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🔰قناة خاصة بجمع محتوى الجانب العملي للمرحلة السريرية

🔥المرجع الأول لكل محتوى العملي لجميع المواد في قناة واحدة فقط
💯هذه القناة مكملة لقناة التجميعات السريرية💯

بوت التواصل والمشاركات @Clinical_Collections36_bot

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🖇تجميعات جراحة عظام🖇👇🏻

Indications of pelvic binder...

Moth eaten appearance
"Motheaten" is a multiple scattered holes that vary in size and seems to arise separately
هذا من سامح دوز
إجابة سؤال كيف يتوزع وزن الجسم 👆
بعد الدكتور وهدان

♦️ Mechanism of transmission of the body weight?
اعتقد قال لنا د/انور يوم الخميس 👇🏻
Hip joint
Medial condyle of femur
وينتشر ع foot كامل
16)what are the types of fixation?
🛠External fixation :
👉POP: circular cast or backslab .
👉traction : skin traction , skeletal traction
👉external skeletal fixation .
🛠internal fixation :
👉plate and screws
👉intrsmedullary nail
👉compression screw and plate
👉wire sutures

17)what we mean by hip bone ?
Ilium , pubis , ischium .

18)other name of instrument ?
Device , implant

19)classification of bone according to internal tissue ?
Compact (cortical) .
Spongy (cancellous) .

20)define osteoprosis?
Systemic skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration with consequent increase in bone fragility with susceptibility to fracture.
Decrease in bone density due to activation of osteoclasts .

21) bone cells?
Osteogenic cells 👉 stem cells
Osteoblast 👉 form bone matrix
Osteocyte 👉 maintains bone tissue
Osteoclast 👉 resorbs bone

22)dislocation of shoulder joint mostly anterior , why ?
Due to detachment of labrum glenoidal and the anterior capsule from the anterior margin of the glenoid , and the shoulder joint is more flexible anteriorly .

23)complications of fracture ?
>>General :
Fat embolism
Tetanus with compound fractures
Crush syndrome
Complications of prolonged recumbancy : (delayed)**
👉bed sore
👉respiratory complications
👉pulomnary embolism
👉urinary calculi
👉psychological complications

>>local complications :
🐰Early :
👉neurovascular injury
👉compartment syndrome more in tibia.
👉skin injury
👉injury to soft tissues

🐢late :
Avascular necrosis
Delayed union and non union
Sudek's atrophy
Myositis ossification
Joint stiffness and osteoarthrosis
Growth disturbance (if fracture affects epiphyseal plate in children )
يتبع >>

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