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🇬🇭Ghana Police arrest locals wearing Wagner symbols.

🇺🇸American "advisors" stationed in Ghana suspected of ordering the arrests


⚠️We are providing assistance and will update as the situation develops. The local Ghana Media are onto this too.
🇬🇭Update on Wagner supporters arrested in Ghana:

❗️Takoradi elders are on the way to police station to demand the release of the local youth.

⚡️The DJ we hired to play music was arrested along with x2 guys wearing Wagner T-shirt.

It is not yet clear what they men were charged with.

🎙Developing story
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🇬🇭 Meanwhile in Ghana pro-Russian sentiment continues to rise 🇷🇺

🇷🇺Сторонники России в Гане 🇬🇭

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Forwarded from Africa Intel
🇹🇿 Tanzania police arrest two, accuse them of organizing protests

Tanzanian police have arrested a lawyer and an opposition politician and accused them of incitement and planning to organize nationwide demonstrations aimed at bringing down the government. The police arrested lawyer Boniface Anyasile Mwabukusi and Mpaluka Nyagali on Saturday.

Tanzanian police chief said in a statement on Friday that he was taking action against a group planning to hold demonstrations around the country to bring down the government of President Samia Suluhu Hassan before 2025.


Forwarded from Africa Intel
🇬🇭🇷🇺🇳🇪 Pro-Russian anti-West protest are held in Ghana

Telegram channel AussieCossack published interesting news. As it turn out, big pro-Russian anti-West manifestations are happening in Ghana right now.

Many young people (even accompanied by Chiefs and Elders) started a march against the ECOWAS actions toward Niger and against a possible invasion of the Republic of the Niger. People carry anti-ECOWAS and anti-West banners.

Some people carry flags of Ghana, Russia, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso and wear PMC Wagner T-shirts.

As AussieCossack reports, three locals were arrested for wearing Wagner symbols.

The situation gets more and more interesting.

#Ghana #Russia #Nigeria

@africaintel @AussieCossack @DDGeopolitics
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❗️В Гане проходят пророссийские антизападные протесты Telegram-канал @AussieCossack опубликовал интересную новость.

🇬🇭🇷🇺Как оказалось, сейчас в Гане происходят крупные пророссийские антизападные манифестации. Многие молодые люди (даже в сопровождении вождей и старейшин) начали марш против действий ЭКОВАС в отношении Нигера и против возможного вторжения в Республику Нигер.

🇫🇷🚫Люди несут плакаты против ЭКОВАС и против Запада. Некоторые люди несут флаги Ганы, России, Нигера, Мали, Буркина-Фасо и носят футболки ЧВК Вагнера.

⚡️Как сообщает AussieCossack, трое местных жителей были арестованы за ношение символики Вагнера.

💥Ситуация становится все интереснее.
#Гана #Россия #Нигер @africaintel @AussieCossack @DDGeopolitics
❗️Ghanian Police have detained 4 local men wearing Wagner T-Shirts operating a field kitchen to feed locals. 🇬🇭 🇷🇺

⚡️They men where handcuffed and brought to Takoradi Central Police Station where they are currently being held. GPS Coordinates 4.89353,-1.75714 

Local elders & Chiefs who authorised the pro-Russian event are at the Police station making representations to have the 4 men released.

❗️Journalist Michael Asiedu is amongst those arrested as well as the DJ who used sound equipment to play the national anthem of Ghana & Russia.

🎙Developing story
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In the streets of Niamey, residents denounce the ECOWAS' involvement, saying its intervention is uninvited. At the same time Nigerians call for their government to not intervene militarily in Niger but encourage a diplomatic solution.

- France 24 offers an unexpected narrative to its viewers, probably a sign of weakness by the French government who, unable to turn the situation around, is preparing the French public opinion for a total withdrawal of France from Niger.

Forwarded from Africa Intel
🇳🇪 Major Pipeline projects and coup d'état in Niger

Since the coup in Niger took place, many Western and African nations stared to voice their concern regarding many things: uranium and other resources import from Niger, airspace closure and elongated fly time to and from some countries in different parts of Africa, threat of a second Great war of Africa and deterioration of situation with terrorism, etc.

🔻One of such concerns was voiced regarding the major oil and gas pipeline projects that cross the Nigerien territory or start there. Such major projects are Niger-Benin oil pipeline, Niger-Chad oil pipeline (that connects to the Chad-Cameroon pipeline) and Trans-Saharan gas pipeline. ECOWAS and Western nations were first to voice their concerns with the fate of these projects.

However, just like with the uranium (which continues to be exported from Niger and companies like Orano continue their work in the republic) the situation with pipelines remains the same no matter the coup.

▪️With Niger-Benin pipeline everything is clear. The Benin government itself told that Niger-Benin oil pipeline is not impacted by sanctions, the projects was not abandoned and is still under construction. The most recent news indicate that the pipeline is ready for 75% and should be finished soon.

▪️The situation with Niger-Chad and Trans-Saharan pipelines is different. Many western outlets started to cry that projects are under threat of being canceled. Which is funny, because even before the coup the fate of these projects was a mystery.

