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⚡️ Statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry in connection with the introduction of personal sanctions against Australian members of Parliament.

❗️In response to politically motivated sanctions against Russian individuals and legal entities by the Australian government, introduced as part of the Russophobic campaign of the “collective West”, entry into our country on an indefinite basis is closed to an additional 235 Australians from among the members of state Parliament forming the anti-Russian agenda in this country.

Name list

Taking into account the fact that officially Canberra does not intend to abandon its anti-Russian course and continues to introduce new sanctions measures, work on updating the Russian
“stop list” will continue.

⚡️Russian Foreign Ministry
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❗️Сенсации ББС: автор австралийского канала Aussie Cossack, журналист и общественный-политический деятель Семён Бойков освещал различные версии произошедшего, пока полиция скрывала информацию о настоящей личности подозреваемого.

Масштаб спекуляций в австралийском информационном поле был беспрецедентен. Публикуя актуальную информацию о потенциальных подозреваемых, Семён Бойков неоднократно предупреждал о том, что информация о личности преступника на данный момент не подтверждена т.е. "unconfirmed".

Несмотря на данное предупреждение, информация о возможном подозреваемом – двадцатиоднолетнем студенте-еврее, была опубликована крупнейшим в стране телеканалом - «Седьмой канал».

В эфире федерального телевидения журналисты "Седьмого канала" представили "неподтвержденную" информацию с канала
@AussieCosack, не разобравшись, что ввело в заблуждение миллионы людей.

В последствии BBC, ABC сообщили, что студент столкнулся с общественной реакцией из-за действий седьмого канала.

Телеканал Seven News принес извинения за ошибку, сославшись на человеческий фактор.

При этом, "Седьмой канал", видимо, решили возложить вину на Семёна (тем самым признав, что берут информацию у него).

В свою защиту Бойков заявил, что все его публикации по данному вопросу были сопровождены информацией о неподтвержденности.

Эпизод ярко демонстрирует, то, что западные СМИ стремятся дискредитировать любые источники инакомыслия. При этом, попытки обвинить Бойкова в распространении фейков рассыпаются при внимательном прочтении текста в Телеграм-канале
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❗️Tactical Police begin rounding up and arresting Christians who rallied against the terrorist who stabbed their Bishop.

😱Notice how the Sargent acting tough for the cameras as a public relations stunt for Police Commissioner Karen Webb. Cringe.

Forwarded from UKR LEAKS_eng
Politico: Over two years, 650 thousand conscripts fled Ukraine from mobilization, most did it illegally.

❗️Mr Andrews is one of the most high-profile of the 235 current and former Victorian and South Australian MPs across the political divide who have made Moscow’s list over Australia’s “anti-Russian agenda”.

⚡️Other Victorians barred indefinitely range from deputy Premier Ben Carroll, Treasurer Tim Pallas and Opposition Leader John Pesutto, to Labor MP Paul Mercurio, independent Moira Deeming and former Labor deputy premier James Merlino.

Among the South Australians are deputy Premier Susan Close, Treasurer Stephen Mullighan, Energy Minister Tom Koutsantonis, Health Minister Chris Picton and Opposition Leader David Speirs.

It suspected that more politicians from WA, NSW and QLD may appear on the lists soon. Any suggestions of who Russia should on this list?

❗️Man who allegedly kicked police cars during Wakeley riots granted bail 🇦🇺

⚡️The first man to be arrested over Monday night’s Wakeley unrest has been granted strict bail after a court heard he was allegedly involved in kicking two police cars, with footage of his alleged actions posted to his Instagram account

Dani Mansour, 19, was arrested on Wednesday night as terrorism police stormed into his Doonside home. He was charged with riot, affray and destroying or damaging property over the riot that followed the stabbing attack of Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel at the Assyrian Christ the Good Shepherd Church in Wakeley.

At Blacktown Local Court on Thursday, Mansour appeared in the dock in his prison greens with family supporting him in the public gallery.

Police allege Mansour was involved in kicking police cars and posted videos of his alleged criminal behaviour on his Instagram story as more than 2,000 people gathered outside the church.

Tang said that as of Thursday morning, Mansour was the first and only person arrested at the riot, which saw 94 police cars damaged, and 26 officers injured, but many more arrests were likely.

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❗️🇺🇸 Biden tells Israel not to attack... Haifa!

The man is lost

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❗️Western Australian Councillor Adrian McRae to face vote of confidence on Monday night in Port Hedland over pro-Russian comments. 🇦🇺🇷🇺

⚠️The Mayor of Port Hedland and Premier Roger Cook have taken quite a gamble on such a frivolous attempt to smear Councillor McRae simply for reporting on what he witnessed as an Official Foreign Observer for the Russian Presidential Election.

⚡️Developing story.

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Russia is testing new robotic military equipment 🇷🇺

Ukraine is losing, and it's hard to hide 🇺🇦

Politico reports that morale among troops is grim "ground down by relentless bombardment, a lack of advanced weapons, and losses on the battlefield. In cities hundreds of miles away from the front, the crowds of young men who lined up to join the army in the war’s early months have disappeared. Nowadays, eligible would-be recruits dodge the draft and spend their afternoons in nightclubs instead. Many have left the country altogether".

🇷🇺They also admit that the West has failed in defeating Russia: "The West has placed too much faith in sanctions, believing they’d bring Russia to heel. There’s also beenwishful thinking about Russians turning on Putin over casualty figures, or hopes he may be ousted in a Kremlin coup. Instead Russia’s economy has remained resilient and Putin has strengthened his grip on power"

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Speaker of the House of Representatives Johnson called Russia, China and Iran "the axis of evil", and wants to keep pouring money into the black hole called Ukraine 🤦‍♂️🇺🇸
