Folkish Aryan Pagan
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A place for Folkish European (Aryan) Pagans to honor the Gods and Ancestral traditions
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Wotanism is out true spiritual heritage. The Wotan spirit, whether conscious or unconscious, is a part of the physical and mental make-up of every White man, woman and child, and it is as old in essence as the race itself.

Ron McVan
Ares hates those who hesitate

Why christianity was created
Wotan and his brothers killing Ymir
Forwarded from Thuletide
Interesting factoid: Parents of mixed-race children are, autosomally speaking, more genetically related to any random member of their own race than they are to their own children.
Werewolf in folklore

Slavic folklore and Hollywood werewolves are very different. Traditional werewolf is called oboroten (from "oborot" turn), pereverten (from "perevertati" to turn) or vovkulaka (wolf’s skin) etc and has full control over his animal state. Also, he turns into a big wolf at best, never a monster.
There’s no single method and/or ritual, but the most popular one includes sticking a knife (usually copper) into an old stump or ground and jumping over it while reciting a spell. Or wearing a magic belt/cloak/cape.
Bulgarian Kukeri
Kukeri by ByKiro
Kukeri look as scary as they are to banish evil spirits
Kuker by Elitsa Panayotova
While Aryan race is becoming extinct in our own lifetime the ones cheering the most are brainwashed Aryans.
From the beginning of the Asatru resurgence in America, we have been very open in our practice. We have allowed outsiders to attend, to take photographs, and to take part. I believe that this was a mistake, and I have been guilty of it myself. There is a difficult balance here. On the one hand, we need to give people some idea of what we do. Secrecy builds distrust, and people’s imagination will fill in the gaps with all sorts of fantasies, most of them unpleasant. Nevertheless, it is vital to protect the dignity of what we do and to maintain an awareness that this faith is ours, not something that can be expropriated by passersby.


Slavic God of Smithing and Fire by M.Suharev

Nice iconography except for the beard which only volkhvs had before Byzantium influence.
The Israelites Were Not European

There is a strong genetic continuity between modern-day Jews and their ancient Levantine ancestors that Christian Identitarians—who claim that Europeans are the real Israelites—either willfully ignore or simply aren't aware of.

Whether we're referring to Jews, Judeans, Israelites, or Hebrews, they have consistently exhibited similarities with other indigenous Levantine groups [1][2][3][4][5], such as the Palestinians, Syrians, and Lebanese.

The only reason why Ashkenazi—who made up only about 3% of the entire Jewish population in the 11th century, while now being the vast majority—and Sephardi Jews have roughly 30% European ancestry, is due to interbreeding over the last ~1000 years.

They were a Levantine people, akin to the others in the region, sharing a common Afro-Asiatic language—both genetically and linguistically distinct from Europeans, who predominantly spoke Indo-European languages. No skewed Bible interpretation is going to change that.

Viking chief Rurik and his brothers were the founders of Ancient Rus

"They thus selected three brothers, with their kinsfolk, who took with them all the Russes and migrated. The oldest, Rurik, located himself in Novgorod; the second, Sineus, at Beloozero; and the third, Truvor, in Izborsk."

The Primary Chronicle
It is possible that Rurik’s brothers Truvor and Sineus never existed since according to the Chronicle they very conveniently died two years after the arrival leaving Rurik as the sole ruler.
There is a theory that those names are actually a misunderstanding based on the Scandinavian expressions "Trú vor" ("our faithful") and "Sine hus" ("his clan").
reconstruction of an Early Iron Age Scythian woman from Bystrovka - Ukraine.
God of War and Wind
by Moccus art

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