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A Note on Removing the Voting Machines from Senator @KellyTownsend 🇺🇸

So here is the deal folks. To remove the machines would be to basically remove all of Title 16. The movement to have the machines removed started about 3 to 4 weeks ago. To completely remove Title 16 and replace it with something different is going to require more than 3 weeks and actually would take the better part of a year to put in place a different system. For that reason we won't get 16 votes to pass a bill like that. As much as I would support the removal of the machines, our 1 vote majority just cannot get that done this year.. I'll be hard pressed to be able to even pass this bill, and you all saw what I had to do to just get these critical reforms.

However, I am committed to not going home without these immediate reforms in order to have serious corrections for next year's primary election. I have been researching these issues diligently for quite some time and wanted to get this passed, but my bills were killed. I forced the measures forward and we will hopefully have a vote shortly. Think of it as plugging the holes temporarily for the primary election. Any bills passed next year will not be in effect for the primary but will be for the general. So these reforms will dramatically reduce the ability for them to cheat but much more is needed. We will have meetings throughout the rest of this year to discuss how to get rid of the machines for the general next year.

I know it is not what you wanted but please understand that I cannot just wipe out the machines without a plan to move forward in 2 weeks notice. I could put forward a bill to do that but we don't have the votes and if that were my effort and it failed then we would be right back to 2020 rules for the 2022 primary. That is not acceptable so we have to go with what we can get passed now and work on next year for the general. I hope and pray for your support.
Election Officials in Pennsylvania Blame “Coding Error” with Dominion Voting Machines for Flaws with Republican Votes In Primary this Week (VIDEO) | TGP

Notice how the voting machine “errors” are ALWAYS against Republicans? In Antrim County, in Windham, in Luzerne County. This is ridiculous! Machines must go!

If we can’t get legislation passed to remove the machines in time for the 2022 election as @KellyTownsend has explained, then we need to pre-schedule an audit with independent auditors we select.

Read 👉🔗 The Gateway Pundit
Learn more 👉🔗 Last PA Update
Learn more 👉 🔗 Senator Townsend voting machine removal legislation
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From @KanekoatheGreat


The documentary broadcast on HBO in 2006 first exposed the dangers of voting machines to the American population.

"If you're worried about the dangers of electronic voting, this documentary will blow your mind."  - Salon

Hacking Democracy uncovers incendiary evidence from the trash cans of Texas to the ballot boxes of Ohio, exposing secrecy, votes in the trash, hackable software and election officials rigging the presidential recount.

Hacking Democracy takes a clear eyed, non partisan look at the secrecy, cronyism and privatization of elections in America as it captures a citizen's movement intent on taking back elections, and democracy itself.

Ultimately proving our votes can be stolen without a trace Hacking Democracy culminates in the famous 'Hursti Hack'.

There is no such thing as "draining the swamp" until America removes these hackable voting machines from our elections.

Learn more 👉🔗 Hacking voting machines
AZ Senate Majority Whip Sonny Borrelli Shares His Observations On the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors: “They're Very Disrespectful”

Jordan Conradson of TGP interviews Senator Sonny Borrelli following the Senate hearing on Tuesday.

Conradson had an interesting observation, noting that the Board of Supervisors didn’t actually deny data being deleted, but denied being the ones who deleted it. So who deleted the files?

In response to Conradson’s question about enforcement of the subpoena for routers and passwords, Borrelli was vague: “I’m not going to signal any kind of strategy but we’re just going to continue on with the audit after the graduation ceremonies that are going on at the coliseum.“

Borrelli stated that he had not heard anything about adding down ballot races to the audit.

The Senate has given the BOS enough leeway. Senate subpoenas should not be negotiable.

Watch 👍🔗 Borrelli Interview w/ TGP
#BREAKING @MarkPhllpsnews has obtained a letter from @SecretaryHobbs to @maricopacounty saying that her office will not re-certify election equipment that was handed over to #AzAudit in subpoena. She advises the county to purchase new equipment

- Garrett Archer Twitter

Thanks Hitler Hobbs — we were just trying to figure out how to ditch the machines.

Read 🔗 Katie Hobbs’ Letter 5/20

❗️Have you signed the petition to RECALL Soros-backed Katie Hobbs? 👉 More info here

- Senator Kelly Townsend Twitter
Josh Barnett: Nuclear Bombs about to be dropped. Wait til you hear this information! #dominion #corruption @WethePeopleAZA1 Video coming

We the People AZ Alliance: If I’m @stephen_richer or SOS @katiehobbs I’d be a tad bit nervous right now. Your lies are being exposed. We have the Dominion contract. You are in trouble.

