Abdumurod - IELTS
2024 January - April VIETNAM.pdf
2024, birinchi betidagi tushdi 18 May da
Task 1 va task 2.
Aytagimday, ular birga olyapti. Alohida emas. Boshlang. Hammasiga yozing. Uqing. Idea generate qing. Shulardan tushadi. Insha'Allah.
Task 1 va task 2.
Aytagimday, ular birga olyapti. Alohida emas. Boshlang. Hammasiga yozing. Uqing. Idea generate qing. Shulardan tushadi. Insha'Allah.
Aytgancha, 18 Mayda listeningda, hozir darsda uquvchilarimga berayotgan listeninglar ichidan Part 1 tushgan edi...
Ishlab kuring, Mana audio💩 💩 💩
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Ishlab kuring, Mana audio
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Assalom aleykum. Offline o'quvchilarim. Bir ikki kishida tulov masalasi qolgan edi. Shuni hal qilizlar. 🙏🙏🙏
Yana bir gap. Qabulxona qattiq tayinladi. Agar tulov qilmagan bo'lsangiz, darsga kirmayotgan bulsangiz ham, sizga material berilmaydi. To'g'ri tushuning.
Qog'oz, printer, kraska bularning hammasi centerning mulki, tulov qilmaganlarga agar biron nima chiqarib bersam, bu centerni mulkini yashirincha ishlatish buladi, musulmonchilikkayam to'g'ri kelmaydi bu, to'g'ri tushunizlar. Agar tulov qilmagan bo'lsangiz material surab oldimga kelib o'tirmang.
Tushunganiz uchun rahmat. 🙏🙏🙏
Yana bir gap. Qabulxona qattiq tayinladi. Agar tulov qilmagan bo'lsangiz, darsga kirmayotgan bulsangiz ham, sizga material berilmaydi. To'g'ri tushuning.
Qog'oz, printer, kraska bularning hammasi centerning mulki, tulov qilmaganlarga agar biron nima chiqarib bersam, bu centerni mulkini yashirincha ishlatish buladi, musulmonchilikkayam to'g'ri kelmaydi bu, to'g'ri tushunizlar. Agar tulov qilmagan bo'lsangiz material surab oldimga kelib o'tirmang.
Tushunganiz uchun rahmat. 🙏🙏🙏
Shu shanba shu tushib qolsa bormiaa😉
Mana audio🔽 🔽 🔽
Bitta qog'oz olib ishlab kuring.
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Mana audio
Bitta qog'oz olib ishlab kuring.
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Abdumurod - IELTS
Folga ishonma, folsiz yurma deydi. Har ehtimolga qarshi yodlab quyizlarchi kirayotganlar.
The given line and table graph compare the full time employment and average yearly salary statistics for maths and all university Australian graduates from 2004 to 2012.
Overall, it can be seen that maths graduates outdid graduates in general both for average salary and full time employment. Also, while the proportion securing full time employment remained relatively stable, the salaries rose with time for both maths and all graduates.
In detail, in 2004, about 60% of all graduates got full time employment, whereas about 80% of maths graduates secured a full time job. Both the figures increased slightly by approximately 10% in the next two three years. However, after that the proportion fell for both and in 2012, figures stood at nearly the same value as in 2004.
Coming to the average yearly salary, in 2004 the average yearly salary for all graduates was about $41,000 and the figure was the same for maths graduates as well. In the next 8 years, the salaries went up for both, but the salaries rose more for maths graduates as compared to the figures for general salaries for all graduates. Finally, in 2012, maths graduates secured a yearly pay of $56000, whereas graduates, in general, got about $51000.
Band 7.0+
Overall, it can be seen that maths graduates outdid graduates in general both for average salary and full time employment. Also, while the proportion securing full time employment remained relatively stable, the salaries rose with time for both maths and all graduates.
In detail, in 2004, about 60% of all graduates got full time employment, whereas about 80% of maths graduates secured a full time job. Both the figures increased slightly by approximately 10% in the next two three years. However, after that the proportion fell for both and in 2012, figures stood at nearly the same value as in 2004.
