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❗️Remember that the verb SUGGEST is never followed by the infinitive. These are the correct structures:

I suggest getting some financial advice (NOT I suggest TO get…)
I suggest
that we (should) get some financial advice.

❗️Remember that the word ADVICE doesn’t have a plural form.

WRONG: I got 3 advices.
RIGHT: I got 3 pieces of advice.

and the last thing. Pay attention that the noun ADVICE and the verb TO ADVISE are spelled differently.
#Job_Interview #IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang

🤩 Job Interview Preparation 🤩

Here are some important tips to consider when preparing for your next behavioral job interview:

📍Study the job description.

📍Review major projects you’ve worked on.

📍Revisit previous job performance reviews.

📍Make a list of your professional accomplishments.

📍Use the STAR method to structure your response.

📍Be open and honest in your answer.

📍Practice your interview responses aloud.

📍Keep your answers under two minutes.

📎Just to remind you that STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action and Result.
#IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang #Grammar

😎Emailing Tips: Greetings😎

To keep greetings simple, here are examples that you can use in 90% of business situations:

🔹Hi First Name, (informal)
Hi James,
Hi Hannah,

🔹Hello Mr. / Ms. Last Name, (formal)
Hello Ms. Smith,
Hello Mr. Bond,

🔹Hello Team Name, (to groups)

🔹Hello Sales Team,

🔹Hello Marketing Team,

🔹"Hi all," "Hi team" or "Hi everyone" (if it’s a group of people you know really well)

🔹Dear Sarah, Roxy and Chad (use their first names if it’s a small group of people (five or less)

🔹"Dear Coworkers," "Dear Colleagues" or "Dear Hiring Committee" (if it’s a more formal email)

❗️Notice that we always start with a capital letter, and there is a comma (,) NOT an exclamation mark (!) after each greeting.
#IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang

😏Commonly Used Acronyms in Software Development😏

1️⃣IDE: Integrated Development Environment. An IDE is a software application that provides facilities to programmers for software development.

2️⃣JSON: JavaScript Object Notation. It is a data-interchange format.

3️⃣HTML: HyperText Markup Language. It is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser.

4️⃣SEO: Search Engine Optimization. The SEO Abbreviation is used to define the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing the visibility of a website.

5️⃣API: Application Programming Interface. An API enables two different applications to talk with each other to make some parts of the code available.

6️⃣CMS: Content Management System. A CMS is a software application used for creating and maintaining digital content.

7️⃣ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning. ERP abbreviation is used to refer to a sort of software that organizations use to manage day-to-day business activities.

8️⃣CRUD: Create, Read, Update, and Delete. In programming, create, read, edit, and delete are the four essential functions of data manipulation.

9️⃣EOF: End of File. The EOF abbreviation is used to indicate the end of a file.

🔟SDK: Software Development Kit. An SDK is a collection of software development tools in one installable package.

1️⃣1️⃣SQL: Structured Query Language. The SQL language is used in programming for managing data in a relational database.

1️⃣2️⃣REST: Representational State Transfer. REST defines a programming architectural style that provides standards for communication between computer systems.

1️⃣3️⃣CSV: Comma-separated Values. A CSV file is a delimited text file that uses a comma to separate values.

1️⃣4️⃣SAAS: Software as a Service. SaaS is a software solution that is purchased from a cloud service provider on a pay-per-use model.

А ти знав про всі ці абревіатури та їх розшифровку?
#GrammarQuiz #Grammar

🌟Grammar Quiz 🌟

Choose the right option below: ⤵️

Why did he miss the meeting? If he .........., we .......... a lot of important issues.

A. came; could discuss
B. had come; could discuss
C. had come; could have discussed
#GrammarQuiz #Grammar

😇 Відповідь на Grammar Quiz😇

🤓 Перевіряємо 🤓

Правильна відповідь: С. had come; could have discussed

📍Why did he miss the meeting? If he had come, we could have discussed a lot of important issues.


