Question: Schools should focus on academic success and passing examinations. Skills such as cookery, dressmaking, and woodwork should not be taught at school as it is better to learn these from family and friends. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
### Vocabulary List:
1. Academic success - Akademik muvaffaqiyat π
2. Examinations - Imtihonlar π
3. Practical skills - Amaliy ko'nikmalar π
4. Holistic education - Kompleks ta'lim π
5. Curriculum - O'quv dasturi π
6. Life skills - Hayotiy ko'nikmalar π±
7. Vocational training - Kasbiy o'qitish π§΅
### Answer:
1. Academic Focus: Schools should prioritize academics to ensure students excel in examinations and future careers. For example, South Korea emphasizes academic excellence, resulting in high university acceptance rates.
2. Family Learning: Practical skills can be effectively taught by family, preserving traditions. For example, many Italian families pass down culinary skills through generations.
1. Holistic Education: Schools should offer a well-rounded education that includes practical skills. For example, Finland incorporates cookery and woodworking into its curriculum, fostering creativity and independence.
2. Life Skills: Teaching practical skills in schools prepares students for real-world challenges. For example, students in Japan learn home economics, which helps them manage their personal lives effectively.
### Vocabulary List:
1. Academic success - Akademik muvaffaqiyat π
2. Examinations - Imtihonlar π
3. Practical skills - Amaliy ko'nikmalar π
4. Holistic education - Kompleks ta'lim π
5. Curriculum - O'quv dasturi π
6. Life skills - Hayotiy ko'nikmalar π±
7. Vocational training - Kasbiy o'qitish π§΅
### Answer:
1. Academic Focus: Schools should prioritize academics to ensure students excel in examinations and future careers. For example, South Korea emphasizes academic excellence, resulting in high university acceptance rates.
2. Family Learning: Practical skills can be effectively taught by family, preserving traditions. For example, many Italian families pass down culinary skills through generations.
1. Holistic Education: Schools should offer a well-rounded education that includes practical skills. For example, Finland incorporates cookery and woodworking into its curriculum, fostering creativity and independence.
2. Life Skills: Teaching practical skills in schools prepares students for real-world challenges. For example, students in Japan learn home economics, which helps them manage their personal lives effectively.
Question: Some people think that employers should not care about the way their employees dress, because what matters is the quality of their work. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
### Vocabulary List:
1. Employee dress code - Xodim kiyim kodeksi π
2. Work quality - Ish sifati π
3. Professionalism - Professionalizm π’
4. Work environment - Ish muhiti π
5. Company image - Kompaniya imiji π’
6. Productivity - Ishlash qobiliyati π
7. Employee satisfaction - Xodimlar qoniqishi π
### Answer:
1. Work Quality: Quality of work should be the main focus, not appearance. For example, tech companies like Google and Facebook have relaxed dress codes to foster creativity and comfort.
2. Employee Satisfaction: Allowing flexible dress codes can improve employee morale and productivity. For example, employees at Zappos report higher job satisfaction due to their casual dress policy.
1. Professionalism: Dress codes can maintain a professional environment and image. For example, Goldman Sachs has a formal dress code to project a professional image to clients.
2. Company Image: Employees' appearance can reflect the company's brand and values. For example, employees at Disney parks wear specific uniforms to align with the company's family-friendly image.
### Vocabulary List:
1. Employee dress code - Xodim kiyim kodeksi π
2. Work quality - Ish sifati π
3. Professionalism - Professionalizm π’
4. Work environment - Ish muhiti π
5. Company image - Kompaniya imiji π’
6. Productivity - Ishlash qobiliyati π
7. Employee satisfaction - Xodimlar qoniqishi π
### Answer:
1. Work Quality: Quality of work should be the main focus, not appearance. For example, tech companies like Google and Facebook have relaxed dress codes to foster creativity and comfort.
2. Employee Satisfaction: Allowing flexible dress codes can improve employee morale and productivity. For example, employees at Zappos report higher job satisfaction due to their casual dress policy.
1. Professionalism: Dress codes can maintain a professional environment and image. For example, Goldman Sachs has a formal dress code to project a professional image to clients.
2. Company Image: Employees' appearance can reflect the company's brand and values. For example, employees at Disney parks wear specific uniforms to align with the company's family-friendly image.
Question: In some countries, many children are becoming overweight and unhealthy. Some people say it is the responsibility of governments to solve this problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
### Vocabulary List:
1. Overweight - Semizlik βοΈ
2. Unhealthy - Nosog'lom π·
3. Government responsibility - Hukumat mas'uliyati π
4. Public health - Jamoat salomatligi π₯
5. Nutrition education - Ovqatlanish bo'yicha ta'lim π
6. Physical activity - Jismoniy faollik πββοΈ
7. Childhood obesity - Bolalik semirish π
### Answer:
1. Public Health Initiatives: Governments can implement public health programs to reduce obesity. For example, Japan enforces school lunch programs to ensure balanced nutrition.
2. Nutrition Education: Government-led education can teach children healthy eating habits. For example, Finland includes nutrition education in school curricula, reducing childhood obesity rates.
1. Parental Responsibility: Parents should take primary responsibility for their children's health. For example, parents in France emphasize balanced home-cooked meals, leading to healthier children.
2. Community Involvement: Communities can promote healthy lifestyles through local initiatives. For example, community sports programs in Australia encourage physical activity among children.
