Amano Channel
106 subscribers
3 photos
21 links
Our chat: @AmanoChat

(Some of) our projects:

©Amano 2018-2024
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🇧🇷 PT: O @EduuRobot irá ficar offline nas próximas horas porque o nosso servidor está em manutenção. Desculpe pela inconveniência.

🇺🇸 EN: @EduuRobot will be offline in the next few hours because our server is under maintenance. Sorry for the inconvenience.
🇧🇷 PT: O @EduuRobot está online novamente.

🇺🇸 EN: @EduuRobot is online again.
Forwarded from Telegram News
Telegram is six years old! 🥳

To celebrate, we locked six people in a room and gave them six hours to write this encyclopedia of Telegram (it took 24).
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🇧🇷 PT: O EduuRobot está temporariamente offline por conta de alguns problemas em nosso servidor.

🇺🇸 EN: EduuRobot is temporarily offline due to some issues with our server.
🇧🇷 PT: Amanobot atualizado: Agora com suporte ao método editMessageMedia e ao parâmetro thumb em senders de mídia (sendAudio, sendDocument, etc)

🇺🇸 EN: Amanobot updated: Now supporting the editMessageMedia method and the thumb parameter in media Senders (sendAudio, sendDocument, etc)

🇧🇷 PT: Se você gosta de jogar Uno, nós criamos um grupo especial para partidas de Uno: @Amanuno

🇺🇸 EN: If you like playing Uno, we have created a special group for Uno matches: @Amanuno
🇧🇷 PT: Amanobot atualizado: Agora com suporte ao método setChatAdministratorCustomTitle e todas as outras mudanças da Bot API 4.5

🇺🇸 EN: Amanobot updated: Now supporting the setChatAdministratorCustomTitle method and all the other changes in Bot API 4.5

🇧🇷 PT: Nós também desejamos para todos um feliz 2020

🇺🇸 EN: We also wish you all a happy 2020
Forwarded from Telegram News
New bot:
🇧🇷 PT: Nossos bots estão offline no momento por conta de um problema em nosso servidor.

🇺🇸 EN: Our bots are currently offline due to a problem with our server.
🇧🇷 PT: Nossos bots estão online novamente. Desculpe pela inconveniência.

🇺🇸 EN: Our bots are back online. Sorry for the inconvenience.
🇧🇷 PT: Amanobot atualizado: Agora com suporte aos métodos sendDice, getMyCommands, setMyCommands, setStickerSetThumb e todas as outras mudanças da Bot API 4.7

🇺🇸 EN: Amanobot updated: Now supporting the sendDice, getMyCommands, setMyCommands and setStickerSetThumb methods and all the other changes in Bot API 4.7

🇧🇷 PT: O UserLixo agora tem um novo grupo, para tirar dúvidas e dar ideias: @UserLixoChat.
Também temos o canal oficial: @UserLixo

🇺🇸 EN: UserLixo now has a new group for suggestions and questions: @UserLixoChat.
We also have an official channel: @UserLixo
amano's Twitter died
Channel photo updated
Edit: Happy April fools day!

After months of private discussion, I've came here to say that Amano Team has been acquired by Combot!

Since Combot's first acquisition, @ZukuBot, we already knew that Amano would be purchased at some day, as it is well known and our projects have thousands of users. And as we though, this really came true and now Amano is owned by Combot. Our bots will soon be disabled and their features integrated into Combot. But don't worry, your saved data will be transferred too. Our projects will also be closed source to avoid unauthorized copying of the source codes, as told by Combot CEO.

In order to know more details, visit out blog post at
As our new stable version of @EduuRobot is approaching, help us translate the bot in your language on our Crowdin project:

You can translate or proofread the current translations, as some of them were done by machine translation.