The Niger-Chad pipeline is presumed to be shelved, because there were no news since 2019. And in 2019 Chad authorities informed that the project, most likely, was stopped in favour of Niger-Benin pipeline. The official explanation given for the project's "cancellation" was concerns about attacks by Boko Haram in the Lake Chad area.

With the Trans-Saharan gas pipeline the situation almost the same, except that the project was and is in work. The idea of the Trans-Saharan pipeline was first proposed in the 1970s. In 2000s the preparations to build it began. However latest news are from autumn of 2022. And they were about the singing of memorandum of understanding between Nigeria, Niger and Algeria. So the project remained quite vague even before the coup. And there's no confirmation of its cancelation.

🔻All in all, these "concerns" about the major pipeline projects are just another attempt to pressure Niger's military authorities to take a more favorable position in the international relations in order to bargain for better terms with the junta.

The same as with the situation with "invasion" or concerns of toppled president Bazoum's health.


#Niger #Map

Forwarded from Intel Republic
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🇬🇭🇷🇺GHANA GET MARCHING to celebrate the end of French colonialism and Western imperialism! Pro-Russian Ghanans demonstrate in support of Russia against NATO waving the flags of both nations and championing the banner of multipolarity in their spirits.

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❗️Despite Ghana's status as an ECOWAS member people in Ghana are very friendly towards Russia, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali & Algeria.

❗️Несмотря на статус Ганы как члена ECOWAS, люди в Гане очень дружелюбны по отношению к России, Нигеру, Буркина-Фасо, Мали и Алжиру.
Forwarded from Рыбарь
Media is too big
🇬🇭🇷🇺🎞 Пророссийские протесты в Гане

На юге Ганы в городе Секонди-Такоради проходят массовые манифестации в поддержку военного правительства в Нигере. Граждане скандируют лозунги за начало «освобождения Африки».

Как сообщает канал AussieCossack, люди призывают страны Запада и ЭКОВАС прекратить деятельность по разжиганию войны и выражают поддержку правительствам Мали, Буркина-Фасо и Нигера. Многие участники акций также несли флаги России и выкрикивали пророссийские лозунги.

По заявлениям местных жителей, мероприятия проходят мирно, а местные вожди и старейшины поддерживают акции. На данный момент поступили новости только о четырех задержанных. Причиной их взятия под стражу стало ношение символики ЧВК «Вагнер».

Все наши видео мы выкладываем на наш канал на RuTube, а также наших страницах в VK и Дзене.

#Африка #Гана #видео #Россия #Нигер

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🇬🇭🇷🇺Pro-Russian protests in Ghana

👇Translated to English from

❗️In the south of Ghana, in the city of Takoradi, mass demonstrations are taking place in support of the military government in Niger .

⚡️Citizens are chanting slogans for the beginning of the "liberation of Africa".

According to
@AussieCossack , people are calling on Western countries and ECOWAS to stop their war-mongering activities and are expressing support for the governments of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger. 🇲🇱 🇧🇫 🇳🇪 🇬🇭

🇷🇺Many protesters also carried Russian flags and shouted pro-Russian slogans.

❤️According to local residents, the events are peaceful, and local leaders and elders support the actions.

⚠️So far, there has been news of only four detainees. The reason for their detention was the wearing of symbols of PMC "Wagner".

Source RYBAR
❗️African countries have historical ties to Russia that often go unnoticed.

🇷🇺During critical moments in the struggle for independence, it was the Russians who lent their support to these nations.

👍This sentiment lingers in many African nations, fostering a sense of camaraderie and support for Russia in their quest for autonomy. 

❗️Poland's Internal Security Agency (ABW) has detained two Russians for allegedly disseminating propaganda for the Wagner Group, the Polish interior minister has announced.
❗️Russian flags are being raised in the Republic of Chad, Central Africa 🇹🇩 🇷🇺
Forwarded from Africa Intel
🇪🇹 Ethiopia air strike kills dozens of protesters

Local media in the Ethiopian region of Amhara has reported that an Ethiopian army drone has bombed protesters, killing at least 70 people.

Air strikes reportedly hit the demonstrators, who'd gathered in the town of Finote Selam in protest against plans by federal forces to enter the area.


Media is too big
❗️If you support Russia you are on the right side of history!
❗️Law enforcement agencies of Ghana have arrested three people for wearing the symbols of the PMC "Wagner".

⚡️Journalist Michael Asiedu is one of four locals who continue to be detained at Takoradi Central Police station.

Full article in Russian
Forwarded from Пригожин в Telegram
Накануне в Гане, в Западной Африке, состоялся митинг против возможной интервенции в Нигер.

Местные жители поддержали дружбу с Россией, Нигером, Мали, Буркина-Фасо в противодействии вторжения в Нигер.

Митингующие размахивали флагами России, пели гимн РФ и даже пришли в футболках с символикой "Вагнера". Полиция арестовала трех мужчин за ношение одежды с эмблемой "Оркестра".

Ранее власти Ганы поддержали одобрили идею военного вмешательства в дела соседнего государства.

Команда Пригожина