### Vocabulary List:
1. Overweight - Semizlik βοΈ
2. Unhealthy - Nosog'lom π·
3. Government responsibility - Hukumat mas'uliyati π
4. Public health - Jamoat salomatligi π₯
5. Nutrition education - Ovqatlanish bo'yicha ta'lim π
6. Physical activity - Jismoniy faollik πββοΈ
7. Childhood obesity - Bolalik semirish π
### Answer:
1. Public Health Initiatives: Governments can implement public health programs to reduce obesity. For example, Japan enforces school lunch programs to ensure balanced nutrition.
2. Nutrition Education: Government-led education can teach children healthy eating habits. For example, Finland includes nutrition education in school curricula, reducing childhood obesity rates.
1. Parental Responsibility: Parents should take primary responsibility for their children's health. For example, parents in France emphasize balanced home-cooked meals, leading to healthier children.
2. Community Involvement: Communities can promote healthy lifestyles through local initiatives. For example, community sports programs in Australia encourage physical activity among children.
Question: The best way to solve traffic and transportation problems is to encourage people to live in cities rather than suburbs and the countryside. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
### Vocabulary List:
1. Traffic congestion - Yo'l tiqilishi π
2. Public transportation - Jamoat transporti π
3. Urban living - Shaharda yashash π
4. Suburban areas - Shahar atrofi π‘
5. Countryside - Qishloq joylari πΎ
6. Infrastructure - Infratuzilma π€
7. Commute - Yo'lga ketadigan vaqt π
### Answer:
1. Urban Living: Living in cities reduces commute times and traffic congestion. For example, New York City has extensive public transportation, decreasing the need for personal vehicles.
2. Public Transportation: Cities offer better public transportation options, reducing reliance on cars. For example, Tokyo's efficient metro system helps manage the city's large population without excessive traffic.
1. Overcrowding: Encouraging urban living can lead to overcrowding and strain city infrastructure. For example, cities like Mumbai struggle with overpopulation and inadequate infrastructure.
2. Quality of Life: Living in suburbs or the countryside offers a better quality of life and less stress. For example, many people prefer the peaceful environment of the English countryside over crowded city life.
### Vocabulary List:
1. Traffic congestion - Yo'l tiqilishi π
2. Public transportation - Jamoat transporti π
3. Urban living - Shaharda yashash π
4. Suburban areas - Shahar atrofi π‘
5. Countryside - Qishloq joylari πΎ
6. Infrastructure - Infratuzilma π€
7. Commute - Yo'lga ketadigan vaqt π
### Answer:
1. Urban Living: Living in cities reduces commute times and traffic congestion. For example, New York City has extensive public transportation, decreasing the need for personal vehicles.
2. Public Transportation: Cities offer better public transportation options, reducing reliance on cars. For example, Tokyo's efficient metro system helps manage the city's large population without excessive traffic.
1. Overcrowding: Encouraging urban living can lead to overcrowding and strain city infrastructure. For example, cities like Mumbai struggle with overpopulation and inadequate infrastructure.
2. Quality of Life: Living in suburbs or the countryside offers a better quality of life and less stress. For example, many people prefer the peaceful environment of the English countryside over crowded city life.
Question: The use of mobile phones is as antisocial as smoking. Smoking is banned in certain places so mobile phones should be banned like smoking. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
### Vocabulary List:
1. Antisocial behavior - Antisotsial xatti-harakatlar π
2. Smoking ban - Chekish taqiqlangan joylar π
3. Mobile phone usage - Mobil telefonlardan foydalanish π±
4. Public spaces - Jamoat joylari π
5. Health risks - Sog'liq uchun xavflar β οΈ
6. Social interaction - Ijtimoiy aloqalar π€
7. Distraction - Chalg'itish π«
### Answer:
1. Distraction: Mobile phones can be highly distracting and reduce social interaction. For example, people often ignore company at restaurants due to their phones.
2. Public Spaces: Mobile phone usage can be disruptive in public spaces like theaters. For example, constant notifications and calls can disturb others during performances.
1. Health Risks: Unlike smoking, mobile phones do not pose direct health risks to others. For example, secondhand smoke from cigarettes is a proven health hazard, whereas phones are not.
2. Communication: Mobile phones facilitate communication and emergency situations. For example, having a phone can be crucial during emergencies, providing immediate access to help.
### Vocabulary List:
1. Antisocial behavior - Antisotsial xatti-harakatlar π
2. Smoking ban - Chekish taqiqlangan joylar π
3. Mobile phone usage - Mobil telefonlardan foydalanish π±
4. Public spaces - Jamoat joylari π
5. Health risks - Sog'liq uchun xavflar β οΈ
6. Social interaction - Ijtimoiy aloqalar π€
7. Distraction - Chalg'itish π«
### Answer:
1. Distraction: Mobile phones can be highly distracting and reduce social interaction. For example, people often ignore company at restaurants due to their phones.
2. Public Spaces: Mobile phone usage can be disruptive in public spaces like theaters. For example, constant notifications and calls can disturb others during performances.
1. Health Risks: Unlike smoking, mobile phones do not pose direct health risks to others. For example, secondhand smoke from cigarettes is a proven health hazard, whereas phones are not.
2. Communication: Mobile phones facilitate communication and emergency situations. For example, having a phone can be crucial during emergencies, providing immediate access to help.