Coming to the average yearly salary, in 2004 the average yearly salary for all graduates was about $41,000 and the figure was the same for maths graduates as well. In the next 8 years, the salaries went up for both, but the salaries rose more for maths graduates as compared to the figures for general salaries for all graduates. Finally, in 2012, maths graduates secured a yearly pay of $56000, whereas graduates, in general, got about $51000.
Band 7.0+
The provided line graph and table present a comparative analysis of full-time employment rates and average annual salaries for Mathematics graduates and all university graduates in Australia from 2004 to 2012.
Overall, Mathematics graduates consistently outperformed general graduates in terms of both average salary and full-time employment rates throughout the given period. Additionally, while the employment rates exhibited minor fluctuations, the average salaries for both groups showed a steady upward trend.
In 2004, approximately 60% of all graduates secured full-time employment, compared to around 80% of Mathematics graduates. Over the next two years, both groups saw a slight increase in these figures, with employment rates peaking around 2006. Subsequently, the proportion of employed graduates experienced a decline, ultimately reverting to values close to those observed in 2004 by the year 2012.
Regarding average annual salaries, both Mathematics graduates and all graduates started with an average income of $41,000 in 2004. Over the next eight years, the salaries for both groups increased, with Mathematics graduates experiencing a more significant rise. By 2012, the average annual salary for Mathematics graduates had reached $56,000, while the figure for all graduates was approximately $51,000.
In conclusion, the data clearly indicates that Mathematics graduates not only had higher employment rates but also enjoyed more substantial salary growth compared to their peers from other disciplines over the specified timeframe.
Band 9.0+ by ChatGPT 4o
Overall, Mathematics graduates consistently outperformed general graduates in terms of both average salary and full-time employment rates throughout the given period. Additionally, while the employment rates exhibited minor fluctuations, the average salaries for both groups showed a steady upward trend.
In 2004, approximately 60% of all graduates secured full-time employment, compared to around 80% of Mathematics graduates. Over the next two years, both groups saw a slight increase in these figures, with employment rates peaking around 2006. Subsequently, the proportion of employed graduates experienced a decline, ultimately reverting to values close to those observed in 2004 by the year 2012.
Regarding average annual salaries, both Mathematics graduates and all graduates started with an average income of $41,000 in 2004. Over the next eight years, the salaries for both groups increased, with Mathematics graduates experiencing a more significant rise. By 2012, the average annual salary for Mathematics graduates had reached $56,000, while the figure for all graduates was approximately $51,000.
In conclusion, the data clearly indicates that Mathematics graduates not only had higher employment rates but also enjoyed more substantial salary growth compared to their peers from other disciplines over the specified timeframe.
Band 9.0+ by ChatGPT 4o
Forwarded from Xushnudbek.uz
⚡️Qabul 5-iyundan boshlanadi!!!
2024/2025 o‘quv yilidan boshlab davlat oliy va professional ta’lim muassasalariga (kasb-hunar maktabi bundan mustasno) qabul qilish bo‘yicha imtihonlar “avval test, so‘ng tanlov” tamoyiliga muvofiq bir vaqtda o‘tkazilishi belgilansin. Bunda:
a) abituriyentlar o‘z tanloviga ko‘ra test sinovi natijasida to‘plagan balidan kelib chiqib, dastlab oliy ta’limning bakalavriat ta’lim yo‘nalishlariga, so‘ng professional ta’lim muassasalariga o‘qishga kirish uchun tanlovda ishtirok etadi;
b) davlat oliy ta’lim muassasalari bakalavriatiga qabul jarayoni quyidagi ikki bosqichda amalga oshiriladi:
birinchi bosqichda abituriyentlar har yili 5-iyundan 25-iyunga qadar (25-iyun kuni ham) test sinovi topshirish uchun ro‘yxatdan o‘tadi hamda test sinovi topshiriladigan fanlar majmuasi, ta’lim tili va test topshirish hududini hamda kirish imtihonlari tarkibida kasbiy (ijodiy) imtihon bo‘lsa, ushbu imtihonni topshiradigan davlat oliy ta’lim muassasasini tanlaydi. Bunda bakalavriat ta’lim yo‘nalishlari bo‘yicha yagona kasbiy (ijodiy) imtihonlar dasturlari va baholash mezonlari tegishli vazirliklar (idoralar) tomonidan Oliy ta’lim, fan va innovatsiyalar vazirligi bilan kelishilgan holda tasdiqlanadi;
o‘qishga qabul qilish bo‘yicha kirish imtihonlari iyul–avgust oylarida o‘tkaziladi;
ikkinchi bosqichda abituriyentlar test sinovlari to‘liq yakunlanganidan so‘ng 15 kun davomida oliy ta’lim muassasasi, bakalavriat ta’lim yo‘nalishi va ta’lim shaklini tanlaydi.