📌Використовуємо Conditional 3 так як ми уявляємо, що могло би статися у минулому за певної умови.
#Job_Interview #IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang

🤩Job Interview Preparation🤩

✍🏻Behavioral questions for Business Analysts:

1️⃣Tell me about a time when you had to learn a new technique or software.

2️⃣Tell me about a time when you had a requirement full defined. What went into it?

3️⃣Tell me about a time when you had to identify a user pain point and create a solution.

4️⃣Tell me about a time when you worked with a group to achieve an aggressive goal.

5️⃣Tell me about a time you had to manage multiple deliverables in a short period of time.

6️⃣Tell about a time you had to deal with difficult stakeholders or competing opinions.

Do you need help for job interview preparation?
#IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang

🔔10 alternatives to “Sorry for the late response”🔔

1️⃣Thank you for your patience.

2️⃣Lunch on me for the delayed response!

3️⃣I’ve been working on X / I’ve been out of the office.

4️⃣“Apologies for the late reply; I’ve been busy with X”

5️⃣I spent some time thinking about a response and…

6️⃣I’d hoped to respond sooner, but…

7️⃣I was looking through my drafts, and I realized I never sent this.

8️⃣So sorry for the late response.

9️⃣Sorry for making you wait on this reply.

🔟Or...SAY NOTHING at all. Just write your response as you normally would - no apologies, no excuses.

😉Project Management Terminology Quiz😉

Match the term with the correct numbered response. ⤵️

Amount of time a task can slip without affecting the project end-date.

A. Critical path
B. Total float
C. Scope
D. External Dependencies

😉Project Management Terminology Quiz😉

Match the term with the correct numbered response. ⤵️

Transmitting and receiving information in “real time”.

A. Critical Path
B. Asynchronous Communication
C. Node
D. Synchronous Communication

🤓Відповідь Project Management Terminology Quiz🤓


Правильна відповідь: B. Total float.

📌Total float - amount of time a task can slip without affecting the project end-date.


Правильна відповідь: D. Synchronous Communication

📌Synchronous Communication - transmitting and receiving information in “real time”.
#IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang

🧐How to say that you can't meet a deadline in English🧐

1️⃣ I apologize, but we can't complete this work by the date that you have requested.

2️⃣ Unfortunately we won't be able to meet your indicated deadline.

3️⃣ Unfortunately the indicated deadline can't be met.

4️⃣ Unfortunately, the work can't be done by the target date that has been set.

5️⃣ Due to potential problems with the project, the target date is unrealistic.

6️⃣ Considering possible problems with the project, we can't guarantee the target date.
#Events ​​



Вже на початку вересня ми готові відчинити двері нашого ZOOM для нових студентів на курсі AGILE ENGLISH - англійська для ІТ!

Що потрібно, аби потрапити на навчання?

📈Рівень: не менше Intermediate (B1).
📅Відвідувати заняття за графіком: ПН/СР або ВТ/ЧТ 19:00 (час по Києву).
📲Формат: ONLINE, тому тримай свій смартфорн чи лептоп під рукою!
💸Обери комфортний вид оплати: за курс (24 заняття) чи помісячно (8 занять).

І швиденько залиш свою заявку в приватних повідомленнях або на сайті! 💪
#Job_Interview #IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang

🤩Job Interview Preparation🤩

Why should we hire you? Example how to answer the question

✏️Based on what you’ve said and from the research I’ve done, your company is looking for a sales manager who is both strong in interpersonal skills and in tech skills. I believe my experience aligns and makes me a great fit. I'm an effective communicator who is skilled in giving presale presentations to the customers both online and offline, and communicating via email. I'm also proficient in a number of relevant software programs, including content management systems and spreadsheet suites which are required to sell the products you develop. I’d love to bring my diverse skill set to your company.

Tips for Giving the Best Answer

Show how you will add value.
Keep your response short and focused.
Tell a story.

What Not to Say

Don’t give a memorized response.
Don’t make it all about you.
#GrammarQuiz #Grammar

🌟Grammar Quiz 🌟

Choose a correct answer⤵️

Profits increased .......... 10% since Mark became the Brand Manager.