👉 🔗 Maricopa Machine Contract
PDF copy of the contract👇in case you’re having trouble with the link:
Maricopa County. Ignorant, Incompetent, or Liars?

Excellent Shelby Busch interview with Aaron Wagner, owner of Net Concepts. Together, they debunk the Maricopa County lies about passwords and source code access and routers and privacy infringement and identify new areas of concern re the County’s election security.

Are the routers centrally managed? Why is the County bringing up source code when it was never requested, admin passwords don’t enable access to source code, and the code is held in escrow accessible only by Hobbs as specified in Dominion’s contract?

Watch 👉🔗 We the People USA
Happy Friday☀️❤️to everyone except Witch Doctor Fauxi and demented Beijing Biden 😜😎

In today’s Georgia audit hearing, Henry County, GA judge, the Honorable Brian J. Amero, ruled that Plaintiffs (, Garland Favorito et al) will be allowed access to the physical mail-in ballots in Fulton County, which could show massive election fraud in GA during the 2020 presidential election cycle, and the follow-on runoff that decided control of the U.S. Senate for the Democrat Party, leading to full control of the American government.

Parties are to appear at the ballot storage location at 10AM May 28th. Ballots will be scanned at 600 dpi or higher. Protocol to be determined. Only county employees will be allowed to handle the ballots. There will be three audit observers present and the process will be filmed.

In the hearing, lawyers for described large discrepancies (21%) between the number of ballot batches reported by the GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger who certified the election, and the number of ballot batches actually provided by court-ordered access in the previous April hearing in the case. has been examining the ballot images at a low resolution since the hearing in April, and declared they need the actual physical ballots to understand the number of counterfeit ballots certified.

Fulton County attorneys pushed for a sampling of the ballots instead of access to all of the ballots. They particularly objected to access to physical ballots.

Fulton County attorneys also objected to expert witnesses testifying the number of ballot batches certified by Secretary of State Raffensperger in the previous ‘risk limiting audit’ were significantly different from the actual number of ballot image batches that were provided by state and county officials in court-ordered discovery in April.

A high number of ballots appear to have been counted twice,” declared the expert witness. There was an error rate in the batch data of 21%”
The ‘risk limiting audits’ conducted previously in the state of GA by SoS Raffensperger were shown in today’s hearing to be severely compromised.
The GA Attorney General’s office testified citizens have no right to audit the vote.

The results of ballot analysis in this case could show the U.S. Senate, and the presidency of the United States, were fraudulently certified.

Read 👉🔗
CD Media
Watch 👉🔗 GA Hearing 5/21
Learn more 👉🔗 Last GA Update

‼️ How can you help? Like DePerno, VoterGA is grassroots funded. Please support them with whatever you can and share this link. A few dollars each can mean millions when we stand together❤️❤️
Dominion Contract Confirms What We Already Knew: Dominion is in Control

There was some hype yesterday about the Maricopa Dominion contract. Sadly, it was not a “nuclear bomb.” However the contract does point to serious questions about County election procedures and security and supports claims that Dominion is in charge:

* Dominion plays a “key role” in Maricopa County’s “Tabulation and Results Reporting,” as warrior Shelby Busch points out in her illuminating interview with Aaron Wagner. This corroborates what we heard during the November AZ election hearing in which observers testified that 2 Dominion employees “ran the entire election” and took external drives with early vote totals offsite at night. Coincidentally, Tabulation Results Reporting files were among those shown to have been deleted by the AZ audit team.

* The County is not allowed to investigate their own machines beyond simple logic & accuracy tests conducted by Dominion-affiliated firms. This is insane.

* Dominion source code is held in protected escrow custody and ONLY SoS Hobbs can access it and ONLY under limited circumstances i.e. in the event that Dominion is incapacitated. Interestingly, this stipulation violates Arizona’s own Election Procedures Manual, which states that the source code must be made available in the event of an audit.

* Dominion provided all network hubs, switches etc. to be set up as a stand-alone system, not connected to ANY OTHER system. So the County’s claims that router access would reveal private law enforcement information suggests that they are either incompetent and failed follow the self-contained internal network guidelines, they are catastrophically ignorant about network security, or they are liars. All the more reason to find a way to enforce the subpoena.