Question: In the modern world, schools are no longer necessary because there is so much information available through the internet that children can study just as well at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
### Vocabulary List:
1. Education system - Ta'lim tizimi π
2. Online learning - Onlayn o'qish π»
3. Homeschooling - Uyda o'qitish π
4. Social skills - Ijtimoiy ko'nikmalar π€
5. Accredited qualifications - Akkreditatsiyadan o'tgan malakalar π
6. Teacher guidance - O'qituvchi rahbarligi π¨βπ«
7. Structured learning - Strukturaviy ta'lim π
### Answer:
1. Access to Information: The internet provides vast educational resources accessible from home. For example, platforms like Khan Academy offer comprehensive online courses for free.
2. Flexibility: Online learning allows students to learn at their own pace. For example, students can tailor their schedules to their needs, unlike the fixed school timetable.
1. Social Skills: Schools provide essential socialization and teamwork experiences. For example, interacting with peers in a classroom setting teaches important social skills.
2. Teacher Guidance: Teachers offer personalized guidance and support that online resources cannot replicate. For example, teachers can address individual student needs and learning styles effectively.
### Vocabulary List:
1. Education system - Ta'lim tizimi π
2. Online learning - Onlayn o'qish π»
3. Homeschooling - Uyda o'qitish π
4. Social skills - Ijtimoiy ko'nikmalar π€
5. Accredited qualifications - Akkreditatsiyadan o'tgan malakalar π
6. Teacher guidance - O'qituvchi rahbarligi π¨βπ«
7. Structured learning - Strukturaviy ta'lim π
### Answer:
1. Access to Information: The internet provides vast educational resources accessible from home. For example, platforms like Khan Academy offer comprehensive online courses for free.
2. Flexibility: Online learning allows students to learn at their own pace. For example, students can tailor their schedules to their needs, unlike the fixed school timetable.
1. Social Skills: Schools provide essential socialization and teamwork experiences. For example, interacting with peers in a classroom setting teaches important social skills.
2. Teacher Guidance: Teachers offer personalized guidance and support that online resources cannot replicate. For example, teachers can address individual student needs and learning styles effectively.
Question: Some people think that too much money has been spent looking after and repairing old buildings, so we should knock down old buildings and build modern ones instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
### Vocabulary List:
1. Historic buildings - Tarixiy binolar π
2. Preservation - Saqlash π‘
3. Modern architecture - Zamonaviy arxitektura π’
4. Cultural heritage - Madaniy meros π¨
5. Restoration costs - Restavratsiya xarajatlari π°
6. Urban development - Shahar rivoji π
7. Tourism - Turizm βοΈ
### Answer:
1. Restoration Costs: Maintaining old buildings is often prohibitively expensive. For example, restoring Notre-Dame in Paris requires significant financial resources.
2. Urban Development: Modern buildings can better serve contemporary needs and efficiency. For example, new skyscrapers in Dubai provide more office space and better energy efficiency.
1. Cultural Heritage: Old buildings are vital to preserving cultural heritage and history. For example, the Colosseum in Rome attracts millions of tourists and holds historical significance.
2. Tourism: Historic buildings boost tourism and local economies. For example, the preservation of Edinburgh's Old Town draws visitors worldwide.
### Vocabulary List:
1. Historic buildings - Tarixiy binolar π
2. Preservation - Saqlash π‘
3. Modern architecture - Zamonaviy arxitektura π’
4. Cultural heritage - Madaniy meros π¨
5. Restoration costs - Restavratsiya xarajatlari π°
6. Urban development - Shahar rivoji π
7. Tourism - Turizm βοΈ
### Answer:
1. Restoration Costs: Maintaining old buildings is often prohibitively expensive. For example, restoring Notre-Dame in Paris requires significant financial resources.
2. Urban Development: Modern buildings can better serve contemporary needs and efficiency. For example, new skyscrapers in Dubai provide more office space and better energy efficiency.
1. Cultural Heritage: Old buildings are vital to preserving cultural heritage and history. For example, the Colosseum in Rome attracts millions of tourists and holds historical significance.
2. Tourism: Historic buildings boost tourism and local economies. For example, the preservation of Edinburgh's Old Town draws visitors worldwide.
Question: If old people are no longer physically, mentally or financially able to look after themselves, younger family members should be legally responsible for supporting them. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
### Vocabulary List:
1. Elderly care - Qariyalar parvarishi π΅
2. Family responsibility - Oila mas'uliyati πͺ
3. Legal obligation - Huquqiy majburiyat βοΈ
4. Financial support - Moliyaviy yordam π΅
5. Mental health - Ruhiy salomatlik π§
6. Care facilities - Parvarish muassasalari π₯
7. Social services - Ijtimoiy xizmatlar π’
### Answer:
1. Family Responsibility: Families should support their elderly members as a moral duty. For example, in many Asian cultures, it is a norm to care for aging parents at home.
2. Personalized Care: Family members can provide more personalized and compassionate care. For example, having loved ones close can significantly improve the mental health of elderly individuals.
1. Financial Burden: Not all families can afford the financial burden of elderly care. For example, high medical costs can strain families with limited incomes.
2. Professional Care: Some elderly individuals require professional medical care that families cannot provide. For example, advanced dementia care often needs specialized facilities and staff.
### Vocabulary List:
1. Elderly care - Qariyalar parvarishi π΅
2. Family responsibility - Oila mas'uliyati πͺ
3. Legal obligation - Huquqiy majburiyat βοΈ
4. Financial support - Moliyaviy yordam π΅
5. Mental health - Ruhiy salomatlik π§
6. Care facilities - Parvarish muassasalari π₯
7. Social services - Ijtimoiy xizmatlar π’
### Answer:
1. Family Responsibility: Families should support their elderly members as a moral duty. For example, in many Asian cultures, it is a norm to care for aging parents at home.
