The Ancient Egyptian Civilization
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The Statue of Ra-hotep and his wife Neferet,One of the most famous and beautiful ancient Egyptian sculptures, located in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, are two statues of Prince Ra-hotep and his wife Neferet. These two statues date back to the reign of King Khufu,4th Dynasty,Old Kingdom Period. “Rahotep” is the son of King Sneferu and the brother of King Khufu. He was an army commander and had important titles, including “Chief Priest of Ra”, “Army Commander,” and “Head of Architectural Works”. His tomb was discovered in Meidum in 1871.During the reign of Sneferu (ca. 2613-2589 BC), the two statues are made of colored limestone, the eyes are inlaid with rock crystal and calcite, and the eyelashes are outlined with copper.The height of the statue of Ra-hotep is 121 cm. The height of the statue of Nefert is 122 cm.Displayed in The Egyptian Museum in Cairo, Egypt.

The joint Egyptian-Italian archaeological mission working in the vicinity of the Aga Khan Mausoleum, west of Aswan, uncovered 33 previously unknown family tombs dated to the Late Period and the Greco-Roman Period.The tombs contain mummied human remains and the funerary equipment that was buried with the deceased.Anthropological studies conducted on the mummified remains indicate that approximately 30% to 40% of those buried in these tombs died in their youth, ranging from newborns to young adults. The study also contributed to our modern knowledge of the diseases that the inhabitants suffered from during that time period.

The courtyard of the Boulak Museum, which established by Auguste Mariette in 1863 Photo L. Fiorillo in Cairo, Egypt.
The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization launched an “audio guide” service inside the Royal Mummies Hall, where guidance is prohibited, to provide a comprehensive historical explanation via special headphones to visitors in both Arabic and English.This service will be provided to visitors for a fee in addition to the price of the museum entry ticket, which the visitor can book through the museum’s ticket office.

An Egyptian archaeological mission from the SCA has uncovered a group of 63 mudbrick tombs and burials containing a collection of gold flakes from the Late Period, as well as a number of bronze coins from the Ptolemaic Period, at the Tell al-Deir necropolis in New Damietta City.Inside these tombs, a collection of funerary amulets, ushabti statues, and pottery vessels were found, in addition to the remains of architectural units and a pottery vessel containing 38 bronze coins from the Ptolemaic Period, along with a collection of imported and local pottery vessels highlighting the importance of the city as a trading centre throughout different time periods.

Senet was depicted in various scenes, including a scene at the door of the Tomb of the foreman of Deir al-Madina; Sennedjem, sitting next to his wife playing Senet, from the New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty (1295 - 1186) B.C. Displayed in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo, Egypt.

Painted Limestone Rectangular Funerary Stela of Nitptah ,This stela comes from the Theban necropolis of Assasif and was excavated by A. Lansing for the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MMA) in 1915. It depicts four members of a family. The head of the family, Nitptah, appears on the right. Behind him is Seni, probably his wife. She was the daughter of Tay. The two figures at the end are identified in the inscriptions as Seni's children. Antef is shown in the same position as his father, while Dedi can be differentiated from her mother by her green dress. The inscription over the figures invokes the god Ptah-Sokar to provide offerings for the members of the Family.Displayed in The Egyptian Museum in Cairo, Egypt.

For more information about the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, its history, archaeological collections, and activities, you can visit the official website of the Egyptian Museum through the following link: