AQskill - Acquire a skill
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AQskill, an online learning platform established with the intent of creating a home for everyone who intends to learn any skill.

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Even though creating documents using Microsoft word beats doing so using pen and paper, some people still prefer doing it the cumbersome way. This does not come as surprising as they simply do not know how to use Microsoft word. Being a classical example of "what you do not know is bigger than you", they find that Microsoft word is bigger than they can handle and so instead resort to the "ancient" means of documentation.

It is a well-known aphorism that "to fully appreciate something, you need to first understand it".This is where AQSKILL comes in. We have a number of lessons that are aimed at guiding you through the efficient usage of Microsoft word. It is said that the first step is always the hardest, but with AQSKILL, even the first step in learning to use Microsoft word is as easy as writing your name on a paper. It does not matter whether you are a beginner who is just learning it for the first time or someone who has had one or more failed attempts at learning to use Microsoft Word. The most important aspect of learning is a right approach and AQSKILL offers just that.

Indeed, one cannot do without Microsoft word as far as official writing is involved. AQSKILL welcomes you aboard. Let's go explore Microsoft word!

Learn and Master how to use Microsoft Word more effectively
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UI/UX Design with Figma and Adobe XD

What you will learn;

1. How to Use Figma and Adobe XD to Create Awesome User Interfaces Designs.

2. How to Create Designs for Mobile, Web, Smart Gadget and Other Products.

3. How to Create A Professional Wireframe For UI Projects.

4. How to Work With Vast UI Materials for Projects.

5. How to Prototype Projects on Multiple Screens.

6. How to Share, Document, Present and Publish Your Designs.

7. How to Post and Create An Account on Behance, Dribble and Upwork (Working as Freelancer).

8. How to Build A UI Designs Portfolio.

9. How to Create UI Designs Effect such as Glassmorphism, Neumorphism, Skewmorphism and Others, Including Working with Plugins.

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There are a million things that humans cherish. Top of the list is the independence to do what they love without limitations. But this is not always possible as the resources to satisfy that want are seldom available. Learning is one of such things. There are times when one has the will to learn and gather as much knowledge and practical skills as they possibly can but they are unable to due to lack of access to relevant material and also competent tutors. Time might also be a major limiting factor. All these limitations are enough to dampen even the strongest of enthusiasm for learning. Thanks to AQSKILL, limitations are a thing of the past as far as learning is concerned.
AQSKILL brings a whole new world where learning is without limitations or boundaries, for those who are passionate about learning. We are offering hundreds of courses primed to suit your zest for knowledge. Our instructors work round the clock to ensure that the courses are made as simple as possible and even simpler, not to mention making sure that the best learning materials are made available for the students. We believe that learning is only as effective as it is fun. With this in mind, we have presented all our videos in an entertaining format. These efforts sum up into the best learning experience there ever is.

Do you have an unquenchable thirst for practical knowledge and skills? You are welcome to preview our videos to choose the one that best suits you. At AQSKILL, we do not promise to quench your yearning. We instead take pride in awakening the desire to learn. We believe that every single piece of information and skill is just a piece of an eternal puzzle. and as such, we are ready to guide you through your quest in search of answers.

Learning begins from the cradle and ends in the grave
Whether you be on the height of a mountain or belly of a cave,
AQSKILL is always on hand to let you know
That there is no limit to how far you can go,
Learning with us is worth much more,
Then knowing that two times two equals four,
Learning can sometimes be a bumpy ride,
But there is no need to worry as we are your guide.

Click the link below to pick a course
Begin your blogging career the right way

Feed less from the wrong thoughts and be open-minded to new ideas. Be the "yes man" in every situation, you don't know what will change your life. I understand the fact that you aren't a writer or the fact that you don't want to have a messy outcome when you write, that's funny unlike me I've written a lot of messy work over the years but with time the outcomes become much better. If writing comes naturally to you I so much envy you and I'll advise you don't stop and keep up with it. For others, it'll come through but we have to feed it more.
Begin your blogging career the right way

Feed less from the wrong thoughts and be open-minded to new ideas. Be the "yes man" in every situation, you don't know what will change your life. I understand the fact that you aren't a writer or the fact that you don't want to have a messy outcome when you write, that's funny unlike me I've written a lot of messy work over the years but with time the outcomes become much better. If writing comes naturally to you I so much envy you and I'll advise you don't stop and keep up with it. For others, it'll come through but we have to feed it more.