2. Personalized Care: Family members can provide more personalized and compassionate care. For example, having loved ones close can significantly improve the mental health of elderly individuals.
1. Financial Burden: Not all families can afford the financial burden of elderly care. For example, high medical costs can strain families with limited incomes.
2. Professional Care: Some elderly individuals require professional medical care that families cannot provide. For example, advanced dementia care often needs specialized facilities and staff.
Question: The use of social media (e.g. Facebook and Twitter) is replacing face-to-face contact for many people in everyday life. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?
### Vocabulary List:
1. Social media - Ijtimoiy media π±
2. Face-to-face contact - Yuzma-yuz muloqot π₯
3. Connectivity - Aloqadorlik π
4. Communication skills - Muloqot ko'nikmalari π£
5. Mental health - Ruhiy salomatlik π§
6. Isolation - Yolg'izlik π
7. Relationships - Munosabatlar π
### Answer:
1. Connectivity: Social media connects people globally, making it easier to stay in touch. For example, platforms like Facebook allow users to connect with friends and family across the world.
2. Information Access: Social media provides quick access to news and information. For example, Twitter delivers real-time updates on global events.
1. Communication Skills: Over-reliance on social media can weaken face-to-face communication skills. For example, many young people find it difficult to engage in real-life conversations.
2. Mental Health: Increased social media use is linked to mental health issues like anxiety and depression. For example, studies have shown that excessive use of Instagram can lead to feelings of inadequacy and loneliness.
### Vocabulary List:
1. Social media - Ijtimoiy media π±
2. Face-to-face contact - Yuzma-yuz muloqot π₯
3. Connectivity - Aloqadorlik π
4. Communication skills - Muloqot ko'nikmalari π£
5. Mental health - Ruhiy salomatlik π§
6. Isolation - Yolg'izlik π
7. Relationships - Munosabatlar π
### Answer:
1. Connectivity: Social media connects people globally, making it easier to stay in touch. For example, platforms like Facebook allow users to connect with friends and family across the world.
2. Information Access: Social media provides quick access to news and information. For example, Twitter delivers real-time updates on global events.
1. Communication Skills: Over-reliance on social media can weaken face-to-face communication skills. For example, many young people find it difficult to engage in real-life conversations.
2. Mental Health: Increased social media use is linked to mental health issues like anxiety and depression. For example, studies have shown that excessive use of Instagram can lead to feelings of inadequacy and loneliness.
Question: Advertising is becoming more and more common in everyday life. Is this a positive or negative development?
### Vocabulary List:
1. Advertising - Reklama πΊ
2. Consumer behavior - Iste'molchi xulq-atvori π
3. Brand awareness - Brendni anglash π’
4. Materialism - Materializm π
5. Economic growth - Iqtisodiy o'sish π
6. Misleading - Chalg'ituvchi π«
7. Target audience - Maqsadli auditoriya π―
### Answer:
1. Brand Awareness: Advertising helps build brand recognition and trust. For example, Coca-Cola's global advertising campaigns have made it one of the most recognizable brands.
2. Economic Growth: Advertising drives economic activity and creates jobs. For example, the advertising industry significantly contributes to the GDP of countries like the USA.
1. Materialism: Advertising promotes materialistic values over meaningful pursuits. For example, ads often encourage unnecessary spending on luxury items.
2. Misleading: Some advertisements can be misleading, leading to consumer deception. For example, exaggerated claims in beauty product ads can mislead consumers about their effectiveness.
### Vocabulary List:
1. Advertising - Reklama πΊ
2. Consumer behavior - Iste'molchi xulq-atvori π
3. Brand awareness - Brendni anglash π’
4. Materialism - Materializm π
5. Economic growth - Iqtisodiy o'sish π
6. Misleading - Chalg'ituvchi π«
7. Target audience - Maqsadli auditoriya π―
### Answer:
1. Brand Awareness: Advertising helps build brand recognition and trust. For example, Coca-Cola's global advertising campaigns have made it one of the most recognizable brands.
2. Economic Growth: Advertising drives economic activity and creates jobs. For example, the advertising industry significantly contributes to the GDP of countries like the USA.
1. Materialism: Advertising promotes materialistic values over meaningful pursuits. For example, ads often encourage unnecessary spending on luxury items.
2. Misleading: Some advertisements can be misleading, leading to consumer deception. For example, exaggerated claims in beauty product ads can mislead consumers about their effectiveness.
Question: It is the responsibility of schools to teach children good behavior in addition to providing formal education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
### Vocabulary List:
1. Good behavior - Yaxshi xulq-atvor πΌ
2. Formal education - Rasmiy ta'lim π
3. Character development - Xarakterni rivojlantirish π±
4. Discipline - Intizom π
5. Moral values - Ma'naviy qadriyatlar π
6. Life skills - Hayotiy ko'nikmalar π
7. Role models - O'rnaklar π©βπ«
### Answer:
1. Character Development: Schools play a crucial role in shaping students' character and behavior. For example, programs like Character Counts! focus on teaching trustworthiness, respect, and responsibility.
2. Discipline: Teaching good behavior helps maintain discipline and a positive learning environment. For example, schools that enforce good behavior policies see fewer disciplinary issues.
1. Parental Responsibility: Parents should be the primary teachers of good behavior. For example, values and ethics are often best taught at home through daily interactions.
2. Focus on Academics: Schools should prioritize academic subjects due to limited time and resources. For example, excessive focus on behavior might detract from essential academic learning.
### Vocabulary List:
1. Good behavior - Yaxshi xulq-atvor πΌ
2. Formal education - Rasmiy ta'lim π
3. Character development - Xarakterni rivojlantirish π±
4. Discipline - Intizom π
5. Moral values - Ma'naviy qadriyatlar π
6. Life skills - Hayotiy ko'nikmalar π
7. Role models - O'rnaklar π©βπ«
### Answer:
1. Character Development: Schools play a crucial role in shaping students' character and behavior. For example, programs like Character Counts! focus on teaching trustworthiness, respect, and responsibility.
2. Discipline: Teaching good behavior helps maintain discipline and a positive learning environment. For example, schools that enforce good behavior policies see fewer disciplinary issues.
1. Parental Responsibility: Parents should be the primary teachers of good behavior. For example, values and ethics are often best taught at home through daily interactions.
2. Focus on Academics: Schools should prioritize academic subjects due to limited time and resources. For example, excessive focus on behavior might detract from essential academic learning.
Question: More and more people no longer read newspapers or watch TV programs to get news. They get news about the world through the Internet. Is this a positive or negative development?
### Vocabulary List:
1. News consumption - Yangiliklar iste'moli π°
2. Traditional media - An'anaviy ommaviy axborot vositalari πΊ
3. Digital platforms - Raqamli platformalar π
4. Instant access - Tezkor kirish π
5. Fake news - Yolg'on yangiliklar π°β
6. Information overload - Ma'lumotlar ortig'i π
7. User engagement - Foydalanuvchi ishtiroki π
### Answer:
1. Instant Access: The internet provides instant access to a wide range of news sources. For example, platforms like BBC News and CNN offer real-time updates on global events.
2. User Engagement: Digital platforms allow for interactive and engaging news consumption. For example, readers can comment on articles and participate in discussions on Reddit.
1. Fake News: The spread of misinformation and fake news is a significant issue online. For example, false information about health crises can spread rapidly on social media.
2. Information Overload: The vast amount of information available can be overwhelming and hard to navigate. For example, constantly updating news feeds on platforms like Twitter can lead to stress and confusion.
### Vocabulary List:
1. News consumption - Yangiliklar iste'moli π°
2. Traditional media - An'anaviy ommaviy axborot vositalari πΊ
3. Digital platforms - Raqamli platformalar π
4. Instant access - Tezkor kirish π
5. Fake news - Yolg'on yangiliklar π°β
6. Information overload - Ma'lumotlar ortig'i π
7. User engagement - Foydalanuvchi ishtiroki π
### Answer:
1. Instant Access: The internet provides instant access to a wide range of news sources. For example, platforms like BBC News and CNN offer real-time updates on global events.
2. User Engagement: Digital platforms allow for interactive and engaging news consumption. For example, readers can comment on articles and participate in discussions on Reddit.
1. Fake News: The spread of misinformation and fake news is a significant issue online. For example, false information about health crises can spread rapidly on social media.
2. Information Overload: The vast amount of information available can be overwhelming and hard to navigate. For example, constantly updating news feeds on platforms like Twitter can lead to stress and confusion.
Question: The advantages of the spread of English as a global language will continue to outweigh its disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
### Vocabulary List:
1. Global language - Global til π
2. Communication - Muloqot π£
3. Cultural diversity - Madaniy xilma-xillik π
4. Economic opportunities - Iqtisodiy imkoniyatlar πΌ
5. Linguistic dominance - Lingvistik ustunlik π
6. Language extinction - Til yo'qolishi β°οΈ
7. Education access - Ta'limdan foydalanish π
### Answer:
1. Communication: English facilitates international communication and collaboration. For example, most scientific research and international business are conducted in English.
2. Economic Opportunities: Proficiency in English opens up better job prospects and economic benefits. For example, multinational companies like Google and Microsoft prefer employees fluent in English.
1. Cultural Diversity: The dominance of English can lead to the erosion of local languages and cultures. For example, indigenous languages are at risk of extinction due to the preference for English.
2. Language Extinction: The spread of English may contribute to the loss of linguistic diversity. For example, UNESCO estimates that a language dies every two weeks, partly due to global linguistic dominance.
### Vocabulary List:
1. Global language - Global til π
2. Communication - Muloqot π£
3. Cultural diversity - Madaniy xilma-xillik π
4. Economic opportunities - Iqtisodiy imkoniyatlar πΌ
5. Linguistic dominance - Lingvistik ustunlik π
6. Language extinction - Til yo'qolishi β°οΈ
7. Education access - Ta'limdan foydalanish π
### Answer:
1. Communication: English facilitates international communication and collaboration. For example, most scientific research and international business are conducted in English.
2. Economic Opportunities: Proficiency in English opens up better job prospects and economic benefits. For example, multinational companies like Google and Microsoft prefer employees fluent in English.
1. Cultural Diversity: The dominance of English can lead to the erosion of local languages and cultures. For example, indigenous languages are at risk of extinction due to the preference for English.
2. Language Extinction: The spread of English may contribute to the loss of linguistic diversity. For example, UNESCO estimates that a language dies every two weeks, partly due to global linguistic dominance.
Question: In the modern world it is possible to shop, work and communicate with people via the internet and live without any face-to-face contact with others. Is it a positive or negative development in your opinion?
### Vocabulary List:
1. Online shopping - Onlayn xarid qilish π
2. Remote work - Masofadan ishlash π»
3. Digital communication - Raqamli muloqot π±
4. Isolation - Yolg'izlik π
5. Convenience - Qulaylik π
6. Productivity - Ishlash qobiliyati π
7. Human interaction - Insoniy muloqot π€
### Answer:
1. Convenience: The internet provides convenience in shopping, working, and communicating. For example, platforms like Amazon and Zoom have made these activities accessible from home.
2. Productivity: Remote work can increase productivity and work-life balance. For example, many employees at Microsoft report higher efficiency and job satisfaction working from home.
1. Isolation: Lack of face-to-face interaction can lead to social isolation and loneliness. For example, excessive reliance on digital communication can reduce meaningful human connections.
2. Human Interaction: Physical presence and personal interaction are essential for emotional well-being. For example, in-person meetings often build stronger relationships than virtual ones.
### Vocabulary List:
1. Online shopping - Onlayn xarid qilish π
2. Remote work - Masofadan ishlash π»
3. Digital communication - Raqamli muloqot π±
4. Isolation - Yolg'izlik π
5. Convenience - Qulaylik π
6. Productivity - Ishlash qobiliyati π
7. Human interaction - Insoniy muloqot π€
### Answer:
1. Convenience: The internet provides convenience in shopping, working, and communicating. For example, platforms like Amazon and Zoom have made these activities accessible from home.
2. Productivity: Remote work can increase productivity and work-life balance. For example, many employees at Microsoft report higher efficiency and job satisfaction working from home.
1. Isolation: Lack of face-to-face interaction can lead to social isolation and loneliness. For example, excessive reliance on digital communication can reduce meaningful human connections.
2. Human Interaction: Physical presence and personal interaction are essential for emotional well-being. For example, in-person meetings often build stronger relationships than virtual ones.
Question: Some experts believe that when a country is already rich, any additional increase in economic wealth does not make its citizens any more satisfied. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
### Vocabulary List:
1. Economic wealth - Iqtisodiy boylik π°
2. Satisfaction - Qoniqish π
3. Quality of life - Hayot sifati π
4. Income inequality - Daromad tengsizligi βοΈ
5. Well-being - Farovonlik π±
6. Happiness - Baxt-saodat π
7. Economic growth - Iqtisodiy o'sish π
### Answer:
1. Satisfaction Plateau: Additional wealth in rich countries does not significantly increase happiness. For example, studies show that happiness levels in countries like Sweden and Norway remain stable despite economic growth.
2. Income Inequality: Wealth accumulation can exacerbate income inequality, reducing overall satisfaction. For example, increasing wealth disparity in the USA has led to social unrest and dissatisfaction.
1. Quality of Life: Additional wealth can improve public services and infrastructure. For example, investments in healthcare and education in Germany enhance the quality of life.
2. Economic Stability: Continuous economic growth ensures financial stability and job security. For example, Singapore's consistent economic growth has led to a robust and resilient economy.
### Vocabulary List:
1. Economic wealth - Iqtisodiy boylik π°
2. Satisfaction - Qoniqish π
3. Quality of life - Hayot sifati π
4. Income inequality - Daromad tengsizligi βοΈ
5. Well-being - Farovonlik π±
6. Happiness - Baxt-saodat π
7. Economic growth - Iqtisodiy o'sish π
### Answer:
1. Satisfaction Plateau: Additional wealth in rich countries does not significantly increase happiness. For example, studies show that happiness levels in countries like Sweden and Norway remain stable despite economic growth.
2. Income Inequality: Wealth accumulation can exacerbate income inequality, reducing overall satisfaction. For example, increasing wealth disparity in the USA has led to social unrest and dissatisfaction.
1. Quality of Life: Additional wealth can improve public services and infrastructure. For example, investments in healthcare and education in Germany enhance the quality of life.
2. Economic Stability: Continuous economic growth ensures financial stability and job security. For example, Singapore's consistent economic growth has led to a robust and resilient economy.
Question: While many people go to university for academic study, more people should be encouraged to do vocational training because there is a lack of qualified workers such as electricians and plumbers. Do you agree or disagree?
### Vocabulary List:
1. Vocational training - Kasbiy o'qitish π§°
2. Academic study - Akademik ta'lim π
3. Qualified workers - Malakali ishchilar π·ββοΈ
4. Skills gap - Ko'nikma tafovuti βοΈ
5. Job market - Mehnat bozori π’
6. Employment opportunities - Ish imkoniyatlari πΌ
7. Practical skills - Amaliy ko'nikmalar π
### Answer:
1. Skills Gap: Vocational training addresses the skills gap in essential trades. For example, countries like Germany have successful apprenticeship programs that produce highly skilled workers.
2. Employment Opportunities: Vocational training leads to immediate job opportunities and stable careers. For example, qualified electricians and plumbers in Australia have high demand and lucrative pay.
1. Academic Importance: Academic study provides foundational knowledge and critical thinking skills. For example, university graduates in fields like engineering and medicine are crucial for innovation and healthcare.
2. Career Flexibility: University education offers broader career options and advancement opportunities. For example, a business degree from Harvard can lead to various high-level career paths.
### Vocabulary List:
1. Vocational training - Kasbiy o'qitish π§°
2. Academic study - Akademik ta'lim π
3. Qualified workers - Malakali ishchilar π·ββοΈ
4. Skills gap - Ko'nikma tafovuti βοΈ
5. Job market - Mehnat bozori π’
6. Employment opportunities - Ish imkoniyatlari πΌ
7. Practical skills - Amaliy ko'nikmalar π
### Answer:
1. Skills Gap: Vocational training addresses the skills gap in essential trades. For example, countries like Germany have successful apprenticeship programs that produce highly skilled workers.