👉 @xushnudbek 👈
2024/2025 o‘quv yilidan boshlab davlat oliy va professional ta’lim muassasalariga (kasb-hunar maktabi bundan mustasno) qabul qilish bo‘yicha imtihonlar “avval test, so‘ng tanlov” tamoyiliga muvofiq bir vaqtda o‘tkazilishi belgilansin. Bunda:
a) abituriyentlar o‘z tanloviga ko‘ra test sinovi natijasida to‘plagan balidan kelib chiqib, dastlab oliy ta’limning bakalavriat ta’lim yo‘nalishlariga, so‘ng professional ta’lim muassasalariga o‘qishga kirish uchun tanlovda ishtirok etadi;
b) davlat oliy ta’lim muassasalari bakalavriatiga qabul jarayoni quyidagi ikki bosqichda amalga oshiriladi:
birinchi bosqichda abituriyentlar har yili 5-iyundan 25-iyunga qadar (25-iyun kuni ham) test sinovi topshirish uchun ro‘yxatdan o‘tadi hamda test sinovi topshiriladigan fanlar majmuasi, ta’lim tili va test topshirish hududini hamda kirish imtihonlari tarkibida kasbiy (ijodiy) imtihon bo‘lsa, ushbu imtihonni topshiradigan davlat oliy ta’lim muassasasini tanlaydi. Bunda bakalavriat ta’lim yo‘nalishlari bo‘yicha yagona kasbiy (ijodiy) imtihonlar dasturlari va baholash mezonlari tegishli vazirliklar (idoralar) tomonidan Oliy ta’lim, fan va innovatsiyalar vazirligi bilan kelishilgan holda tasdiqlanadi;
o‘qishga qabul qilish bo‘yicha kirish imtihonlari iyul–avgust oylarida o‘tkaziladi;
ikkinchi bosqichda abituriyentlar test sinovlari to‘liq yakunlanganidan so‘ng 15 kun davomida oliy ta’lim muassasasi, bakalavriat ta’lim yo‘nalishi va ta’lim shaklini tanlaydi.
👉 @xushnudbek 👈
IELTS examdan keyin sertifikat olishga obshiy 18 kun ketadi
Agar ertaga 1 iyunga (kelasi hafta shu kunga) register qilib, Toshkentda topshirmasangiz.
IELTS olishga endi ulgurmaysiz....😢😢😢
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13 ga yoki undan keyinga register qilib quygan abiturentlar.
Halicha shoshmay turizlar, balki bu masalani kurib chiqib, biron uzgarish bub qolar ertaga dushanbi-seshanbigacha.
Bumasa, pullarizni regester qigan joylarizdan borib, qaytarib olasizlar, albatta tuliq qaytarmaydi...
Yokida bugunoq borib testni oldinga surdirizlar - 1-iyunga, agar iloji bulsa (Faqat Toshkentga register qilganlar qilaoladi).
IELTS uxshamasa, hozirdan ijodiyga tayyorlanishni boshlang.
Markazimizda Shuhrat domlada guruhlar bor ijodiyga.
Halicha shoshmay turizlar, balki bu masalani kurib chiqib, biron uzgarish bub qolar ertaga dushanbi-seshanbigacha.
Bumasa, pullarizni regester qigan joylarizdan borib, qaytarib olasizlar, albatta tuliq qaytarmaydi...
Yokida bugunoq borib testni oldinga surdirizlar - 1-iyunga, agar iloji bulsa (Faqat Toshkentga register qilganlar qilaoladi).
IELTS uxshamasa, hozirdan ijodiyga tayyorlanishni boshlang.
Markazimizda Shuhrat domlada guruhlar bor ijodiyga.