What event is better ?
Anonymous Poll
The Pharouh's Golden parade
The opening of sphinx avenue
تمثال من الحجر الجيري للملك حورمحب وزوجته أمينيا زوجته الأولى التى ماتت بدون أطفال قبل أن يحكم كآخر ملوك الأسرة الثامنة عشر. حكم حوالي من سنه 1319-1292 ق.م هذا التمثال يعرض الآن في المتحف البريطاني.
A limestone statue of King Horemheb and his wife Aminia, his first wife who died without children before he ruled as the last king of the Eighteenth Dynasty. Reigned around 1319-1292 BC This statue is now displayed in the British Museum.
A limestone statue of King Horemheb and his wife Aminia, his first wife who died without children before he ruled as the last king of the Eighteenth Dynasty. Reigned around 1319-1292 BC This statue is now displayed in the British Museum.
Deceased and His Mother Receive Wine, Tomb of Nebamun and Ipuky
The Tomb of Nebamun was an ancient Egyptian tomb from the Eighteenth Dynasty located in the Theban Necropolis located on the west bank of the Nile at Thebes (present-day Luxor) in Egypt.[1] The tomb was the source of a number of famous decorated tomb scenes that are currently on display in the British Museum, London🌸
The Tomb of Nebamun was an ancient Egyptian tomb from the Eighteenth Dynasty located in the Theban Necropolis located on the west bank of the Nile at Thebes (present-day Luxor) in Egypt.[1] The tomb was the source of a number of famous decorated tomb scenes that are currently on display in the British Museum, London🌸
In 2019 📰
Amazing discovery in Tuna Al-Gabal necropolis, Minya: A limestone royal statue in the shape of a sphinx. It is 35 cm tall and 55 cm length 🇪🇬
Amazing discovery in Tuna Al-Gabal necropolis, Minya: A limestone royal statue in the shape of a sphinx. It is 35 cm tall and 55 cm length 🇪🇬
Granodiorite Seated Statue of Sennefer, his Wife Senetnay and Daughter Mutnofret. New Kingdom Amenhotep II (ca. 1427-1400 BC) Aakheperure, 18th Dynasty. Karnak. Egyptian Museum, Cairo 🇪🇬
Three Canopic Jars of Kiya with Human-headed Stopper. New Kingdom, Tutankhamun Nebkheperure (ca. 1336-1327 BC). 18th Dynasty. KV 55, Amarna Cache, Valley of the Kings. Calcite. Egyptian Museum, Cairo 🇪🇬
Temple of Isis at Philae, Egypt ❤️
Built in c. 280 BCE during the reign of Ptolemy II (Egypt’s Greco-Roman Period). The temple is dedicated to Isis, Osiris, and Horus. Its walls contain scenes from Egyptian mythology of Isis bringing Osiris back to life, giving birth to Horus, and mummifying Osiris after his death.
Built in c. 280 BCE during the reign of Ptolemy II (Egypt’s Greco-Roman Period). The temple is dedicated to Isis, Osiris, and Horus. Its walls contain scenes from Egyptian mythology of Isis bringing Osiris back to life, giving birth to Horus, and mummifying Osiris after his death.
تطبيق إلكتروني للمتحف القومي للحضارة المصرية عن طريق app store او android
يوجد فيه خريطة داخلية للمتحف و نبذة تعريفية عن المتحف و تفاصيل بعض القطع و بامكانه الربط مع موقع حجز التذاكر الخاص بالمتحف
A mobile application for the National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation that can be accessed by app store or android. It has a map of the museum with a summary and some information on the pieces there and can be linked to the ticketing website of the museum. National Museum of Egyptian Civilization
يوجد فيه خريطة داخلية للمتحف و نبذة تعريفية عن المتحف و تفاصيل بعض القطع و بامكانه الربط مع موقع حجز التذاكر الخاص بالمتحف
A mobile application for the National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation that can be accessed by app store or android. It has a map of the museum with a summary and some information on the pieces there and can be linked to the ticketing website of the museum. National Museum of Egyptian Civilization
Coffin and mummy of the lady Djedmaatesankh 🇪🇬
wooden statue of the Egyptian King Hor (circa 1783—1633 1633 BC), on display at the Cairo Museum, Egypt. The amazing eyes of the statue, inlaid with quartz or lapus lazuli, shine up intensely with either blue or gray eyes, depending upon the lighting.
King Hor's rule was during the 13th Dynasty of Egypt. He appears in the Turin King's List as as Au-ib-Ra. Hor is mainly known from his burial in a shaft tomb found at Dahshur next to the pyramid of king Amenemhat III.
He most likely reigned only for a short time, not long enough to prepare a pyramid, which was in this dynasty still the common burial place for kings.🌸
King Hor's rule was during the 13th Dynasty of Egypt. He appears in the Turin King's List as as Au-ib-Ra. Hor is mainly known from his burial in a shaft tomb found at Dahshur next to the pyramid of king Amenemhat III.
He most likely reigned only for a short time, not long enough to prepare a pyramid, which was in this dynasty still the common burial place for kings.🌸