2. Employment Opportunities: Vocational training leads to immediate job opportunities and stable careers. For example, qualified electricians and plumbers in Australia have high demand and lucrative pay.
1. Academic Importance: Academic study provides foundational knowledge and critical thinking skills. For example, university graduates in fields like engineering and medicine are crucial for innovation and healthcare.
2. Career Flexibility: University education offers broader career options and advancement opportunities. For example, a business degree from Harvard can lead to various high-level career paths.
Question: The best way to teach children to cooperate is through team sports at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
### Vocabulary List:
1. Cooperation - Hamkorlik π€
2. Team sports - Jamoa sporti β½οΈ
3. School activities - Maktab faoliyatlari π«
4. Teamwork - Jamoaviy ish π«
5. Social skills - Ijtimoiy ko'nikmalar π
6. Competition - Raqobat π
7. Physical education - Jismoniy tarbiya ποΈ
### Answer:
1. Teamwork: Team sports teach children how to work effectively with others. For example, playing soccer requires collaboration and strategy, fostering teamwork.
2. Social Skills: Team sports help develop social skills and friendships. For example, participating in school basketball teams encourages communication and bonding among peers.
1. Diverse Methods: Cooperation can be taught through various activities, not just sports. For example, group projects and classroom activities also promote teamwork and collaboration.
2. Inclusivity: Not all children are interested in or capable of participating in sports. For example, art and music programs can also teach cooperation through group performances and projects.
### Vocabulary List:
1. Cooperation - Hamkorlik π€
2. Team sports - Jamoa sporti β½οΈ
3. School activities - Maktab faoliyatlari π«
4. Teamwork - Jamoaviy ish π«
5. Social skills - Ijtimoiy ko'nikmalar π
6. Competition - Raqobat π
7. Physical education - Jismoniy tarbiya ποΈ
### Answer:
1. Teamwork: Team sports teach children how to work effectively with others. For example, playing soccer requires collaboration and strategy, fostering teamwork.
2. Social Skills: Team sports help develop social skills and friendships. For example, participating in school basketball teams encourages communication and bonding among peers.
1. Diverse Methods: Cooperation can be taught through various activities, not just sports. For example, group projects and classroom activities also promote teamwork and collaboration.
2. Inclusivity: Not all children are interested in or capable of participating in sports. For example, art and music programs can also teach cooperation through group performances and projects.
Question: Video records are a better way to learn about the way other people in the world live rather than written documents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
### Vocabulary List:
1. Video records - Video yozuvlar πΉ
2. Written documents - Yozma hujjatlar π
3. Cultural understanding - Madaniy tushuncha π
4. Visual learning - Vizual o'rganish π
5. Authenticity - Haqiqiylik π
6. Details - Tafsilotlar π
7. Engagement - Qiziqish π¬
### Answer:
1. Visual Learning: Videos provide visual and auditory cues that enhance learning and retention. For example, documentaries on National Geographic offer immersive experiences that written texts can't match.
2. Authenticity: Videos capture real-life scenarios, offering an authentic glimpse into people's lives. For example, travel vlogs on YouTube show unfiltered daily activities and cultural practices.
1. Details: Written documents can provide more in-depth analysis and detailed information. For example, academic papers and ethnographic studies often include comprehensive data not available in videos.
2. Engagement: Reading can engage the imagination and encourage critical thinking. For example, reading a novel about a different culture can provide deeper emotional connections and understanding.
### Vocabulary List:
1. Video records - Video yozuvlar πΉ
2. Written documents - Yozma hujjatlar π
3. Cultural understanding - Madaniy tushuncha π
4. Visual learning - Vizual o'rganish π
5. Authenticity - Haqiqiylik π
6. Details - Tafsilotlar π
7. Engagement - Qiziqish π¬
### Answer:
1. Visual Learning: Videos provide visual and auditory cues that enhance learning and retention. For example, documentaries on National Geographic offer immersive experiences that written texts can't match.
2. Authenticity: Videos capture real-life scenarios, offering an authentic glimpse into people's lives. For example, travel vlogs on YouTube show unfiltered daily activities and cultural practices.
1. Details: Written documents can provide more in-depth analysis and detailed information. For example, academic papers and ethnographic studies often include comprehensive data not available in videos.
2. Engagement: Reading can engage the imagination and encourage critical thinking. For example, reading a novel about a different culture can provide deeper emotional connections and understanding.
Question: Rich countries often give money to poorer countries, but it does not solve poverty. Therefore, developed countries should give other types of help to poorer countries rather than financial aid. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
### Vocabulary List:
1. Financial aid - Moliyaviy yordam π΅
2. Poverty - Qashshoqlik π«
3. Sustainable development - Barqaror rivojlanish π±
4. Technical assistance - Texnik yordam π
5. Capacity building - Salohiyatni oshirish π
6. Healthcare support - Sog'liqni saqlash yordami π₯
7. Education programs - Ta'lim dasturlari π
### Answer:
1. Sustainable Development: Technical assistance can promote long-term sustainable development. For example, training programs for local farmers in Ethiopia have improved agricultural productivity.
2. Capacity Building: Investing in education and infrastructure helps build local capacity. For example, Japan provides technology and training to improve infrastructure in developing countries.