In her Dominion contract tweet summarizing “the goods,” Shelby also mentions that “the voting machines can be accessed through the internet.” However, we could not find the reference for this claim in the contract. The words “internet” and “remote” are listed in a few places but they didn’t provide much insight:

- page 24 states that the “Democracy Suite EMS will be hosted exclusively on the customers own internal network… that will not be connected to the internet.”

- page 34 of the contract regarding election support references “remote service availability.” However, no further details are given except for references to staff support phone numbers.

- page 35 of the contract discusses the “issuance of ballots through a remote accessible option…. where a ballot can be provided to a voter remotely.” However the contract goes on to state that this process does not require an internet connection.

👉 Nuclear bomb
👉 AZ hearing testimony 1
👉 AZ hearing testimony 2
👉 Deleted files
👉 Logic & accuracy test limitations
👉 Source code restrictions
👉 Dominion provided the network
👉 AZ Alliance summary tweet
👉 Busch Wagner Interview
👉 Dominion Contract
👉 Election Procedures Manual
Media is too big
“Nobody believes that child-sniffer got 80M votes.”
Via @AZInformer:

BREAKING: Hearing Set On Demand For State Senate/Cyber Ninja Contracts and Records | AZ Law

"Superior Court Judge Mike Kemp has set a Thursday hearing on American Oversight's public records request lawsuit. The group is demanding that State Senate President Karen Fann be required to turn over all requested public records surrounding the Senate's/Cyber Ninjas' audit/recount of the November 2020 election in Maricopa County.

The return hearing will be at 10AM on May 27.

Here is the 🔗 Complaint that was filed earlier this week, including the records requests and the correspondence back and forth with the attorneys for the State Senate."
Sonny Borrelli Explains Why Maricopa Board of Supervisors Will Not Be Arrested by the Senate | Scottsdale Studios

As we’ve discussed several times, RINO swing vote Senator Paul Boyer is limiting the Senate’s ability to enforce their subpoena. Borrelli explains that although the Senate technically has the authority to take the Supervisors into custody and detain them for contempt, such a move would require a resolution, which requires the cooperation of Senator Boyer (who previously NO on the contempt resolution). Borrelli does not discuss the option to go back to the court. The Senate could issue a motion to compel and ask the court to impose sanctions against the Supervisors.

Watch 👉🔗 Senator Borrelli
Learn more 👉🔗 Legislative Statutes
Learn more 👉🔗 Senator Fann

❗️Feel like contacting Senator Boyer?


Via EZAZ Founder Merissa Hamilton🇺🇸


We have a major problem with the budget negotiations at the Arizona Legislature. Republican Representatives Toma, Cobb, Grantham and Bowers are actively buying Dem votes on the budget. This would BLOCK out critical things like SCHOOL CHOICE and ELECTION INTEGRITY from the budget. At the same time their negotiations are empowering VACCINE PASSPORTS by giving hundreds of millions of dollars to universities and K-12 with no strings attached like stopping CRITICAL RACE THEORY or protecting MEDICAL PRIVACY even though they know the plan is to MANDATE VACCINES for employees and students. Toma, Cobb, Grantham and Bowers are basically mocking the grassroots. We need the grassroots to start calling and emailing ASAP. Tell them NO NEGOTIATING WITH DEMOCRATS! We can't let our Republican representatives sell out our top issues to Dems. We have to stop this!

Speaker Rusty Bowers – (602) 926-3128

Rep Regina Cobb – (602) 926-3126

Rep Travis Grantham – (602) 926-4868

Majority Leader Ben Toma – (602) 926-3298
Maricopa County Tweet 1️⃣

BREAKING: Maricopa County requests litigation hold on all Senate election audit-related materials. LETTER 👇

Read 🔗 Litigation Hold Letter to Senate President Fann

Maricopa County Tweet 2️⃣

Chairman @jacksellers : "It is clear the Arizona Senate and its contractors do not intend to retract false allegations defaming the County and its employees... It is unfortunate we have reached this point." Full statement 👆

- Maricopa County Twitter

This document hold request is separate from the American Oversight public records request lawsuit mentioned earlier today. American Oversight appears to be connected to the Brennan Center which is connected to the Clintons.

Learn more 🔗 American Oversight Public Records Lawsuit