As my friend does say, to start is the difficult phase when you get past that it becomes much easier, just like when you walk into an office for an interview your earliest expression matter a lot. For his first work, it took him days to come up with the first paragraph imagine how nervous he was when it was due to submit his first blog, unfortunately, he didn't because he was not sure. Now he writes like that is what he is made for. For you, it's much easier as a guide is at your doorstep to help you pass such a tiring process by introducing to you an easier method to get the job done.

The journey is a wild one, but here you have a guide to help you pass the wilderness, learn from an instructor that understands that as a blogger you don't need to write an encyclopedia of messages but useful information, how to be factual, the best way to express it, how to publish and many more.

Essentially how to own a site of your own to serve as your own home to furniture as you desire. The course will promote your ideas into a piece that'll be appreciated when felt. It's not a day thing many renowned bloggers admitted they started with low-quality content with persistence they're bigger now.

Understand this, there are people out there waiting for you, you wouldn't know until you start. It doesn't matter the kind of topic you pick there's always a gap to be filled. Solutions are what's expected from you, this is an opportunity for you on how you can be of service to them, but before that, you need to first join the team via the link below. Start your blogging with the easier route.
Change your game, learn technical skills in forex

All winners are risk-takers. To begin with, once you understand that forex is a high-risk business with the potential for very large rewards then keep reading. I'll not paint the fact to deceive you, I'll be factual to make you realize it's your choice to want to win, earn and be successful. Risk is one of the key things a successful mind agrees with. Forex has been one of the best platforms to earn massively and it has also recorded great losses from diverse individuals.
We lose, we learn from them to earn another day, if we should study how a blind man, an eyed man and a man with 2 eyes stride through a path, there'll be a difference in their confidence and swiftness. The same applies to forex, losses are inevitable but can be managed to a minimal brim. If you have a credit card, and have been contemplating the idea of starting to trade the forex market but are still unsure whether this is right for you, We've created a course of complete training for forex winners under the supervision of an experienced instructor. Who'll guide you on how to have a stress-free experience with your trading.

Why should you take this course, Firstly it will give you a complete introduction to the biggest financial market. Then, by understanding how this market works you will be able to understand how to generate an income from it. There's more to it, this course will offer you the opportunity to have another stream of income most importantly you will also be able to learn different ways that you can use to limit your risk in this market.
There is no risk involved in taking this course, but there is more risk when you start forex without taking the course. Together with that, AQskill provides a satisfaction guarantee, which means that if you're not happy with the lessons you can settle for a refund.
In addition upon taking the course, you have direct access to your instructor in case of any ambiguities, it's your money you have the right to maximize it.
Do it the right way by joining others now.

Once you follow your instructor's steps and make sure not to trade when unprepared, forex trading can provide amazing opportunities without any financial limits!

Enroll today and Master trading on the Forex Market
They say that "the beginning of something is always the hardest". Most of us content creators out there will no doubt have second thoughts about the veracity of this cliche. For us, it is the ending that proves to be the real trouble. We find that after dedicating their time, resources and faculties to create wonderful content, the last step of the whole process, which is to market it, becomes Herculean. This inability to market and get clients to patronize their works deals a great blow to the general rating of the contents.
The world believes a good work enjoys greater patronage while a bad work attracts less patronage. There is a consensus that "The end justifies the means"
I was once deep in the quicksands of ineffective marketing. That was until I put it upon myself to get it right. At first, it was very difficult. So difficult that I in fact resolved to just give up since I wasn't good enough. It was very difficult until I "stumbled" upon AQSKILL and then it was a breeze. Maybe not really "stumbled" as it was recommended to me by a friend. After visiting the website, I knew in no time that I had been doing it wrong. I had access to several materials which hit the nail on the head on how to go about getting a market for my content. Not only that, I came across several videos that literally showed me what I needed to do to get better. As if that wasn't enough, I had the luck of getting to meet other content creators on the platform. We have been able to exchange ideas which I would say have been beneficial to me.