1. Immediate Relief: Financial aid can provide immediate relief in crisis situations. For example, emergency funds from USAID help countries affected by natural disasters.
2. Economic Boost: Direct financial aid can stimulate economic growth and development. For example, Marshall Plan funds helped rebuild European economies after World War II.
### Vocabulary List:
1. Financial aid - Moliyaviy yordam π΅
2. Poverty - Qashshoqlik π«
3. Sustainable development - Barqaror rivojlanish π±
4. Technical assistance - Texnik yordam π
5. Capacity building - Salohiyatni oshirish π
6. Healthcare support - Sog'liqni saqlash yordami π₯
7. Education programs - Ta'lim dasturlari π
### Answer:
1. Sustainable Development: Technical assistance can promote long-term sustainable development. For example, training programs for local farmers in Ethiopia have improved agricultural productivity.
2. Capacity Building: Investing in education and infrastructure helps build local capacity. For example, Japan provides technology and training to improve infrastructure in developing countries.
1. Immediate Relief: Financial aid can provide immediate relief in crisis situations. For example, emergency funds from USAID help countries affected by natural disasters.
2. Economic Boost: Direct financial aid can stimulate economic growth and development. For example, Marshall Plan funds helped rebuild European economies after World War II.
Question: In many parts of the world, some famous people are considered as βrole modelsβ and they are having an increasing influence on the young. Is this a positive or negative development?
### Vocabulary List:
1. Role models - O'rnak bo'ladigan shaxslar π₯
2. Influence - Ta'sir π
3. Youth - Yoshlar π¦π§
4. Positive behavior - Ijobiy xulq-atvor π
5. Negative impact - Salbiy ta'sir π
6. Public figures - Ommaviy shaxslar π€
7. Media portrayal - OAV ko'rsatish πΊ
### Answer:
1. Positive Behavior: Role models can inspire positive behavior and achievements. For example, Malala Yousafzai inspires young people to pursue education and human rights activism.
2. Motivation: Famous people can motivate youth to set and achieve goals. For example, athletes like Cristiano Ronaldo encourage hard work and dedication in sports.
1. Negative Impact: Some celebrities exhibit negative behaviors that youth might emulate. For example, incidents involving drug use or violence by celebrities can set a bad example.
2. Unrealistic Expectations: Media portrayal of celebrity lifestyles can create unrealistic expectations. For example, the glamorous lives shown by Hollywood stars can lead to dissatisfaction among youth who cannot achieve the same.
### Vocabulary List:
1. Role models - O'rnak bo'ladigan shaxslar π₯
2. Influence - Ta'sir π
3. Youth - Yoshlar π¦π§
4. Positive behavior - Ijobiy xulq-atvor π
5. Negative impact - Salbiy ta'sir π
6. Public figures - Ommaviy shaxslar π€
7. Media portrayal - OAV ko'rsatish πΊ
### Answer:
1. Positive Behavior: Role models can inspire positive behavior and achievements. For example, Malala Yousafzai inspires young people to pursue education and human rights activism.
2. Motivation: Famous people can motivate youth to set and achieve goals. For example, athletes like Cristiano Ronaldo encourage hard work and dedication in sports.
1. Negative Impact: Some celebrities exhibit negative behaviors that youth might emulate. For example, incidents involving drug use or violence by celebrities can set a bad example.
2. Unrealistic Expectations: Media portrayal of celebrity lifestyles can create unrealistic expectations. For example, the glamorous lives shown by Hollywood stars can lead to dissatisfaction among youth who cannot achieve the same.
Question: Some universities offer online courses as an alternative to classes delivered on campus. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
### Vocabulary List:
1. Online courses - Onlayn kurslar π»
2. On-campus classes - Kampusdagi darslar π«
3. Accessibility - Foydalanuvchanlik π
4. Flexibility - Moslashuvchanlik π
5. Quality of education - Ta'lim sifati π
6. Student engagement - Talabalar ishtiroki π£
7. Learning experience - O'qish tajribasi π
### Answer:
1. Accessibility: Online courses make education accessible to a wider audience. For example, Coursera and edX offer courses from top universities to students worldwide.
2. Flexibility: Online courses provide flexibility for students to learn at their own pace. For example, working professionals can balance their job responsibilities with further education through online programs.
1. Quality of Education: Online courses may not provide the same quality of education as on-campus classes. For example, practical lab work in sciences is difficult to replicate online.
2. Student Engagement: Lack of face-to-face interaction can reduce student engagement and motivation. For example, students may feel isolated and less motivated without the campus community experience.
### Vocabulary List:
1. Online courses - Onlayn kurslar π»
2. On-campus classes - Kampusdagi darslar π«
3. Accessibility - Foydalanuvchanlik π
4. Flexibility - Moslashuvchanlik π
5. Quality of education - Ta'lim sifati π
6. Student engagement - Talabalar ishtiroki π£
7. Learning experience - O'qish tajribasi π
### Answer:
1. Accessibility: Online courses make education accessible to a wider audience. For example, Coursera and edX offer courses from top universities to students worldwide.
2. Flexibility: Online courses provide flexibility for students to learn at their own pace. For example, working professionals can balance their job responsibilities with further education through online programs.
1. Quality of Education: Online courses may not provide the same quality of education as on-campus classes. For example, practical lab work in sciences is difficult to replicate online.
2. Student Engagement: Lack of face-to-face interaction can reduce student engagement and motivation. For example, students may feel isolated and less motivated without the campus community experience.