King Ramses XI (the last emperor of the New Kingdom Period) the end of his reign was that the army commander "Semendes" staged a coup against him and married his daughter in order to obtain legitimacy, and this let Ramses fled to the south with a priest whose name was "Harihor", and this priest had a strong and ambitious personality, and this Which led to the division of Egypt again into two kingdoms, north and south, and the country entered into a civil war, until they reached an agreement that Semendes rules the whole country from the north, and Harihor rules from the south automatically, but nominally under the rule of Egypt, and this is what entered Egypt in a state of pure weakness to some extent till King Psmatik I came and boarded in Egypt.
Seeing the crescent of Ramadan from above the pyramid.This sheikh is not from the Vision Committee, but he is the most famous climber of the pyramid, "Hafnawi Abdel Nabi," and he holds the record for climbing the pyramid in five to seven minutes. And he accompanied the famous people in their climb to the pyramid. He passed away in 2002.
The historical mosque of Amr Ibn Al-Aass in Old Cairo after restoration is ready for prayers in Ramadan.
A wonderful scene of a funeral procession in the tomb of Roy in Luxor. One of the wall details shows the transportation of the mummy in a boat-shaped shrine decorated with jed columns (a symbol of steadfastness and continuity, which indicates the ability to endure), and the Tyet necklace symbol that indicates life. The shrine is also decorated on both sides with a large bouquet of flowers.Goddess Isis and Nephthys appear on both sides of the boat to protect the deceased. In front of the procession, the priest appears dressed in tiger skin fumigating incense, while after the shrine appears the funeral that includes relatives and friends dressed in white.