I would have mentioned all the things I have learned from AQSKILL and how I have put them to use. But nobody wants a spoiler plus I believe it would be better if one learns from the right source/ directly from the source.
Getting to market the contents should bother you less, now that you can learn it. As time flies, now I'll say the hardest part of my work as a content creator is looking for the hard part because there is none. You have the chance now to learn and market yours In a much easier way, seize it now!
Your guide to digital  marketing success
(FB. Ad course)

The bankruptcy of several companies has been recorded and evaluated due to a factor which many don't realize until it's too late, which is advertising management as marketers. We all agree that digitally millions can be made overnight, the same way millions can be lost. To break into the finance ecosystem one must learn things in the right way, through the fact that every step worth taking is accompanied by risk but there's always a safer way.

Digital marketers are in charge of sensitive areas where consumers interact with the brand and therefore need to align their digital activity with larger business goals. Digital marketers tentacles are narrow and wide at the same time, and it is easy to fall into a black hole of new tools and trends. Our purpose here is explicit, a secured method where you can be successful with your trade and promote your brand name is what we're offering.
The best digital marketers act and think independently, strengthened by a balanced strategy. Creative campaigns are one of the best digital strategies which have been to be one of the successful ways to capture your audience especially when aligned with larger business objectives. AQskill is offering a laid out the blueprint,all you need is to take your time to study and build on it.

Today, digital marketing excels at a myriad of different touch points and advertising trends. You should understand as a Digital marketer you are at the intersection of the brand and the customer, your position is what either ignite or annihilate the blaze of the brand. To succeed in the role, a digital marketer must be entrepreneurial across the board.

It's your money this is your chance to learn how to make each cent count.

Learn Digital Marketing today
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Database Management with MySQL

What you will learn;
1. Understand basic concepts of how a database stores information via tables.

2. Understand SQL syntax used with MySQL.

3. How to retrieve and manipulate data from one or more tables.

4. How to filter data based upon multiple conditions.

5. How to Update and insert data into the existing tables.

6. Understand how the relationships between tables will affect the SQL.

7. Understand the advantages of stored procedures along with storing data using variables and functions.

8. Boost your employability through innovative and independent learning.

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The data analysis skill you need (2022)

If there is any topic that does not require an introduction, it would be Data Analysis. If technology as a marketing tool was a lock, data analysis would easily have been the key. If both general and digital market strategies were made as easy as possible for one to understand, one would probably still need to learn Data Analysis. Needless to say, Data Analysis is the backbone of business technology.

Since too many ifs can result in grief, let us quickly analyse the concept of "Data Analysis" (no pun intended).
Data analysis is the process of employing logical and statistical methods to evaluate data. As easy as it might sound, data analysis is a course that requires time, mental effort meticulousness and a lot of punctiliousness; the very factors which distinguish difficult from easy. But not to despair, since the applications of data analysis are unexpendable.
Data analysts are never out of business. The applications of data analysis range from manufacturing to military, transportation, healthcare, education, insurance and the list goes on. Best bet is you cannot wait to be a data analyst. Good! Because we are also very eager to show you how to become one.

When it comes to learning Data Analysis, AQSKILL is your best bet. AQSKILL is an online platform that gives lessons on digital technology and entrepreneurial skills. The tutors in each of the courses are what one will call the "creme de la creme" of their various fields of expertise. That is to say that those that are tasked with teaching Data Analysis are not just competent but well versed and experienced in the field. If experience is the best teacher, AQSKILL is experience. Everything has been structured in a dynamic way; which makes it easier for you to adjust the learning program to your convenience. Learning has never been simpler. The course has been broken down into tiny bits to aid comprehension.

There are also videos to improve visual learning. Not to mention a wealth of advice and tips concerning the course from our experienced tutor. In a nutshell, AQSKILL doesn't just impart knowledge, it helps you put it to use because it believes knowledge that cannot be put to use is no knowledge at all.

