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Embark on a colourful journey through the pages of "The Rainbow Is for Yahweh," a Torah Observant/ Messianic Children's Book designed to captivate young readers aged 3-8.

This beautifully crafted book celebrates Yah's promise and love as symbolized by the rainbow.

In this 49 page captivating exploration, children will discover the story behind Yah's covenant and the significance of the rainbow as depicted in the scriptures. Each vibrant page is filled with stunning illustrations that bring the narrative to life, creating a visually captivating experience for young readers.

Nurturing a deep connection to Yah's teachings, instilling valuable lessons that will shape children's understanding of faith, love, and the world around them. With its engaging narrative and vibrant illustrations, this book is a wonderful tool for parents and educators seeking to cultivate a strong foundation of spiritual values in young children.
- Torah Observant Christian Children's Book for ages 3-8 - Explores the significance of the rainbow in Yah's promise and love - Vibrant illustrations and scripturally accurate narrative - Encourages children to embrace faith, unity, and Yah's everlasting presence - Fosters curiosity, spiritual growth, and deep connection to Yah's teachings
Keywords: Torah Observant Children's Book, Christian Children's Book, Rainbow Symbolism, Yah's Promise, Love, Covenant, Scripturally Accurate, Faith, Unity, Spiritual Growth

PRICE: R 270
(49 Pages)



Psalm 91 Prayer Shawl

Psalm 91 is a powerful declaration of YHWH's protection. There are many testimonies were people prayed Ps91 in their hour of need and were miraculously saved.

Please watch the video to get a full understanding of why this range was made in obedience to a dream Abba had given Stefani Ernst:
We will soon enter some troubling times and if you study Psalm 91 together with the book of Revelation, you will see the similarities between the verses of Psalm 91 and the seals that will be opened.

Our PS91 Prayer range is about declaring that Yahuah Sabaoth is your protector.

The price of the Shawl is very specific and refers to the Hebrew Strong number of Bezaleel. Bezaleel and Aholiab was called by Abba to create the items for the Tabernacle. Bezaleel [Betsal'el] means 'in the shadow / protection of Elohim.'
Yahuah Sabaoth: He has universal sovereignty over every army, spiritually and earthly. King of all the Heaven and the earth.

May YHUH Cover you with His wings of protection. He is our shield and our deliverer.

Material: 100% Linen Mesh

Shawl dimensions: 90 cm x 180 cm

Also available as
- An infinity scarf:
- A wall hanging:
Psalm 91 Prayer Series Video:
Forwarded from Milk&Honey News (Stefani Ernst)

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Like asb die post weer sodat ek weet julle het die fout gesien!

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Granate bloei in Jerusalem deur Marzanne Leroux-Van der Boon - Israel-reeks 1

Marc, 'n sensitiewe jong Suid-Afrikaanse kunstenaar, gaan na Jerusalem om sy Joodse ouma te ontmoet en sy eie Joodse wortels na te speur. Hy vind so sterk aanklank by die Joodse geloof dat hy verstrengel raak in 'n geloofstryd. Te midde van geweld en selfmoord-bomaanvalle kry hy Rivkah, die dapper Jodin, lief. Terug in Suid-Afrika moet hy die chaos in sy hart probeer orden: Sien hy kans om sy aan sy met geweld en onrus in Israel te leef? Die is die eerste roman in die gewilde Israel-reeks.

Atavah 🌿


Dive into the epic Exodus story with 'A Tale of Passover,' a compelling narrative that explores the significant role of Elohim in the journey of the Israelites to freedom. This book intricately weaves the Passover story, highlighting its foreshadowing of the Messiah.

Experience the plagues, the Passover meal, and the dramatic escape from Egypt, all revealing deeper spiritual truths. Ideal for those seeking to understand the roots of faith, 'A Tale of Passover' offers a rich blend of history and spiritual insight in a concise, engaging format.

- Torah Observant Christian Children's Book
- Ideal for ages 4-8
- Teaches children about the Festival Appointments of Yah.
- Size: 21,6 cm x 21,6 cm with 28 pages



Atavah 🌿


Faceless! The enemy has left mighty men faceless!

Where are the mighty men who are called to rise like Gideon? To stand in boldness of faith like Daniel?

The world is calling the Daniels by the name Belteshazzar, in whom ego and pride prevail. Gentlemen or barbarians? What does Abba Father desire for us? We were never called or instructed to entertain the enemy, yet we do. Why is this?

We men, often feel so broken, powerless and stripped of our God-given manhood. It seems impossible for us to grasp this vastly different, yet amazing, dream that there is for us in the heart of our heavenly Father.

We all have a past, but we have to allow our past to become our testimony and not remain our bondage or excuse. How do we accomplish this, mighty men? It’s time to dream again.

The time has come, mighty men of valour, for the walls to come down!
Not to be weakened by the enemy but be reinforced by the true Power and Authority. The power and authority released from the throne room of the King of kings. What is the true picture of a mighty man of valour, the one that Abba Father sees when He looks at us?

Or we may ask: How do we rise from being faceless to being fearless?



If you could, for a brief moment, imagine the dream that God has for you as a painting, what would this painting look like princess of the Most High?