А. on
B. by
C. at
D. to
#GrammarQuiz #Grammar

😇 Відповідь на Grammar Quiz😇

🤓 Перевіряємо 🤓

Правильна відповідь: B. Profits increased by 10% since Mark became the Brand Manager.

‼️Please note the difference:

increase by 10% - збільшитися на 10% (зараз на 10% більше)
increase to 10% - збільшитися до 10% (зараз всього 10%)
#IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang

Scheduling an appointment

📌I would like to arrange a meeting with you to discuss…

📌We need to get together to…

📌If possible, I would like to come by and see you on Monday?

📌When would be a good [time/date] for you?

📌What is your availability on [time/date]…?

📌Would you be available on date at [time/date]?

📌Tuesday sounds fine. Shall we say around [time/date] at place?
#Common_Mistakes #IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang #Grammar

💢Most Common Mistakes💢

I have faced with lots of problems in this industry.

I have faced lots of problems in this industry.

🔸Remember: to face something NOT to face with something
#IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang

🔊 The language of presentations 🔊

▪️Can everybody hear me okay?

▪️Right, let’s get started.

▪️Let me introduce myself.

▪️I’ve divided my presentation into 3 main parts. Just to give you a quick overview…
/Просто, щоб дати вам короткий огляд…

▪️I’ll be saying more about this in a minute./ Я розповім про це детальніше через хвилину.

▪️I’m sure the implications are clear to us./Я впевнений, що наслідки для всіх зрозумілі.

▪️There’s an important point to be made here./Тут необхідно відмітити один важливий момент.

▪️Ok, let’s move on./ Добре, продовжимо далі.

▪️I’l like you to look at this graph./Я хочу, щоб ви поглянули на цей графік.

▪️As you can see, the figures speak for themselves./Як ви бачите, цифри говорять самі за себе.

▪️To go back to what I was saying earlier…./Повертаючись до того, що я говорив раніше..

▪️Are there any questions you’d like to ask at this point?/ Чи є питання, які би ви хотіли задати на даному етапі?

▪️I’d like to look at this in more detail./ Я би хотів розглянути це більш детально.

▪️Let’s just put this into some kind of perspective./Давайте просто поглянемо на це з певної точки зору.

▪️Perhaps I should expand on that a little./ Можливо, мені варто трохи зупинитися на цьому.

▪️To digress for a moment…/ Відхилимося від теми на мить..

▪️So, to sum up …/ Отже, підводячи підсумок..

▪️That brings me to the end of my talk./ Це підводить мене до кінця моєї /промови/виступу/презентації..

▪️Thank you, I’m sure you have many questions.
#IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang

💥Handy Phrases to Use with Work Colleagues💥

🔻Can I pick your brains about something? - Чи можу я запитати твоєї (експертної) думки стосовно дечого?

🔻I’m up to my ears in / with (work / paperwork / the invoicing, etc). - Я по вуха завалений роботою/документацією/виставленням рахунків.

🔻Would you like a hand with that? - Хочеш, щоб я тобі з цим допоміг?

🔻I don’t think I’m going to be able to make it tonight / this weekend, etc. - Я не думаю, що зможу встигнути сьогодні ввечері/у ці вихідні тощо
#IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang

😇Keep the conversation positive😇

If you’re happy with this, I can go ahead. - Якщо тебе це влаштовує, я можу рухатися далі.

If I don’t hear back from you by (date), I’ll assume you’re happy for me to go ahead. - Якщо я не отримаю від тебе зворотнього зв‘язку до (дати), я припущу, що тебе влаштовує те, що я буду рухатися далі.

This feature will be available within two weeks. I’ll let you know once we roll it out. - Ця функція стане доступною протягом двох тижнів. Я повідомлю вам, коли ми це запустимо.

We don’t have this feature and it won’t be available for about 2 weeks. - У нас немає цієї функції, і вона буде доступна приблизно через 2 тижні.