The Ancient Egyptian Civilization
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A Channel where you can learn about the Ancient Egyptian Civilization (History of Egypt)

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2019 📰 El-Assasif Cache: 30 Colored Wooden Coffins Discovered in Luxor 🇪🇬
مكارم الاخلاق عند المصري القديم

إذا وجدت أرملة تمد يدها وتأخذ من حقلك
فلا تقبض عليها
وتذرع بالصبر وأنت تسألها عن شخصيتها
وتجاوز عما فعلت.
ولا تمرن على غريب بإناء زيتك وترفض أن تعطيه شيئا منه.
إن الإله يبارك في متاعك حين تتقاسم ما لديك مع إخوتك.
إن الذي يتواضع للفقراء خير عند الإله ممن يتملق الأغنياء

الفصل الثامن والعشرين من تعاليم الحكيم "أمنموبي "

Noble morals for the ancient Egyptian

If you find a widow, she reaches out her hand and takes from your field
Don't catch her
And be patient when you ask her about her character
And get over what I did.
And do not pass by a stranger with your vessel of oil, and refuse to give him any of it.
God blesses your goods when you share what you have with your brothers.
He who humbles himself to the poor is better in the sight of God than he who flatters the rich

The twenty-eighth chapter of the teachings of the sage "Amenmobi"
Archaeologist Howard Carter removing oils from the coffin of king Tutankhamun in the 1920s 🇪🇬
تبقي لحظات الاكتشافات الاثرية الاولي هيا الأمتع لكل عشاقها ومكتشفيها🖤🖤
The first step of discovery is always the best🖤
مصمم الازياء العالمى ستفانو ريتشى يحتفل بالعام ال٥٠ بعرض ازياء خاص
فى الاقصر
Stefano Ricci celebrates his 50th anniversary in loxur
Sarcophagus and mummy 🇪🇬

Present Location: Egyptian Museum, Florence, Italy.
A Day to remember♥️🥰
mobile photoghraphy 📱📸
These Are Not Museums, Palaces Or Even Art Galleries,
These Are The Royal Tombs of Valley of The Kings,Karnak temple 3500 Years Ago, Carved Inside The Hard Mountains to Tell Everyone That
This Is Wonderful Egypt
لیست قصورا ولا متاحف ولا حتى معارض للفنون انها مقابر وادي الملوك,معبد الكرنك بالأقصر نحتت في قلب الجبال وبدقة وابهار وبذوق فني رفيع منذ 3500 عاما ليراها العالم
ويشهد بعظمة وروعة مصر♥️
#ThisIsWonderfulEgypt #this_is_wonderful_egypt
#Egipt #Egipto #egito #Erner
#IF #EN #Egypten #Egypt #egitto #egypto
#AiyuTUtos #tourism #travel #culture
#visit_egypt #history #kings #tombs #luxor #art
#valleyofthekings #best_photography_places_in_egypt
#Luxor #elkarnak #egypt #karnak
December 1922, Tutankhamun's Tomb | View of the northern wall of the Antechamber showing the sentinel statues guarding the sealed doorway leading to the King's Burial Chamber 🇪🇬
Stela of Hi 🇪🇬

Period: New Kingdom, early 19th Dynasty, reign of Sety I, ca. 1314-1304 BC.
Statue group of the god Horus and King Horemheb 🇪🇬
Tomb of Khaemwaset (QV44) during discovery in 1903, photo shot by members of Italian archeological mission.
King's head with a crown 🇪🇬

Period: New Kingdom, 20th Dynasty, Period of Ramses IX, 1139-1120 BC.
Large wig rings of Sithathoryunet 🇪🇬

Period: Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 12.
موسيقي الشرطة العسكرية تعزف في حديقة المتحف المصري بالتحرير احتفالا بعيد الشرطة المصرية.

In celebration of National Police day, the police anthem was played at the Egyptian museum garden in Tahrir.