situate Israel outside the reach of the law.

Israel is on trial for genocide in the International Court of Justice (the #ICJ). The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (#ICC) has requested arrest warrants for Israel’s leaders for crimes against humanity. Millions of people across the globe, Palestinians, Jews, Muslims, Christians, students, workers, and others, are mobilized to challenge Israeli settler-colonialism, #apartheid, and #genocide. The 76-year-old wall of impunity, built brick-by-brick by the #US, the #UK, and other Western governments, is beginning to crumble.

* Recommended Documentary
#Palestine #OsloAccords #Apartheid
🇵🇸 Exposed: The US and Canadian Funding Behind Israeli Soldiers Accused of Rape

Cuffed and blindfolded 24 hours a day. Confined to animal pens. Attacked by dogs. This is reportedly the treatment of Palestinian detainees at Sde Teiman, an Israeli military base in the #NaqabDesert. While claims of torture and abuse at the facility began circulating in December, the Israeli military did not open an investigation into the allegations until July 29, when 10 Israeli soldiers were detained on suspicion of sexually abusing a detainee

MintPress uncovers the financial and political infrastructure, including from the #US and #Canada, backing these soldiers through tax-exempt organizations and crowdfunding platforms. This marks a disturbing shift in global support for human rights violations, now extending even to those implicated in the Israeli military’s acts of #SexualViolence.

#Palestine #OPT #Gaza #Detainees #Torture #Rape #SdeTeman #SdeTeiman