How does it compare to the painting you are currently staring at?

Everything you once aspired to be, now seems like a messy lump of paint not worthy of a canvas at all. Perhaps it is time to take another look – this time at the truth!

As Abba Father unfolds Proverbs 31, you will realize that it is so much deeper than you’ve ever imagined. It is more revealing than any mirror you have or ever will look into. It unfolds a breath taking masterpiece of dreams from the palette of the King of kings Himself.

It declares more about you than your wardrobe or jewellery box could ever do. More than the ministry you might think God has called you for.

It will reveal a depth of inner beauty as the vivid colours of His “love dreams” for you, merge on his canvas of purpose in your life!

Your prayers are so much more powerful than you ever thought.

"I invite you, warrior bride, on a journey of love."


Atavah 🌿
‼️ NEEM KENNIS ASB! 🤦🏻‍♀️😂😂😂 Die onderhoud is op RADIO KANSEL en NIE RSG nie! Like asb die post weer sodat ek weet julle het die fout gesien! Skakel asb in ♥️
Goeie more! 🕊️

Onthou om vanoggend in te skakel by Radio Kansel. Stefani Ernst deel haar getuienis met Christine Ferreira op die program ‘Met Hart en Siel’ om 9:00 am - 10:00 am.

Dit kan aanlyn geluister word by:

Of op DSTV kanaal 882.

Seëngroete 🌿

Our courier services are experiencing trouble, and a 2 to 3 day delivery delay can therefore be expected.

Kindly have grace with us until troubles have been resolved on their end.

Thank you.

Atavah 🌿
Dear ATAVAH followers

Thank you for following us on Telegram and being loyal supporters.

Telegram is our chosen platform where we share most of our new products and other exciting news.

ATAVAH would not have been where we were if it was not for our customers, so thank you!

We would really love to increase our following on Telegram. Help us reach 1000 followers by sharing our Telegram page with your family and friends, inviting them to join!

We will be posting a special discount code on SUNDAY exclusively to our Telegram followers and it will be expire in a week’s time.

Have a blessed day!

🕊️ Stefani

Lumain's Art Joernale

God se Prins Inkleur Joernaal

Inkleur joernale vir dogters en seuns van 7-12 jaar oud om hul identiteit as Konings kind te bevestig.

God se Prinses Inkleur Joernaal

Inkleur joernale vir dogters en seuns van 7-12 jaar oud om hul identiteit as Konings kind te bevestig.

Identiteit Joernaal

Die joernaal vir tieners om sy/haar identiteit in Christus te bevestig. Die joernaal kan deur
seuns/meisies gebruik word. Skrap-die-leuen tabel is 'n selfhelp oefening om leuens wat
hy/sy glo, te vervang met die Waarheid uit die Woord van God.

Krygerseun Joernaal

Hierdie joernaal behandel die volle Wapenrusting in diepte. As kryger van God is dit
noodsaaklik dat jy toegerus is vir die stryd en ook verstaan waarom
waarheid, geregtigheid, verlossing, geloof, gereedheid vir die Evangelie en die kosbare
Swaard van die Gees alledaagse kragtige drag is.
Vrug van die Gees Joernaal

Die 9 eienskappe van die Vrug van die Gees word elkeen afsonderlik bestudeer.
Daar is oor elke eienskap 'n Bybelleesplan / skrifte gelys en hope plek vir skryf.

Floreer Joernaal

Hierdie joernaal het volop beeldspraak oor bome en tuinmaak om geestelik te groei,
gedy en uiteindelik volop vrug te dra vir die Koningkryk van God.
Grond, kompos, water, saad, lig, wortels, groei, bossies, jakkelse, snoei, blomme, wind en nog meer, word ondermeer bespreek.

God's Warrior Journal

Hierdie joernaal behandel die Volle Wapenrusting in diepte. As kryger van God is dit noodsaaklik dat jy toegerus is vir die stryd en ook verstaan waarom waarheid, geregtigheid, verlossing, geloof, gereedheid vir die Evangelie en die kosbare Swaard van die Gees
alledaagse kragtige drag is.

Gebeds Joernaal

Hierdie is 'n blanko joernaal sonder enige skrifverwysings. Die joernaal het pragtige sketse
van biddende vroue, afspraak met God bladsye en baie lyn bladsye vir jou gebede.

Krygerdogter Joernaal

Hierdie joernaal behandel die Volle Wapenrusting in diepte.
As kryger van God is dit noodsaaklik dat jy toegerus is vir die stryd en ook verstaan waarom waarheid, geregtigheid, verlossing, geloof, gereedheid vir die Evangelie en die kosbare Swaard van die Gees
alledaagse kragtige drag is.

Koningsdogter Joernaal

Hierdie pragtige joernaal is 'n gemaklike grootte vir Bybelstudie en selfs jou handsak.

Bestel joune hier:
Forwarded from Milk&Honey News (Stefani Ernst)
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Indien jy die Radio Kansel onderhoud gemis het of jy wil dit graag met iemand deel, hier is ‘n skakel na die opname.

Shalom Shalom 🕊️