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JUST IN - Quadruple vaccinated Jill Biden infected with COVID 🤡🌎💉

Forwarded from Amalek International
Media is too big

“Your name was removed from the registers, every record of everything you had ever done was wiped out, your one-time existence was denied and then forgotten. You were abolished, annihilated: vaporized was the usual word" ~ George Orwell, 1984

In this video David Irving recounts his life, revisionism and how organised Jewry have tried to destroy him. It is pre-banned from (((YouTube))) (i.e. the algorithm will detect it and disallow upload) and is quickly deleted on all other Jewish controlled social media

In 2005 Irving was arrested in Austria for Thoughtcrime on a warrant that had been issued in 1989 and was sentenced to 3 years’ imprisonment

The “Holocaust” is the only religion that is enforced by law in every country that Jews dominate. The reason that Jews need their victim narrative to continue is so that their parasitism on and economic enslavement of our people is justified in their minds (and overlooked by host nations)

Jews control the mainstream media, social-media, banking systems and are in key positions of political power in all White societies. It is very obvious that they are not ‘victims’ - they are a hostile aggressive tribe with an innate biological drive to dominate and subjugate, and hence their need to perpetuate the victim narrative at the barrel of a gun

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize”

― Kevin Alfred Strom

More clown world 🤡 🌎

This is how the WEF and others looking to profit from the trajectory of the WEF see the world. It’s a scary dystopian reality when the ‘go green” ESG score seeking companies take over in every sector. They’ll monetize everything, EVERYTHING. Even the most fundamental resources like water and air.

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Isn’t Forced Multiculturalism such a wonderful thing…Dr. Barbra Shecter sure seems to think so! Embrace it shop owners of the world!

“How dare you hold private property! He had it coming!” -Communists


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Train your kids well. They should know the truth and be able to articulate it succinctly, just like this clip above ⬆️

🇰🇿🇷🇺 Kazakhstan has abandoned the study of the Russian language in the first grade.

🇰🇿 Kazakhstan's Education Minister Askhat Aimagambetov said that from now on first graders will study only the Kazakh language.

"Russian as a separate discipline will begin from the second grade, and from the third grade English will be studied for all schools," he said.

Yes because this part of the world needs more English 😂😂😂

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Most mentally stable trans supporter 😭

The soros clique runs deep in the US 🇺🇸☠️

Who’s the tranny on the right? And the homo on the left? 🤔🤔🤔

No thanks. Technological Revolution = A few elite technologists own everything & the rest are completely dependent on whatever they deem “clean” & “food”. They will redefine all these terms to suit their profit margins. As for the Revolution part, they will not ask you your opinion or any governmental oversight for input…they will stop providing one thing and force you to buy another. How you might ask? Because they’ve been quietly buying up the existing food supply mechanisms and supply chains and will soon collapse them all in order to roll out their new “green” industrial coup. It’s the definition of corporatist fascism. You will soon wake up in a techno-fascist state where your fate is fully determined by some psychopaths bottom line ROI. Let that sink in…

Fr. Damascene writes in “Father Seraphim Rose: His Life and Works” about what St. John told Eugene Rose and Gleb Podmoshensky when they were beginning The Orthodox Word:

“For answers to theological questions which might arise, he said they should write to Archbishop Averky, with whom he had complete oneness of soul.”

Archbishop Averky:

All of these frequent, unnaturally flowery speeches, and until now, hysterical cries about peace for the world are for the most part from people who are either far from true Christianity or openly hostile towards the Church. These speeches come from people who themselves do not live in peace with God and their consciences. Their relations with their neighbors are filled with malice. Can we believe the sincerity of the words pronounced by people who reject faith in God and love for their neighbor, and do not recognize the voice of conscience? Can we believe that those who audaciously and arrogantly blaspheme, declaring war on God Himself and…
His Holy Church, are truly striving for peace? These are the same people who not long ago did not conceal the fact that their plan was "to kindle a worldwide fire" [Communism], and who openly preached "class hatred" as the basis for their ideology. They are not at all troubled over shedding rivers of blood and exterminating millions of people simply on the suspicion that they may not be in agreement with their ideology. Can we truly believe the sincerity of peace lovers who speak sweetly of "Christian love" and "universal forgiveness," yet at the same time sow conflict and dissension, spreading lies and slander which incite enmity and division, setting people against one another.

-from “I Have Not Come to Bring Peace, But A Sword”
The modern world is filled with demonic delusions. Our reality is being manipulated constantly by elaborate lies. Reject modernity…not because it is modern, but because it is evil.

Apocalypse: the unveiling is happening. The culmination of all things at a singularity point…then of a sudden the judge shall come and the deeds of each shall be laid bare, but let us cry out with fear in the midst of the night: holy holy holy art thou oh God! Through the Theotokos, have mercy on us. Amen.

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Video: Anglo women tie themselves in knots while attempting to define "woman."

The most telling part of this video is when the girl in the second clip gives a crude but correct answer, implying that "woman" means "biologically female adult human," and then instantly corrects herself by claiming that she is "only joking" and didn't mean to "exclude" anyone (i.e. transgender people).

The girls in this video clearly don't understand or sincerely believe what they're saying but are too scared and confused to admit it. They're walking on eggshells.

The issue here isn't that they're dumb, but that they've been psychologically abused into embracing this insane worldview.

They've been gaslit by the media and educational institutions and are clearly terrified to disagree because they know that they would face potentially life ruining social and legal repercussions. The UK has incredibly harsh and ill-defined "hate speech" laws (much like the USSR).

🚀🛩 Things are getting interesting today 🇷🇺🇫🇮🤔