Data Analysts are indeed born to lead
Register with us today at AQSKILL and you will be glad you did.

Start your data analysis career with Microsoft Excel
New Course!

Dart Programming language for Flutter

What you will learn;
1. Dart Setup and required software Installation.

2. Exploring the first Dart application.

3. Built-in Data Types and variable declarations.

4. Conditional Statements.

5. Loops or Iterators.

6. Functions and Methods.

7. Exception Handling.

8. Object-Oriented concepts.

9. Inheritance, Abstract Class, Interface and Polymorphism.

10. Functional Programming: Lambdas and Higher-Order Functions.

11. Dart Collection: List, Set and Map.

12. Callable classes.
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Your pathway to affiliate success
(Affiliate course)

The Term "Affiliate marketing" might sound foreign to your ears. But you certainly must have heard of the word "Amazon".

Well, the Amazon we are talking about, in layman's terms, is simply the world's largest e-market(it electronically connects buyers and sellers).

At the same time, an affiliate is someone who earns a commission by promoting the products or services of any advertiser or another retailer.

All these translate into that an affiliate can help advertise a seller's product. Say Amazon or any other firm to earn commissions when sales are made with the help of his advertising link. All the Affiliate needs to do is to share the link to a product or service on their website, social media handles or any other available medium.
Statistics show that affiliate marketers earn on average $65,000 per annum. The question on your lips now is, "why is everyone not doing it?" Well, the answer to this is compound: not everyone knows about it and even among those who are aware of it, not many truly grasp what it entails. If you have read this article up to this point, consider yourself among the lucky few to whom the secrets of Affiliate marketing would be revealed.

An aspiring affiliate marketer would probably have questions they want to ask; How do I create a website? How do I get prospective customers to engage more on my social media handles? Where do I get the outfits that would pay me to advertise for them? How do I maximize my earnings? If all these questions could be answered in a single word, that word with being AQSKILL.

AQSKILL answers all the questions you have to ask, even those you are not asking. If you are wondering, AQSKILL is an online learning platform that teaches digital skills and entrepreneurship. There is a course painstakingly designed for both new and existing affiliate marketers. This course serves as a map to guide you as you embark on your Affiliate marketing voyage.

The seas are rough and new waters; let AQSKILL captain you, and no storm lies on your path that you will not defy!

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May Allah bring peace and smoothness in your life. May Allah accept all your prayers and reward you with the best always.
Master "Art" with (Adobe illustrator)

Sometimes we see a nice piece of art or wonderful poetry, and all we can do is wonder just how creative humans can get. In the past, we limited our definition of creativity to being something that is possessed only by artists, writers, sculptors, masons, engineers, scientists, architects and the like of them. But with the advent of technology and computers, creativity has grown beyond what we can easily define.

Now, there are a million things one could do with the computer that would get people marveling at its sheer originality. It might be building apps and software and modifying existing ones, building computerized tools and gadgets, or even something as simple as creating logos and designs.
Sometimes you would walk past a billboard and see the name and logo of what is being advertised, and you'd stop to stare and wow. There certainly are also times you watch an ad on TV, and the graphic designs are so beautiful they become imprinted in your heart like henna on a young girl's palm. In those times, there was nothing you wanted more than learning how to create such magic with computers; how to have such a creative mind.

Now your problem is twofold; you want to learn how to create logos and design with computers and get really creative to get people riveted and ask "who designed this" when they see your work. There might even be a third problem that makes you lose hope; you do not know where to start! Well, the solution to your problem is not threefold but a single magic word(or a magic website). A SKILL!

AQSKILL has designed a course that is the surest way to learn and master "Adobe Illustrator," which is the palette, brush, and everything you would need to become a professional logo designer. Also, with the vast experience AQSKILL has garnered, they know it is not just enough to know, so they help teach you ways your creativity would be unlocked. This means this course is also suitable for existing logo designers who hope to unclog their stream of creativity...

You might not be Picasso with his brush, nor Shakespeare with his words. But you can be you and your designs!

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